UNIT 5 Read keynotes of U 5. Then fill in the gaps with appropriate words. The rapid p__________ of t__________ __________ is affecting every aspect of our personal and professional lives. C__________ __________ products are making our lives more comfortable and e__________. New and more i__________models are coming onto this almost s__________ market all the time. The f__________ of b__________ and u__________ onto or downloading from the internet has changed forever the way we work and v__________ the world. N___________ is a new g__________ market, which promises to bring s__________, l__________, more p__________ technological d__________. But nowhere has technology more d_____________ changed our l____________ than in the f___________ of m__________ t_____________. Read article on p.44 and prepare answers to the following questions. 1. How does the new mobile phone model go to the limit? 2. What are its features? 3. What is the idea behind the PetsCell? 4. What does the writer mean when he says the mobile phone industry is a victim of its own success? 5. What are the specifics of individual markets (Chinese, African, the developed and the developing worlds’)? 6. How are some countries allowing poor people to use mobile phones? 7. What statistic is no longer true? 8. What is the industry looking for and what can it not rely on anymore? 9. Who is the MyMo designed for? What features does it have? 10. How can the potential market for mobile phones in Japan be at least five times bigger than the population? 11. Where else does the market’s potential lie? 12. How can changes in coverage contribute to the increase in the number of phone calls we make? 13. Where are the limits of the industry? 14. How can mobile phones be used when people are asleep? What is an advantage? Use the following expressions to make a summary of the article on p.44 VICTIM START-PUP to PICK UP A PHONE CONSUMER ELECTRONICS PRODUCT FASTEST-GROWING MARKET ENTREPRENEUR to RENT OUT HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES SATELLITE TRACKING POTENTIAL MARKET IN JAPAN FIXED-MOBILE CONVERGENCE to EXTEND THE COVERAGE to SATURATE THE MARKET REMAINING PHONE FREE ENVIRONMENT to RELY ON SUBSCRIBER GROWTH BOOMING GROWTH MUCH QUOTED STATISTIC UNTAPPED MARKET THE DEAD OF NIGHT Look at the following expressions and make definitions. ENTIRE – CONFIDENTIAL – VALUABLE – VULNERABLE – to BE AWARE OF – COVERAGE - BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE – SECURITY TRAINING – to TRANSMIT – to GIVE AWAY – to GATHER – SURVEILLANCE – CREDIBILITY- a START-UP – to BOAST- VICTIM – to BOOM – to SUBSCRIBE – UNTAPPED MARKET Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Telekomunikační společnosti se staly obětí vlastního úspěchu tím, že vložily mobilní telefony do rukou i těch nejchudších zákazníků, a téměř nasytily trh. 2. Nový model mobilu, jehož hlavními uživateli by měly být děti do osmi let, bude uveden na trh během měsíce. 3. Trh předplatitelů, na nějž telekomunikační firmy dosud spoléhaly, neumožňuje další růst. 4. Čelíme tlaku akcionářů, abychom vyvinuli originální strategie, které by posílily klesající příjmy a zvýšily ziskové marže. 5. Měli bychom zvážit rozšíření pokrytí, jež by umožnilo klientům používat mobily v letadle.