UNIT 9 – VOCABULARY PRACTICE A. Translate into English: 1) vyzvednout zásilku – _________________________________________________________________ 2) předat podrobnosti nákupnímu oddělení – _________________________________________________ 3) zadat údaje do počítačového systému – ___________________________________________________ 4) (pře)poslat podrobný podnikatelský záměr manažerovi – ______________________________________ 5) aktualizovat stav /=position/ zásob – _______________________________________________________ 6) zeštíhlená produkce – __________________________________________________________ 7) pojistná zásoba – __________________________________________________________ 8) místo výroby /výrobna/ – __________________________________________________________ 9) výrobní závod, montážní závod – _______________________________________________________ B. Fill in a preposition/adverbial, if necessary: 1) She does not learn, ________ the contrary, she spends time at boring meetings. 2) Requests ________visas will be dealt ________immediately. 3) They have submitted the report ________the agreed date. 4) We have placed an order ________the components ________a local distributor. 5) We’ll need to plan ________if we want to take a year off for travelling. 6) ________from providing humanitarian aid, the UN is also supposed to enforce agreements. 7) The merchandise is shipped ________the supply chain. 8) It is essential to react constantly ________the actual consumption of components. C. Change the word in brackets into the appropriate form: 1) Companies might choose not to use suppliers from a country if they are ____________ about its future political stability. /SURE/ 2) We must ____________ the damage to innocent civilians. /MINIMUM/ 3) He works as an ____________ and his job involves examining facts, systems, companies, markets, etc. in order to give an opinion on them. /ANALYTICAL/ D. Complete the gaps using some of the expressions below. Use them in the appropriate form: HOLD RELINQUISH AWAIT FEED REPLENISH FILL LIFT 1) Finished goods ______________orders in a warehouse. 2) We use an automated system ______________inventory. 3) The company has slashed inventory levels to just six days and ______________a maximum of 20,000 items in inventory. 4) The store shelves need ______________– will you take care of it? 5) Why have you ______________the mp4 player off the shelf? You know well I am not going to buy it for you. 6) We can ______________you off the maze of financial planning. 7) Information is ______________into the computer and stored in a database.