Essays in Index Number Theory, Volume I W.E. Diewert and A.O. Nakamura (Editors) c 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved. Chapter 9 SUPERLATIVE INDEX NUMBERS AND CONSISTENCY IN AGGREGATION* W.E. Diewert 1. Introduction Recently, Vartia [1974] [1976a] proposed a discrete approximation to the continuous time Divisia1 price or quantity index which has the following two remarkable properties: (i) the price index and the corresponding quantity index (which is defined by the same formula except that prices and quantities are interchanged) satisfy Fisher’s [1922] factor reversal test (i.e., the product of the price and quantity indexes equals the expenditure ratio for the two periods under consideration) and (ii) the Vartia I price or quantity index has the property of consistency in aggregation. Vartia defines an index number formula to be consistent in aggregation if the value of the index calculated in two stages necessarily coincides with the value of the index as calculated in an ordinary way; i.e., in a single stage. The economic theory of index numbers (see Afriat [1972b], Pollak [1971a], Samuelson and Swamy [1974]) is concerned with rationalizing functional forms for index numbers with functional forms for the underlying aggregator function. In Section 2, we show that the Vartia I price and quantity indexes are consistent only with a Cobb–Douglas aggregator function. This is perhaps not a surprising result, since thus far, the only way in which the two stage method of calculating index numbers has been justified from the viewpoint of the economic theory of index numbers, is to assume that the underlying aggregator function is weakly separable in the same partition that corresponds to the two stages.2 Thus to justify the two stage method of constructing index numbers *This article was first published in 1978 in Econometrica 46(4), pp. 883–900. The author wishes to thank C. Blackorby, Z. Griliches, C. Sims, and a referee for helpful comments and Keith Wales for programming help. Correspondence with P.A. Samuelson has also been very helpful. This research was supported by a Canada Council grant. 1 See Divisia [1926], Wold [1953; Ch. 8], Jorgenson and Griliches [1967], and Hulten [1973]. 2 See Shephard [1953; 61–71], Solow [1955–56], Gorman [1959], Blackorby, Pri- 254 Essays in Index Number Theory 9. Consistency in Aggregation 255 for any partition of variables, one thus far has had to assume that the aggregator function is weakly separable in any partition of its variables, but then the results of Leontief [1947] and Gorman [1968a] imply that the aggregator function is strongly separable in the coordinate-wise partition of its variables. If we also assume that the aggregator function is linearly homogeneous, then using Bergson’s [1936] results, it can be seen that the aggregator function must be a mean of order r (Hardy, Littlewood and Polya [1934]); i.e., a CES function. The mean of order r functions that are consistent in aggregation include the Cobb–Douglas aggregator function (i.e., r = 0) and the linear aggregator function (i.e., r = 1). For a more comprehensive discussion of the difficulties involved in combining subindexes to form a complete index, see Pollak [1975] and Blackorby, Primont, and Russell [1978]. In spite of the rather negative result that the Vartia I price and quantity indexes are exact only for a Cobb–Douglas aggregator function, we show in Section 3 that the Vartia index approximates to the second order any superlative index, and that all superlative indexes closely approximate each other. Moreover, using the consistency in aggregation property of the Vartia index, we can show that all superlative indexes are approximately consistent in aggregation. A superlative quantity index is an index number formula which is consistent with a consumer or producer maximizing a “flexible” aggregator function subject to a budget constraint. A “flexible” functional form is one which can provide a second order approximation to an arbitrary function (c.f. Diewert [1976a]). Thus a practical objection to the use of superlative index number formulae (i.e., they are not consistent in aggregation) loses its force, since they will be approximately consistent in aggregation. Moreover, the degree of approximation will become closer if the chain principle for constructing indexes is used rather than the fixed base method (if we are dealing with time series data where changes in prices and quantities between successive periods are generally smaller than changes relative to a fixed base). In Section 4, we apply the results of Section 3 to some issues in the theory of aggregation, to the measurement of productivity change, and to applied welfare economics. Proofs of our theorems are relegated to an appendix. A second appendix numerically compares various index number formulae, constructed in one and two stages and also constructed using the chain principle versus a fixed base. This may help to illustrate more concretely some of the rather abstract approximation theorems presented in the paper. An index number formula like Vartia’s could be termed pseudo superlative since it approximates a superlative index number formulae to the second order. A final appendix proves some theorems about pseudo superlative index numbers and relates these results to some results due to Samuelson and Swamy [1974]. mont, and Russell [1978], and Geary and Morishima [1973]. 