Grammar - Inversion: 1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. a) It was only when the office phoned me that I found out about the meeting. find Not until _____________________________________________about the meeting. b) The facts were not all made public at the time. later Only _____________________________________________ all made public. c) The response to our appeal was so great that we had to take on more staff. response Such ______________________________________ to our appeal that we had to take on more staff. d) Harry broke his leg, and also injured his shoulder. but Not only _________________________________________ also injured his shoulder. e) The police didn't suspect at all that the judge was the murderer. did Little _________________________________ as being the murderer. f) As soon as I got home, I realised I'd left my bag in the shops. had No sooner _________________________________ I realised I'd left my bag in the shops. g) It was only when I asked a passer-by that I realised where I was. did Not until _________________________________________where I was. h) The minister was interrupted just after starting his speech. when Hardly ______________________________________ he was interrupted. i) If the government raised interest rates, they would lose the election. raise Were __________________________________ interest rates, they would lose the election, j) Please never ever interrupt me when I'm in a meeting. am On no account ________________________________________ when I'm in a meeting. k) Nobody from this school has ever written a better composition. anyone Never __________________________________________written a better composition. l) The money is not to be paid under any circumstances. no Under ____________________________________________to be paid. m) It's not common for there to be so much rain in March. see Seldom ____________________________________________ so much rain in March. n) The car doesn't need anything else except new tyres. needs All _______________________________________________ new tyres. o) The person who told me about the hotel was Keith. who It ________________________________________________ told me about the hotel. p) I really hate lukewarm food. stand What I ___________________________________________ lukewarm food. q) In the end Martha went to the police. was In the end what Martha __________________________________ to the police. 2. Translate 1. To bylo v úterý, co se to stalo, ne ve středu. 2. Nehodu jsem měl v Praze, ne v Liberci. 3. To nebyla protekce, ale tvrdá práce, díky níž byl povýšen. 4. To byl Klaus ne Havel, kdo řekl, že nezná špinavé peníze. 5. To, co se mi líbí na cestování je, že člověk pak jinak vidí svoji vlastní zemi. 6. To, co jsem tím chtěla říct je, že zaujme při hodnocení úplně jinou perspektivu. 7. Jediný důvod, proč jsem tady je, aby si mě všiml můj nadřízený. 8. Pokud byste potřebovali s něčím pomoct,klidně se na mne obraťte. 9. Kdyby ses lépe rozhlédl, byl bys viděl to auto přijíždět. 10. Jen zřídka o té smutné záležitosti mluvíme. 11. Nikdy předtím jsem nepotkala takového odporného člověka. 12. Za žádných okolností nesmíte říct pravdu. 13. Pouze s jeho pomocí se jí podařilo dostudovat. 14. Sotva za sebou zavřela dveře, začalo lít. 15. Až na jaře zjistila, že její nadřízený falšoval účetní knihy 16. Teprve až dorazila do práce si vzpomněla, že nechala klíče v zámku.