Growth and Investment Econ 4350 Exercises for Seminar 6, Friday Mars 16 Exercises: 1) With point of departure in the Ramsey-Cass-Koopman's growth model, discuss the following statements: a) "There will be instantaneous convergence between countries with access to international credit!" b) "Growth is higher when consumers are more patient!" c) "Devoting a larger share of national output to investment would help restore rapid productivity growth and rising living standards!" 2) Show that the steady state level of capital per "effective worker" is lower in the Ramsey-CassKoopman's model than what the golden-rule prescribes. 3) With point of departure in a Cobb-Douglas production function construct a simulation model of the Ramsey-Cass-Koopman's model, and experiment with different developments paths. Use either Exel or Mathlab. Is it difficult to find the stable arm? How does saving and consumption develop along the stable arm? 1