2. Exact Index Numbers and the Vartia Indexes Define an aggregator function f(x) as a function of N nonnegative variables x ≥ 0N which has the following three properties: (i) f is positive for positive arguments (i.e., f(x) > 0 for x 0N ); (ii) f is linearly homogeneous (i.e., f(λx) = λf(x) for λ ≥ 0, x ≥ 0N ); and (iii) f is concave (i.e., f[λx1 + (1 − λ)x2 ] ≥ λf(x1 ) + (1 − λ)f(x2 ) for 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, x1 ≥ 0N , x2 ≥ 0N ). Generally, aggregator functions are taken to be either utility functions in the consumer context or production functions in the producer context. An aggregator function f satisfying the above conditions has a total cost function defined by C(u, p) ≡ min{p · x : f(x) ≥ u} = u minx/u{p · x/u : f(x/u) ≥ 1} (using the linear homogeneity of f) = u minz{p · z : f(z) ≥ 1} ≡ uc(p) where p · x ≡ N i=1 pixi and c(p) denotes the unit cost function which corresponds to f. It turns out that the unit cost function c(p) satisfies the same regularity conditions as f; i.e., c(p) is positively linearly homogeneous and concave for p 0N . Moreover, given a unit cost function satisfying these regularity conditions, its aggregator function dual can be defined by f(x) ≡ 1/[maxp{c(p) : p · x = 1, p ≥ 0N }].3 Thus if the functional form for the aggregator function is known (or the functional form for its unit cost function dual c(p) is known) and the economic agent is engaging in cost minimizing behavior, then the quantity aggregate can be defined as u ≡ f(x) (or u ≡ p · x/c(p)) and the price of the aggregate may be defined as p0 ≡ p · x/f(x) (or p0 ≡ c(p)). Since the functional form for f (or c) is not generally known, the above results are not particularly useful in empirical applications. However, as Afriat [1972b], Pollak [1971a], Samuelson and Swamy [1974], and Diewert [1976a] have shown, it is sometimes possible to relate known functional forms for index numbers to functional forms for aggregator functions. We now outline this theory of exact index numbers. First define a quantity index between periods 0 and 1 as a function, Q(p0 , p1 ; x0 , x1 ), of the price vectors in periods 0 and 1, p0 and p1 respectively, and the corresponding quantity vectors x0 and x1 while a price index between periods 0 and 1 is a function, P(p0 , p1 ; x0 , x1 ), of the same price and quantity vectors. Given either a price index or a quantity index, the other function can be defined implicitly by the following equation (Fisher’s [1922] weak factor reversal test): (1) P(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 )Q(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) = p1 · x1 /p0 · x0 ; i.e., the product of the price index times the quantity index should yield the expenditure ratio between the two periods. 3 See Shephard [1953], Samuelson [1953–54] [1972], Chipman [1970], and Diewert [1974a]. 256 Essays in Index Number Theory 9. Consistency in Aggregation 257 The positive linearly homogeneous, concave aggregator function f is defined to be exact for the quantity index Q(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) if for every p0 0N , p1 0N , x0 a solution to the aggregator maximization problem maxx{f(x) : p0 · x ≤ p0 · x ≤ p0 · x0 , x ≥ 0N }, and x1 a solution to maxx{f(x) : p1 · x ≤ p1 · x1 , x ≥ 0N }, we have (2) Q(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) = f(x1 )/f(x0 ). Similarly, the positive, linearly homogeneous, concave aggregator function f with unit cost function dual c is defined to be exact for the price index P(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) if for every p0 0N , p1 0N , x0 a solution to maxx{f(x) : p0 ·x ≤ p0 ·x0 , x ≥ 0N }, and x1 a solution to maxx{f(x) : p1 ·x ≤ p1 ·x1 , x ≥ 0N }, we have (3) P(p0 , p1 ; x0 , x1 ) = c(p1 )/c(p0 ). With the above preliminaries disposed of, define the Vartia4 [1974] [1976a] price index PV (p0 , p1 ; x0 , x1 ) as (4) ln PV (p0 , p1 ; x0 , x1 ) ≡ N i=1 [L(p1 i x1 i , p0 i x0 i )/L(p1 · x1 , p0 · x0 )] ln(p1 i /p0 i ) where the logarithmic mean function L, introduced into the economics literature by Vartia [1974] and Sato [1976a], is defined by L(a, b) ≡ (a−b)/(ln a−ln b) for a = b and L(a, a) ≡ a. The Vartia quantity index QV (p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) is defined by (5) ln QV (p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) ≡ N i=1 [L(p1 i x1 i , p0 i x0 i )/L(p1 · x1 , p0 · x0 )] ln(x1 i /x0 i ) = ln PV (x0 , x1 , p0 , p1 ); i.e., the price and quantity indexes have the same functional form except that the role of prices and quantities are interchanged. Vartia shows that PV and QV satisfy the factor reversal test (1) and have the property of consistency in aggregation. 4 We consider only the Vartia I indexes since they are the indexes which have the consistency in aggregation property. Sato [1976a] showed that the Vartia II indexes were exact for a CES aggregator function. Theorem 1. The only once differentiable, positive, linearly homogeneous and concave unit cost function which is exact for the Vartia price index defined by (4) is the Cobb–Douglas unit cost function. Theorem 2. The only once differentiable, positively linearly homogeneous and concave aggregator function which is exact for the Vartia quantity index defined by (5) is the Cobb–Douglas aggregator function. Since the Cobb–Douglas aggregator function is extremely restrictive, one might suppose that the Vartia indexes would not be very useful. However, the results of the next section indicate that the Vartia indexes are useful in establishing certain general theorems about superlative indexes. 