Framework of the Transformation of the Public Sector

Case Study - Nonprofit Sector (Miroslav Pospíšil)

Structure of the lecture:


  1. History and Specifics of Nonprofit Sector
  2. Specific features and problems of the sector
  3. Relevance of the third sector in economic terms
  4. Employment in the Nonprofit Sector
    1. Voluntary Work
  5. Revenues and spending
  6. Funding arrangements with the public sector
  7. Provision of services
  8. Financial resources of nonprofit organizations
  9. Relevance of the third sector in political terms
  10. Organizational Characteristics
  11. Arise of umbrellas and networks
    1. Membership base, employees and volunteers
    2. Property
    3. Financial resources
    4. Activities of umbrellas and networks
  12. The third sector in a dynamic perspective
  13. Current issues in the country´s third sectors discourse

Students are supposed to present seminar work "The Purpose of Government-Nonprofit Partnership", "Philanthropy in the Twenty-First Century" and "Country-specific situation of the nonprofit sector in the selected country".