General information
In the course students will learn about the development of the transformation process in the Czech Republic in the 1990s. The course consists of 13 lectures. The teachers at first describe the process from the systematic point of view and then concentrate on particular transformation problems – for example monetary or privatization.
The goal of the course is to give an overall view of the whole process. The course is taught in English and concluded with the written exam. At the end of the course students should be able to exercise an orientation in the development of the Czech economy during the transformation period. They acquire dispositions for better understanding of the contemporary development. They will get deeper insight into the nature of the basic economic concepts through understanding of the development of the Czech economy.
Note for Czech students: kurz si nemohou zapsat studenti magisterskeho (resp. navazujícího) oboru Hospodářská politika, protože mají následně ve studijním plánu předmět Ekonomie transformace (M_HOSP a NP_HOSP).
The schedule of the course can be found: /auth/el/1456/podzim2013/BPE_TCEC/op/Schedule_Transformation.pdf