3. Approximation Properties of the Vartia Indexes A frequently5 used discrete approximation to the Divisia price index is defined by (6) ln P0(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) ≡ 1 2 N i=1 [(p1 i x1 i /p1 · x1 ) + (p0 i x0 i /p0 · x0 )] ln(p1 i /p0 i ) while a quantity index Q0 is defined by ln Q0(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) ≡ 1 2 N i=1 [(p1 i x1 i /p1 · x1 ) + (p0 i x0 i /p0 · x0 )] ln(x1 i /x0 i ) (7) = ln P0(x0 , x1 , p0 , p1 ). T¨ornqvist [1936] [1937] and [1971; 47] urged the use of the above indexes, while Kloek [1966] [1967] and Theil [1967] [1968] showed that the indexes had some good local approximation properties. In addition, Diewert [1976a] showed that the translog6 unit cost function is exact for P0 defined by (6) and that a linearly homogeneous translog aggregator function is exact for Q0 defined by (7). Diewert [1976a] defined a price index (quantity index) to be superlative if a unit cost function c (aggregator function f), capable of providing a second order differential approximation to an arbitrary twice differentiable linearly 5 See, for example, the empirical work by Christensen and Jorgenson [1969] [1970]. 6 See Christensen, Jorgenson and Lau [1971]. 258 Essays in Index Number Theory 9. Consistency in Aggregation 259 homogeneous function, is exact for it. Since a linearly homogeneous translog function can provide a second order approximation to an arbitrary twice differentiable linearly homogeneous function (see Lau [1974]), it can be seen that P0 defined by (6) is a superlative price index and Q0 defined by (7) is a superlative quantity index. In general, “superlative” indexes are consistent with “flexible” functional forms for the underlying aggregator function. Since the price index P0 defined by (6) resembles somewhat the Vartia price index PV defined by (4), the following result may not be too surprising. Theorem 3. The Vartia price index differentially approximates7 the superlative price index P0 to the second order at any point where the prices and quantities for the two periods are equal; i.e., PV (p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) = P0(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) and the first and second order partial derivatives of the two functions coincide provided that p0 = p1 0N and x0 = x1 0N . The proof of the above theorem makes use of the following two lemmas which are also proved in an appendix. Lemma 1. Define the functions f and g of the two variables λ and γ by f(λ, γ) ≡ 1 2 [(λ/γ)+1] and g(λ, γ) ≡ L(λ, 1)/L(γ, 1) where L is the Vartia mean function. Then f differentially approximates g to the first order at the point λ = 1, γ = 1; i.e., f(1, 1) = g(1, 1), f1(1, 1) = g1(1, 1), and f2(1, 1) = g2(1, 1). Lemma 2. Suppose that: (i) the function of n variables g differentially approximates the function g∗ to the second order at the point y∗ ; i.e., g(y∗ ) = g∗ (y∗ ), yg(y∗ ) = yg∗ (y∗ ), and 2 yyg(y∗ ) = 2 yyg∗ (y∗ ); (ii) the function of n variables f differentially approximates the function f∗ to the first order at y∗ ; i.e., f(y∗ ) = f∗ (y∗ ) and yf(y∗ ) = yf∗ (y∗ ) and (iii) g(y∗ ) = g∗ (y∗ ) = 0. Then h(y) ≡ f(y)g(y) differentially approximates h∗ (y) ≡ f∗ (y)g∗ (y) to the second order at the point y∗ . The following theorem may be proved in a manner analogous to the proof of Theorem 3. Theorem 4. The Vartia quantity index differentially approximates the superlative quantity index Q0 to the second order at any point where the prices and quantities for the two periods are equal. Thus PV (p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) will be close to P0(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) provided that p0 is close to p1 and x0 is close to x1 . If we call an index which can approximate a superlative index differentially to the second order at any point where p0 = p1 7 The term is due to Lau [1974]: it means that the approximating function has the same level and first and second order partial derivatives at a point as the function that it is approximating: i.e., c(p∗ ) = c∗ (p∗ ), pc(p∗ ) = pc∗ (p∗ ), and 2 ppc(p∗ ) = 2 ppc∗ (p∗ ) for some p∗ . and x0 = x1 a pseudo superlative index, it can be seen that the Vartia price and quantity indexes are pseudo superlative. It turns out that the Vartia price and quantity indexes closely approximate other superlative indexes and that all of the superlative indexes that are known thus far approximate each other to the second order for small changes in prices and quantities. For r = 0, define the quadratic mean of order r price index Pr as (8) Pr(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) ≡ N i=1(p0 i x0 i /p0 · x0 )(p1 i /p0 i )r/2 N k=1(p1 kx1 k/p1 · x1)(p0 k/p1 k)r/2 1/r . It can be shown (Diewert [1976a]) that Pr is exact for the quadratic mean of order r unit cost function, cr(p) ≡ N i=1 N j=1 bijp r/2 i p r/2 j 1/r . Since cr can approximate an arbitrary unit cost function to the second order, Pr is a superlative