Unit Test 3 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. Language 1 Complete these sentences with these modals: can’t, should, might, must 1 She didn’t do the job properly. She __________ have had enough time. 2 He was flying back from a meeting in Paris so he said that he __________ be a few minutes late for our meeting. 3 There _________ be a better way to solve this. I can’t believe there isn’t. 4 If you take my advice, you __________ talk to them about their attitude. 5 In retrospect, I ___________ have done this years ago. 6 He’s worked from 6am to 10pm today. He __________ be exhausted! 7 She __________ have left the office because I just saw her at her desk. 8 It’s possible that these meetings __________ not be the best use of our time. 9 We surely ___________ be the only people to have complained about this. I’m sure everyone else must be having the same problems with it. Vocabulary 2 Complete each sentence with one word from A and one from B. A stand-up / team / ground key / egg-timer / common / weekly / team B meetings / updates / points / spirit / rules / goals / meetings / player 10 __________ __________ tend to be more productive because people are more concise and to the point. 11 __________ __________ mean that nobody speaks for too long. 12 He likes to work on his own. He doesn’t make a very good ____________ ____________. 13 Lots of praise and encouragement really contributes to the ___________ ____________. 14 I subscribe to a business magazine which also sends me __________ __________ by email. 15 A good team will work to accomplish __________ __________ and shared objectives. 16 Let’s start by establishing some __________ __________ so everyone knows what is and isn’t allowed. 17 Can you write any __________ __________ from today’s meeting down? 3 Underline the correct word in brackets. 18 It really annoys me when the chairperson (hogs / attends) the floor for the whole meeting. 19 I don’t know how you (come / put) up with him on your team. He drives me crazy! 20 I’d like us to try and (come / take) up with some solutions today, please. 21 We’re so looking (on / forward) to seeing you all next week. 22 This will be the second time in a row she hasn’t (met / done) the deadline. 23 The facilitator (makes / plays) a key role in coordinating the team’s work. Career skills 4 Match sentences 24-30 with responses a-g. Write your answers here: 24 ___ 25 ___ 26 ___ 27 ___ 28 ___ 29 ___ 30 ___ 24 Can I ask you a question? 25 I’m a bit stuck for time. I really need some more people working on this. 26 I should be able to finish it on time. 27 There’s just one thing that worries me. Er… 28 How about if we offered bonuses? 29 I’ve had this great idea! 30 Do you see any problems with what I’ve done so far? a I’m sure we can work something out. b Tell me more. c Ask away. That’s what I’m here for. d Go on, I’m listening. What’s wrong? e No, you’ve done a great job on them. f If anyone can do it, you can. g That’s a great idea.