The Financial Investment Dagmar Linnertova Petr Málek Department of Finance Office 533 Literature nFrederic S. Mishkin nStanley G. Eakins nFinancial markets and Institutions n 0321374215 Literature nMark Grinblatt nSheridan Titman nFinancial Markets and Corporate Strategy Structure of the subject nLectures nSeminars qCase study for two students qExtent 20 – 25 pages qEvery case study must be delivered in seminar group nPresentation approx. 20 minutes q Final exam nFirst term 15th December 2010 (class S 8, time: 16.20) qAnother term will be set in information system nFinal exam test – written form for 40 minuts qMultiple choice and open questions nNumber of points 60 nCase study qprinted case study deliver in the day of presentation - 25 points qPresentation of case study - 15 points nTotal number of points 100 nGrade scale: q100 – 92: A q91 – 84: B q83 – 76: C q75 – 68: D q67 – 60: E q59 – 0: F Topic Name Day of presentation Significant financial crisis in the 20th century 10.11.2010 Derivative products 10.11.2010 Development of oil price and history of oil as an investment commodity 10.11.2010 Analysis of American indices (Latin/North): 24.11.2010 Development of Stock Exchanges (e.g. NYSE, Frankfurt, Japan, etc.) 24.11.2010 Development of gold price and history of gold as an investment commodity 24.11.2010 Deflation and situation in Japan 24.11.2010 The best known investment strategies 1.12.2010 Sub-prime crisis 1.12.2010 Trends in the Global Financial Markets 1.12.2010 The role of real assets in an investment portfolio 8.12.2010 The Great Depression the 1920s 8.12.2010 Thank you for your attendance and see you next week