price index. For r = 0, define the quadratic mean of order r quantity index Qr as (9) Qr(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) ≡ N i=1(p0 i x0 i /p0 · x0 )(x1 i /x0 i )r/2 N j=1(p1 j x1 j /p1 · x1)(x0 j /x1 j )r/2 1/r . It can similarly be shown that Qr is exact for the quadratic mean of order r aggregator function, fr(x) ≡ N i=1 N j=1 aijx r/2 i x r/2 j )1/r , and that Qr is a superlative quantity index. Theorem 5. For any r = 0, Pr(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) = P0(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) and the first and second order partial derivatives of the two functions coincide, provided that p0 = p1 0N (all price components are positive) and x0 = x1 > 0N (at least one quantity component is positive). Theorem 6. For any r = 0, the quantity index Qr differentially approximates Q0 to the second order at any point where the prices and quantities for the two periods are equal; i.e., Qr(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) = Q0(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) and the first and second order partial derivatives of the two functions coincide, provided that p0 = p1 > 0N and x0 = x1 0N . Theorems 3 and 5 imply that the Vartia price index PV approximates all of the superlative indexes P0 and Pr while Theorems 4 and 6 imply that the Vartia quantity index QV differentially approximates all of the superlative indexes Q0 and Qr, provided that price and quantity changes are small between the two periods.8 It is worth emphasizing that these theorems hold without the 8 Unfortunately, we cannot specify exactly how small is “small” without performing extensive computations involving the third order partial derivatives of the index number formulae; cf. the discussion in Lau [1974; 183]. 260 Essays in Index Number Theory 9. Consistency in Aggregation 261 assumption of optimizing behavior on the part of economic agents; i.e., they are theorems in numerical analysis rather than economics. 4. Applications and Conclusions For many years, it was thought that the indexes P0 and Q0 had the property of consistency in aggregation;9 i.e., it was thought that a discrete “Divisia” index of discrete “Divisia” indexes was the discrete “Divisia” index of the components. Although P0 and Q0 are not consistent in aggregation, the results of the previous section show why they are approximately consistent in aggregation: each P0 subindex is approximated to the second order by a Vartia index of the same size, while the “macro” P0 index is approximated to the second order by a “macro” Vartia index. Thus the macro index of the subindexes is approximated to the second order by a Vartia macro index of Vartia subindexes which is identically equal to a Vartia index of the original micro components, which in turn approximates to the second order a P0 index in the micro components. Therefore, given time series data where indexes are constructed by chaining observations in successive periods, we would expect P0 and Q0 to be approximately consistent in aggregation. The same conclusion holds for the quadratic mean of order r price indexes Pr and quantity indexes Qr: they will be approximately consistent in aggregation since each Pr approximates PV and each Qr approximates QV . Some empirical evidence which tends to support the theoretical results above is available. Parkan [1975a] compared the price indexes P0, P2 (Fisher’s [1922] ideal price index) and P0 (defined implicitly by (1), the weak factor reversal test, using Q0 as the quantity index) and the quantity indexes Q0, Q2 (Fisher’s ideal quantity index) and Q0 (defined implicitly by (1) using P0 as the price index) using some Canadian post war consumption data on 13 goods constructed by Gussman [1972] and Cummings and Meduna [1973]. He also calculated the nonparametric price and quantity indexes defined by Diewert [1973b; 424]. Parkan [1975a] then computed all four of the price indexes and all four of the quantity indexes in two stages, calculating subaggregates in each case and then aggregating these subaggregates using the same index number formula. It was found that the resulting total of eight price indexes generally coincided to three significant figures, and the eight quantity indexes similarly closely approximated each other. The theoretical results above provide an explanation for this rather puzzling empirical phenomenon. In Appendix 2, we replicate portions of Parkan’s computations. 9 See, for example, Jorgenson and Griliches [1972; 83] and Theil [1973; 498]. The above results also have an application to the measurement of total factor productivity. Let u be the quantity of some output, let x be a vector of other outputs and inputs (all indexed positively), let p be the corresponding vector of output and input prices (where price components which correspond to outputs are indexed negatively while components which correspond to inputs are indexed with a plus sign), and suppose that the technology of the economy can be represented by a homogeneous translog transformation function t, where u = t(x). Then if producers are maximizing t(x) subject to an expenditure constraint for periods 0 and 1, it can be shown that u1 /u0 = Q0(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) provided that no technical change has taken place between the two periods. If