Seminární skupiny Jiřiny Hrbáčkové



  • read article of Unit 4 again, be ready to talk about it
  • print out grammar for Unit 4 , do the first half of exercises
  • print out Unit 4 handout
  • check Unit 2 review and review 1 from CB with the keys below

news: M.Priehodová, J.Pernica, O.Svoboda (J.Kryšková)


  • review article of Unit 4
  • do vocabulary and practice exercise on p. 36
  • finish all grammar exercises
  • read article on p.19 in WB  (Face value)
  • finish exercise 1 in Handout U4
  • do Unit 3 review

news: M.Procházka + K.Tomanová, D.Schön + V.Habrmanová,  J.Kryšková + J.Zlatovský


  • read dilemma and decision for U4 on p.40, be ready to discuss it in the lesson on Thursday
  • print out grammar of relative clauses and do the exercises  (see Unit 5)
  • do exercise 4 from Unit 4 handout
  • check Unit 3 review

news: M.Procházka + I.Rudický, J.Šteyerová + J.Klimeš, E.Godál