REVIEW TEST PJI1A IB: Unit 1 Name: Teacher: Number of points (max. 100 points) TOTAL (60 points to pass) MARK I. Listening: III. Grammar: II. Vocabulary: IV. Translation: I. Listening: (max. 20 points) points ------------------------ II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each) předložit nabídku na převzetí – to put forward a takeover/acquisition bid spojení umožňující sdílet zdroje – an alliance/partnership enabling to share resources být si vědom chyb a vyhnout se jim – to be aware of mistakes and to avoid them zpomalit růst a mít/udělat ztrátu – to slow down growth and make a loss správný předpoklad vedoucí k úspěšné fúzi – the right assumption leading to a successful merger významný nárůst hodnoty akcií – a significant increase in the share value vstoupit na trh a stát se generálním ředitelem – to enter the market and to become the CEO B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each) 1. an arrangement between two or more people or companies to work together to achieve something: alliance (general) 2. a person who owns a part of a company listed on stock exchange: shareholder C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase into Czech. (2 points each) HERD INSTINCT - DOT-COM BOOM - DIVERSE INVESTMENT CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP – STRONGHOLD – GLOVES-OFF BUSINESS 1. Many companies tried to weaken the risk and spread it by building portfolios with diverse investment. In Czech: různorodé/rozčleněné investice 2. Some economists blame the bubble of the dot-com boom of the 90´s to be the main reason for the economic collapse in 2008. In Czech: rychlý rozvoj/rozkvět internetového podnikání (příp. jiné) 3. The company has its stronghold in Germany, the world’s second-largest generics market, which is the main source of their profit. In Czech: pevnost D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: (1 point each) CLASH – COMPETE – PURCHASE – CONCERN – GIVE UP – HIBERNATE - TURN DOWN 1. If you want to succeed you can never stop competing with your rivals. 2. There were lots of problems involved in the merger especially because the cultures clashed. 3. I do not approve of the solution to turn down (příp. give up) the offer. We’ve lost a really good chance. 4. We’ve lost the market due to the undervalued part of the company we had purchased a year before. E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each) 1. Discussing the lost opportunity won’t necessarily help you find the right way. (NECCESARY) 2. This is a very competitive market, so make sure you know what you are doing. (COMPETE) 3. The top executives decided this was the right marketing strategy. (EXECUTE) 4. The accountant confirmed the figure was wrong. (ACCOUNT) 5. The deal is unacceptable for us and we won’t sign it. (ACCEPT) III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) 1. There is no money on the market and the company is likely to go out of business. 2. Have you noticed the improvement in the efficiency of the machine? 3. The manager presented the idea on behalf of the whole team. 4. The company can’t succeed in acquiring a larger market share. 5. We expect the profits to grow by at least 2 percent a year. B. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentence above. (3 points each) 1. My aunt started working here about a year ago. My aunt has been working here for about a year. 2. My boss started working at 6 a.m. I arrived an hour later. By the time I arrived at work my boss had already started working. 3. I haven’t spoken to my relatives since the family reunion in June. It was in June, at the family reunion when I last spoke to my relatives. C. Fill the gaps with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets. (1 point each) It was announced in London this morning that the British Oil Corporation has discovered oil under the sea near the Welsh coast. The company, which has been drilling for oil in the area since 1990, found small amounts of oil near Swansea last month, and since then has discovered larger amounts under the seabed. Last year the government lent over £50 million to BOC and gave permission for the company to build an oil refinery in Wales. The reactions of local people to today’s news have been mixed so far. Local MPs have already welcomed the news, pointing out that the oil industry will bring jobs to the area. But local residents are worried about the danger of pollution. “Nobody has asked us yet what we want, “said Anna Griffiths, leader of the Anti-Oil Campaign. “Look what happened when they found oil in Scotland in the 1960s. The oil companies got rich, not the local people. BOC hasn’t told us the truth about what this is going to mean for our people.” D. Choose A,B,C or D to complete the sentences with articles. The number of correct answers is 0 – 4. (2 points each) 1. After she _____ a few notes, she __________ the introduction to the Annual Report. A: will make, will start writing B: had made, started writing C: makes, will start writing D: made, started writing 2. The rain ______ by the time I _____ out of the taxi. A: had stopped, got B: stops, get C: stopped, had got D: will have stopped, get 3. I ________ late at nights but now I __________ my work in the early mornings. A: was used to study, am getting used to do B: used to study, am getting used to doing C: studied, am used to doing D: was used to studying, do IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points Translate the following sentences into English: (8 points each) Po mnoha týdnech vyjednávání podepsaly obě strany smlouvu. Zdálo se, že je to nejsnadnější cesta, jak zajistit růst, rozčlenit investiční portfolio a oslabit riziko, které představuje konkurence. Oba současní generální ředitelé jsou si vědomi překážek které je potřeba odstranit, aby celá operace proběhla hladce, stejně jako toho, že jeden z nich se bude muset vzdát své pozice ve prospěch toho druhého. After many weeks of negotiations both part (have) signed the contract. It seemed to have been the easiest way to secure growth, diversify investment portfolio and weaken the risk presented by (the) competition. Both of the present CEOs are aware of the obstacles which are necessary to get rid of/remove for the whole operation to run/be competed smoothly as well as the fact that one of them will have to give up his position in favour of the other one.