technical change takes place in a factor augmenting fashion, then the equation u1 /u0 = Q0(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) (which depends only on observable prices and quantities) may be modified in a manner which will enable one to compute the amount of technical progress (cf. Diewert [1976a]). It turns out that Theorem 4 above can be extended to cover the case where a subset of the prices are negative, so that the Vartia quantity index will still approximate Q0. Thus we may use the same argument as before to show that the “Divisia” index Q0(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) may be approximated to the second order by taking a “Divisia” index of “Divisia” subindexes or in fact taking any superlative quantity index of superlative subindexes.10 The results of the previous section may also be applied to the problem of measuring changes in the welfare of a consumer. Let u be utility, x a consumption vector, and p the corresponding vector of rental prices. If the consumer is maximizing a homogeneous translog utility function subject to an expenditure constraint for periods 0 and 1, then since the homogeneous translog is exact for Q0, (10) u1 /u0 = Q0(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ); i.e., the relative change in utility is equal to the value of the “Divisia” quantity index Q0. If changes in prices and quantities are small between the two periods, then the theorems in the previous section show that the change in welfare can be 10 This argument still does not quite provide a rigorous justification for the Jorgenson–Griliches [1967] [1972] method of measuring technical progress in the case of discrete data. Their method can be justified if we assume that the economy’s transformation surface can be represented by an equation like g(u, x1, . . . , xM ) = f(xM+1, xM+2, . . . , xN ) where u, x1, . . . , xM are outputs and xM+1, . . . , xN are inputs so that outputs are separable from inputs which is more restrictive than assuming u = t(x1, . . . , xN ). However, it turns out that the Jorgenson–Griliches method of measuring total factor productivity can be rigorously justified, at least approximately, even in the general (nonseparable) case; cf. Diewert [1980]. 262 Essays in Index Number Theory 9. Consistency in Aggregation 263 approximated to the second order by evaluating the “Divisia” index Q0, or by the Vartia index QV , or by taking a “Divisia” index of “Divisia” subindexes, or by taking any known superlative index of superlative indexes. This same string of equivalences can be applied in a more general situation, since it is possible to justify the quantity index Q0 in the context of an aggregator function f which is not necessarily linearly homogeneous. Such justifications for Q0 have been provided by Kloek [1967] and Theil [1968]. In order to provide a somewhat different justification for Q0, it is necessary to define the Malmquist [1953] quantity index. Given an aggregator function f and an aggregate u ≡ f(x), define f’s distance function as D(u, x) ≡ maxk{k : f(x/k) ≥ u}. The distance function tells us by what proportion one has to deflate the given consumption vector x in order to obtain a point on the indifference surface indexed by u. Now define the Malmquist quantity index as QM (x0 , x1 , u) ≡ D(u, x1 )/D(u, x0 ) and note that it depends on the two quantity vectors x0 and x1 , and the base indifference surface (indexed by u) onto which the points x0 and x1 are deflated. Then it can be shown (Diewert [1976a]) that if the consumer’s preferences can be represented by a translog distance function (which can approximate general nonhomothetic preferences to the second order) and the consumer is maximizing utility subject to a budget constraint for the two periods, then (11) QM (x0 , x1 , u∗ ) = Q0(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ), where the reference utility level u∗ ≡ (u0 u1 )1/2 is the square root of the product of the base and current period utility levels. As before, the right hand side of (11) can be approximated for small changes in prices and quantities by any of the indexes Qr or by the Vartia index QV . To summarize, the above arguments show that constructing aggregate price and quantity indexes by aggregating two (or more) stages will give approximately the same answer that a one stage index would, provided that either a superlative index or the Vartia index is used.11 The present author has argued elsewhere (Diewert [1976a]) that the Fisher price and quantity indexes, P2 and Q2, are probably the best of the superlative indexes to use in empirical applications. But what about using the pseudo superlative Vartia indexes, which have the very attractive property of consistency in aggregation (whereas the superlative indexes are only approximately consistent in aggregation)? Unfortunately, the Vartia quantity index has the property that rescaling the prices in either period will generally change the index (i.e., in general QV (λp0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) = QV (p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) for λ = 1) while 11 However, note that our arguments do not justify the existence of well behaved subaggregates which satisfy the usual regularity conditions of microeconomic theory. the Vartia price index has the property that