Introduction (Lenka Kopečková)
Syllabus of the course:
The course presents an introduction to Public Economics. It deals with that part of national economy which is funded from redistributive processes and which is usually referred to as the Public Sector. The subject matter is divided into two interrelated blocks:
The first block works more deeply with some basic concepts known to the students from Microeconomics course, mainly the econimc roles of the government. The rationale for the public sector is explored here as well. The objective is to enhance critical and analytical economic-thinking of students here.
The second block deals with processes of resource allocation decisions making within the Public Sector and introduction to the Public Policy and analysis of "anathomy" of finantial flows within the Public Sector.The objective is to understand main principles and issues of public finances in modern economics. This block also introduces the students to the structure of public budget revenues placing special emphasis on taxes. The aim is to understand principles of "good" taxation and to cope with differences in attitude towards practical issues of a tax policy
The course will be finished by a written exam at the last week of the semester (10.12.2013). The exam will consist of two parts: a multichoice test and essay on the topic related to the course.