Seminární skupiny Jiřiny Hrbáčkové
23 September
- read article on page 9 in Coursebook (CB), print out HANDOUT UNIT 1 and prepare answers to questions in exercise 1.
- print out 1st part of grammar theory for U1 (first 4 pages, see file GRAMMAR) and do exercises - i.e. present time 2, state verbs, past simple and past continous
- revise keynotes of Unit 1 and new expressions from listening 1 on page 8
- revision of article on p.9
- vocabulary exercise 2 and practice exercise on page 10 in Coursebook
- read article on page 5 (combination therapy) in Workbook
- do the next set of exercises on grammar (next four pages)
news: M.Pacalová, P.Klement, H.Demelová
5 October
- revision of article of Unit 1 in Workbook p 5, prepare a summary
- grammar Unit 1 complete
- read Decision and Dilemma on p 14 in Coursebook - be ready to discuss it
- do exercises 1,2 and 3 on page 4 and 5 and exercise1 of language check on page 6 in Workbook
- bring handout for Unit 1 - the second page
news: K.Kotoučková, D.Frankl, J.Nešleha
7 October
- do practice exercise on page 11 in CB
- revise vocabulary of Unit 1
- read article of Unit 2 on page 17 in CB, print out Unit 2 Handout and prepare questions to the article (ex.2)
news: Z.Bullová, M.Maxová, M.Pečonka