rescaling the period 1 prices does not in general change the value of the price index by the same scale factor (i.e., in general PV (p0 , λp1 , x0 , x1 ) = λPV (p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) for λ = 1). These defects of the Vartia indexes will probably preclude their use in empirical situations, but as we have seen, the Vartia indexes have proven to be very useful from a theoretical point of view. Appendix 1: Proofs of Theorems Proof of Theorem 1. If xs is a solution to maxx{f(x) : ps ·x ≤ ps ·xs , x ≥ 0N } for s = 0, 1 where f is positively linearly homogeneous and concave over the positive orthant, then it is easy to see that xs is also a solution to the expenditure minimization problem minx{ps · x : f(x) ≥ f(xs )} = c(ps )us for s = 0, 1 where c is the unit cost function which corresponds to f and us ≡ f(xs ) for s = 0, 1. Moreover, if c(p) is once differentiable, then by Shephard’s Lemma [1953; 11], xs = pc(ps )us for s = 0, 1 where pc(ps ) is the gradient vector of c evaluated at the price vector ps . Thus using Shephard’s Lemma to eliminate quantities in the index number formula, if c is once differentiable, positively linearly homogeneous, concave and exact for the Vartia price index defined by (4), we must have for every p0 0N , p1 0N , xs a solution to maxx{f(x) : ps · x ≤ ps · xs , x ≥ 0N } for s = 0, 1 where f is dual to c, (12) ln c(p1 ) c(p0) ≡ N i=1 L[p1 i ci(p1 )u1 , p0 i ci(p0 )u0 ] L[p1 · pc(p1)u1, p0 · pc(p0)u0] ln p1 i p0 i , where u0 ≡ f(x0 ), u1 ≡ f(x1 ), and ci(ps ) ≡ ∂c(ps )/∂pi for i = 1, 2, . . . , N. Thus (12) is to hold for some functional form for c with the appropriate regularity properties for all ps 0N and scalars us > 0 for s = 0, 1. Let the last N − 1 components of the vectors p0 and p1 be identical; then (12) becomes (13) ln c(p1 ) c(p0) = L[p1 1c1(p1 )u1 , p0 1c1(p0 )u0 ] L[p1 · 1 pc(p1)u1, p0 · pc(p0)u0] ln p1 1 p0 1 . Since (13) must hold for all positive u1 and u0 , and the left hand side is independent of u0 and u1 , the right hand side must also be independent of u0 and u1 . This will be the case only if p1 1c1(p1 ) = α1p1 · pc(p1 ) and p1 0c1(p0 ) = α1p0 · pc(p0 ) where α1 is a constant; i.e., the expenditure share on the first good must be constant. We can similarly show that expenditure 264 Essays in Index Number Theory 9. Consistency in Aggregation 265 shares on all goods must be constant; i.e., we must have for j = 1, 2, . . . , N and all p0 0N , (14) αj = p0 j cj(p0 )/p0 · pc(p0 ) = p0 j cj(p0 )/c(p0 ), where the second equality follows from the assumption that c is linearly homogeneous. From (14) and the linear homogeneity of c(p), it follows that c(p) must be proportional to N j=1 p αj j where N j=1 αj = 1. Since we require c(p) to be concave, we must also have αj ≥ 0. Thus in order to be exact for the Vartia price index, c(p) must be of the Cobb–Douglas functional form. Proof of Theorem 2. If xs is a solution to maxx{f(x) : ps ·x ≤ ps ·xs , x ≥ 0N } for s = 1, 0 where f is positively linearly homogeneous and concave over the positive orthant, then it is well known that if f is once differentiable, elimination of the Lagrange multipliers for the maximization problems yields the identities ps /ps · xs = xf(xs )/xs · xf(xs ) = xf(xs )/f(xs ) for s = 0, 1 where the second equality follows from the linear homogeneity of f. Thus (15) ps = ps · xs xf(xs )/f(xs ), s = 0, 1. Thus using (15) to eliminate prices from the index number formula, if f is once differentiable, positively linearly homogeneous, concave, and exact for the Vartia quantity index QV defined by (5), we must have for every x0 0N , x1 0N , scalars e0 > 0, e1 > 0 and price vectors ps ≡ es xf(xs )/f(xs ) for s = 0, 1, (16) ln f(x1 ) f(x0) = N i=1 L[e1 fi(x1 )x1 i /f(x1 ), e0 fi(x0 )x0 i /f(x0 )] L(e1, e0) ln x1 i x0 i . Since the left hand side of (16) is independent of the scalars e0 and e1 , the right hand side must also be, and this will only be the case if for all x1 0N and x0 0N , there exist constants αj such that (17) αj = fj(x1 )x1 j /f(x1 ) = fj(x0 )x0 j /f(x0 ) (j = 1, 2, . . . , N). Upon integrating the partial differential equations (17), we find that f(x) must be proportional to N j=1 x αj j and in order for f to be linearly homogeneous and concave, we further require that αj ≥ 0 and N j=1 αj = 1. Thus in order to be exact for the Vartia quantity index, f must be of Cobb–Douglas functional form. Proof of Lemma 1. The proof is a straightforward computation if one makes repeated use of l’Hospital’s rule (see Rudin [1953; 82–83]) and the definition of the Vartia mean function L. Proof of Lemma 2. Obviously h(y∗ ) = h∗ (y∗ ). We have yh(y∗ ) = f(y∗ ) yg(y∗ ) + yf(y∗ )g(y∗ ) = f∗ (y∗ ) yg∗ (y∗ ) + yf∗ (y∗ )g∗ (y∗ ) = yh∗ (y∗ ) and 2 yyh(y∗ ) = f(y∗ ) 2 yyg(y∗ ) + yf(y∗ ) T y g(y∗ ) + yg(y∗ ) T y f(y∗ ) + 2 yyf(y∗ )g(y∗ ) = 2 yyh∗ (y∗ ), since g(y∗ ) = g∗ (y∗ ) = 0 where T y f(y∗ ) is the transpose of the column vector yf(y∗ ), etc. Proof of Theorem 3. We show that ln PV differentially approximates ln P0. Define the values vs j = ps i xs j for s = 0, 1 and j = 1, 2, . . ., N. Then it is easy to see that our result will be true if the first and second order partial derivatives of the log of the Vartia price index regarded as a function of p0 , p1 , v0 , and v1 , N i=1 v1 i − v0 i ln v1 i − ln v0 i ln( N j=1 v1 j ) − ln( N j=1 v0 j ) N