Progress Test 1 (Units 1-3) Complete all seven sections. There are seventy marks in total. Section 1: Vocabulary Write the missing words below in sentences 1-10. timetable / budget / merger / schedule / expenses / bid / contractor / glitches / updates / rules 1 It makes a change to see a project that’s ahead of _______________________. 2 According to the _______________________the talk is at three on Tuesday, not today. 3 The whole thing is already over _______________________and we’re only half way through. 4 Here’s my _______________________claim. Can you pay me it today? 5 They’ve put in a very high _______________________for the company. 6 Euphoria sweeps the stock markets when two companies announce a _______________________. 7 I’d like regular weekly _______________________please so I know what’s going on. 8 We’ve been appointed as the lead _______________________for the construction of a new railway system. 9 Before we begin I want to establish some ground _______________________for our discussion. 10 There have been one or two minor _______________________but nothing serious. It’ll be finished on time. Section 2: Language Tick answer a, b or c to complete these sentences. 11 Even recently, many companies _______________ to take advantage of the Internet. a) failed b) have failed c) will have failed 12 I think that by 2050, Chinese or Spanish ________________ overtaken English as the language of business. a) has b) will be c) will have 13 It’s a strategy which regularly _______________ to be wrong. a) proves b) has proved c) had proved 14 Currently, company bosses _____________ to follow their instincts even more. a) began b) begin c) are beginning 15 _______ whole project is being run by BAA a) the b) a c) an 16 The T5 Agreement is _______ biggest novelty. a) a b) the c) an 17 He hasn’t left the number for me. He ______________ forgotten it. a) must be b) should have c) must have 18 Most companies have men in top positions. I think companies __________ learn to change the culture. a) might b) should be c) should 19 She was busy all week so she ___________ time to plan this. a) should have had b) can’t have had c) can’t have 20 The employees __________ be happy about this new pay cut. a) mustn’t b) can’t c) can’t have Section 3: Reading Match these headlines to the first sentences from different news articles. 21________ 22________ 23________ 24________ 25________ 26________ 27________ 28________ 29________ 30________ 21 SPRING IN THEIR STEPS 22 GIANTS TO MERGE 23 DOTCOM BOOM OR BUST 24 IT’S FINALLY UP AND AWAY 25 CORNER CUTTING COSTS IN THE END 26 AVERAGE WORKER ONLY MANAGES SHORT STINT AT WORK 27 PROTESTERS OCCUPY CRANE 28 TUNNEL COMPLETED ON SCHEDULE 29 GOVERNMENT SCEPTICS SILENCED 30 MINISTERS SEEK COMMON GOALS a) A new survey highlights how most employees don’t view a job as something for life with most having taken at least three different posts by the time they are thirty… b) The markets were rocked with the latest news that a new joint venture threatens to take over and control the telecommunications market in the UK. c) On time and on budget – that was the happy news from the construction company responsible for… d) After years of discussions and negotiation, BAA at last launched the news last night of a project to build Heathrow airport’s fifth terminal which will host over 30 million passengers a year taking off around the world e) March and April has seen more and more company bosses looking happier after a long period of recession with news that inflation is down and investment is on the increase. f) After the collapse of many internet-based companies in the late nineties, many observers are surprised to see companies in the twenty first century still pursuing the e-commerce dream… g) An investigation into the construction of a government building leading to overspending and mismanagement was, the commission reported, the result of choosing cheap offers and lack of monitoring to avoid expenses… h) A new sense of unity was the theme of an EU meeting with leaders on all sides agreeing to put past differences aside and work as a team to find solutions to the key problems facing Europe over the next twenty years… i) Police ended the three-day siege on a construction site by campaigners against the building of a new runway at an airport last night… j) Even its biggest critics couldn’t find anything to say this week, when the President announced tax cuts which were welcomed by most members of the public and business… Section 4: Career Skills Write the missing prepositions in these phrases. 31 I work _____________ Digital France… 32 When can we set _____________ a meeting? 33 What do you think _____________ the speaker? 34 How much are you budgeting _____________? 35 What will you need _____________ the way of resources? 36 When do I have to get this _____________ by? 37 We’re definitely moving _____________ the right direction. 38 Let’s look _____________ ways of getting round this problem. 39 I’m confident you’ll get it done _____________ time. 40 Go _____________ . I’m listening. Section 5: Writing (41-50) Write an email to your line manager to confirm the details of a course you are organising for managers. Use the notes given below and complete the email. There are 2marks per sentence. - course on ‘ how to run effective meetings’ - send managers the course details by the 25^th May - send out needs analysis forms with details (for return on 10^th June) - book the trainer (who should we ask?) - book the course dates and the training room (is the 20th-23^rd June OK? ) Dear Piotr (41/2) I am writing to confirm details of _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________________. (43/4) First of all _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________________. (45/6) We also need to _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________________. (47/8)With regard to the trainer I was wondering ________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________________. (49/50) Finally, __________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________________. Section 6: Listening Track 2 Read the guidelines below. Listen to a talk and complete the guidelines. Listen twice. GUIDELINES FOR PROJECT MANAGERS Initiating When setting up the project ask yourself two questions: - Is the project (51)___________________________? - Will it add (52)___________________________? Planning Make sure you do the following things: - Allocate (53)___________________________ - Forecast costs - Prepare a (54)___________________________and time schedule - Evaluate the (55)___________________________ - Select the (56)___________________________ Executing Make sure you’ve thought through the (57)___________________________and developed contingency (58)___________________________. Delivery Deliver the project on (59)______________ and within the (60)_____________________. Section 7: Speaking (61-70) Give a short talk to your teacher about a problem at work or at your company in the last few years. Include these five areas: - a basic description of what your company does and your job involves - the background to the problem - possible solutions that were open to you - the solution you chose and the reasons why - the outcomes Your teacher will mark the talk using this scorecard. The teacher circles 1 mark if a student includes the area and circles 2 marks for communicating it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of ten marks. The student described: what his/her company does and his/her job involves. 1 2 the background to the problem. 1 2 possible solutions open to him/her. 1 2 the solution he/she chose and the reasons why. 1 2 the outcomes. 1 2