Framework of the Transformation of the Public Sector

Fiscal Policy during Transformation Period (Šárka Horáková)

Abstract of the Lecture

The presentation is focused on a development of fiscal policy in the Czech Republic in the period 1993 - 2003. Theoretical characteristics of fiscal policy are briefly mentioned at the beginning of the lecture. Afterwards the theory is applied to development of fiscal policy in the Czech Republic, that is divided into two main periods. The periods are analyzed separately. The fiscal position of the Czech Republic is compared with so-called Maastricht fiscal criteria at the end of the lecture.

Students should present seminar work "Analysis of the fiscal situation of Greece during the last ten years" and "Analysis of the fiscal situation of Ireland during the last ten years".

Prepare answers to the following questions for the lecture so we can discuss them.

1. What are the public budgets? Try to define them.

2. What is involved among the public budgets in the Czech Republic? Think about a short description of each public budget.

3. What are the basic fiscal instruments and how do they work?

Studing materials for the lecture:

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