j=1 v1 j − N j=1 v0 j ln p1 i p0 i , are equal to the first and second order partial derivatives of the log of P0 regarded as a function of p0 , p1 , v0 , and v1 , N i=1 1 2 v1 i N j=1 v1 j + v0 i N j=1 v0 j ln p1 i p0 i , evaluated at any point such that p1 = p0 0N , v1 = v0 0N . It turns out that matters are simplified if we introduce the additional variables V 1 ≡ N j=1 v1 j and V 0 ≡ N j=1 v0 j and regard the index numbers as functions of p1 , p0 , v1 , v0 , V 1 , and V 0 . Let us also define the jth component λj of the vector of variables λ by v1 j = λjv0 j , and the jth component δj of the vector of variables δ by p1 j = δjp0 j , j = 1, 2, . . . , N. Define the scalar γ by V 1 = γV 0 . It can be seen that our theorem will be true if the first and second order partial derivatives of the log of the Vartia price index regarded as a function of p0 , δ, v0 , λ, V 0 , and γ, N i=1 v0 i V 0 λi − 1 ln λi ln γ γ − 1 ln δi, 266 Essays in Index Number Theory 9. Consistency in Aggregation 267 are equal to the first and second order partial derivatives of the log of P0 regarded as a function of p0 , δ, v0 , λ, V 0 , and γ, N i=1 1 2 λi γ + 1 v0 i V 0 ln δi, evaluated at any point such that p0 0N , v0 0N , V 0 > 0, and where λ = 1N (a vector of ones), δ = 1N , and γ = 1. Thus we need only show that for each i, the level, the first order partial derivatives and the second order partial derivatives of the function hi (λi, γ, δi) ≡ fi (λi, γ, δi)gi (λi, γ, δi) where fi (λ, γ, δi) ≡ (λi −1)(ln λi)−1 (ln γ)(γ−1)−1 and gi (λi, γ, δi) ≡ ln δi are equal to the corresponding level, first and second order partial derivatives of the function hi∗ (λi, γ, δi) ≡ fi∗ (λi, γ, δi)gi∗ (λi, γ, δi) where fi∗ (λi, γ, δi) ≡ 1 2 [(λi/γ)+1] and gi∗ (λi, γ, δi) ≡ ln δi, evaluated at λi = 1, γ = 1, and δi = 1. By Lemma 1, the level and the first order partial derivatives of fi and fi∗ coincide at λi = 1, γ = 1, and δi = 1. Since gi ≡ gi∗ , the levels and all partial derivatives of gi and gi∗ coincide. Moreover, gi (1, 1, 1) = gi∗ (1, 1, 1) = 0 and thus our result follows using Lemma 2. Proof of Theorem 5. Straightforward but tedious calculations show that if p0 = p1 ≡ p 0N , x0 = x1 ≡ x > 0N , then: ln P0(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) = ln Pr(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) = 0;(i) ∂ ln P0(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 )/∂x1 i = ∂ ln Pr(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 )/∂x1 i = 0,(ii) ∂ ln P0/∂x0 i = ∂ ln Pr/∂x0 i = 0 dropping the arguments p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 for brevity, ∂ ln P0/∂p1 i = ∂ ln Pr/∂p1 i = xi/p · x, ∂ ln P0/∂p0 i = ∂ ln Pr/∂p0 i = −xi/p · x for i = 1, 2, . . . , N; ∂2 ln P0/∂x1 i ∂x1 j = ∂2 ln Pr/∂x1 i ∂x1 j = 0,(iii) ∂2 ln P0/∂x1 i ∂x0 j = ∂2 ln Pr/∂x1 i ∂x0 j = 0, ∂2 ln P0/∂x1 i ∂p1 j = ∂2 ln Pr/∂x1 i ∂p1 j = 1 2 δij/p · x − 1 2 pixi/(p · x)2 where δij equals 1 if i = j and is zero otherwise, ∂2 ln P0/∂x1 i ∂p0 j = ∂2 ln Pr/∂x1 i ∂p0 i = − 1 2 δij/p · x + 1 2 pixj(p · x)2 , ∂2 ln P0/∂x0 i ∂x0 j = ∂2 ln Pr/∂x0 i ∂x0 j = 0, ∂2 ln P0/∂x0 i ∂p1 j = ∂2 ln Pr/∂x0 i ∂p0 j = 1 2 δij /p · x − 1 2 pixj /(p · x)2 , ∂ ln P0/∂x0 i ∂p0 j = ∂2 ln Pr/∂x0 i ∂p0 j = − 1 2 δij/p · x + 1 2 pixj/(p · x)2 , ∂2 ln P0/∂p1 i ∂p1 j = ∂2 ln Pr/∂p1 i ∂p1 j = −xixj /(p · x)2 , ∂2 ln P0/∂p1 i ∂p0 j = ∂2 ln Pr/∂p1 i ∂p0 j = 0, and ∂2 ln P0/∂p0 i ∂p0 j = ∂2 ln Pr/∂p0 i ∂p0 j = xixj/(p · x)2 for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N. Proof of Theorem 6. Proof is the same as Theorem 5 except that prices and quantities are interchanged. Appendix 2: Empirical Comparison of Index Numbers In this appendix, we use the Canadian consumer data constructed by Cummings and Meduna [1973] in order to compare empirically various index number formulae. The primary data are price indexes for 13 components of Canadian consumer expenditures for the years 1947–1971 and the corresponding per capita quantity series. These data were constructed by Cummings and Meduna by aggregating (using T¨ornqvist price indexes) Canadian national accounts data pertaining to expenditure on over 40 consumer goods categories plus some series constructed by Gussman [1972]. Rental prices for each category of consumer durables were constructed. These data are available on request. Table 1 lists Vartia (PV ), T¨ornqvist (P0 ), implicit T¨ornqvist (P0), Fisher (P2), Laspeyres (PL(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) ≡ (x0 · p1 /x0 · p0 ), and Paasche (PP (p0 , p1 , 268 Essays in Index Number Theory 9. Consistency in Aggregation 269 Table 1. Comparison of Single State Chained Index Numbers Implicit Fisher Year Vartia T¨ornqvist T¨ornqvist Ideal Laspeyres Paasche PV P0 P0 P2 PL PP 1947 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1951 1.3851 1.3851 1.3850 1.3851 1.3857 1.3845 1956 1.4874 1.4875 1.4874 1.4875 1.4888 1.4861 1961 1.6556 1.6558 1.6556 1.6557 1.6578 1.6536 1966 1.8795 1.8797 1.8795 1.8796 1.8831 1.8761 1971 2.3228 2.3230 2.3227 2.3228 2.3285 2.3172 x0 , x1 ) ≡ x1 ·p1 /x1 ·p0 ) price indexes for the 13 goods using the chain principle. Only selected years are reported in order to conserve space. Note that all of the indexes coincide to three significant figures and that PV , P0, P0, P2, and PL coincide to four significant figures (after rounding off) over the entire period. The close correspondence of PV , P0, P0, and P2 is not unexpected since all of these indexes differentially approximate each other to the second order at a point where prices and quantities are equal and, of course, using the chain principle, prices and quantities are approximately equal going from one year to the next. What is somewhat unexpected is the close correspondence of PL and PP to the other indexes. However, in the following appendix we show that PL and PP differentially approximate the other four indexes to the first order at any point where prices and quantities are equal. Thus, for our data, it appears that annual changes in prices and quantities are small enough so that chained Paasche and Laspeyres price indexes approximate reasonably closely any chained superlative price index. The index numbers in Table 1 were constructed using a double precision Fortran program. As a check on our computations, we calculated a chained Vartia quantity index, used the weak factor reversal test (1) to construct an implicit price index PV , and we found PV coincided with PV to five decimal places. In order to ascertain the effect of chaining, see Table 2 which compares the six index number formulae using a fixed base (1947=1) throughout. The fixed base Vartia, T¨ornqvist, and Fisher indexes turn out to be very close to each other as well as to their chained counterparts (all coincide to within one half percent). However, the general effect of using a fixed base is to increase the differences between the various index number formulae: in the fixed base Table 2. Comparison of Single Stage Fixed Base Index Number Year PV P0 P0 P2 PL PP 1947 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1951 1.3825 1.3833 1.3822 1.3834 1.3833 1.3834 1956 1.4814 1.4834 1.4804 1.4831 1.4847 1.4815 1961 1.6487 1.6532 1.6483 1.6518 1.6564 1.6472 1966 1.8772 1.8843 1.8782 1.8818 1.9070 1.8568 1971 2.3121 2.3224 2.3158 2.3188 2.3621 2.2763 case, PL differs from PV by about two percent in 1971, while PL differs from PP by four percent in 1971. The relatively large divergence between the Paasche and Laspeyres indexes when a fixed base year is used is a source for some concern. In many national accounting systems (such as Canada’s), the consumer price index is constructed using a fixed base Laspeyres index, while the implicit deflator for the consumption expenditures component of GNP is a fixed base Paasche index. Given the importance of consumer price indexes in indexing wages and cost of living supplements, it is important that official price indexes be consistent with each other. The above considerations suggest that government agencies should use chained rather than fixed base indexes in order to deflate expenditures into constant dollar quantities. More formally, there are at least three reasons why chained rather than fixed base indexes should be used in the context of time series data where period to period changes in prices and quantities are small: (i) All superlative, pseudo superlative, Paasche, and Laspeyres index numbers should coincide quite closely if they are constructed using the chain principle. (The degree of coincidence should be somewhat greater for the superlative and pseudo superlative indexes, since their index number formula derivatives coincide to the second order, but only to the first order with the Paasche and Laspeyres formulae.) (ii) The Paasche, Laspeyres, or any superlative index number can be regarded as discrete approximations to the continuous line integral Divisia index, which has some useful optimality properties from the viewpoint of economic theory.12 These discrete approximations will be closer to the Divisia index if the chain principle is used. (iii) The use of chained indexes avoids the vexing problems which arise when the base year in the fixed base indexes is changed. For example, the base 12 See Malmquist [1953], Wold [1953], and Hulten [1973]. 270 Essays in Index Number Theory 9. Consistency in Aggregation 271 year in the Canadian system of national accounts has just been changed from 1961 to 1971, and new Paasche price indexes for the various components of GNP using 1971 as the base year have been computed for the years 1971–1974. Unfortunately the new price and quantity indexes are not proportional to the old indexes which used 1961 as the base year. Thus most econometric models using national accounts data will have to be reestimated using the new indexes. The use of chained indexes would avoid the discontinuities introduced by these periodic changes in the base year. We now turn to a comparison of index numbers constructed in one stage versus two stages. We formed the subaggregate “nondurables” by aggregating the following five goods: food, alcohol, tobacco, energy, and other nondurables. The subaggregate “services” consisted of two goods: medical services, and other services; the subaggregate “semidurables” consisted of two goods: clothing, and other semidurables; and finally the subaggregate “durables” consisted of the following four goods: motor vehicles, housing, land, and other durables. Two stage price indexes were constructed by using a price index number formula (along with its corresponding quantity index defined by the weak factor reversal test) in order to construct price and quantity indexes for the four subaggregates listed above. The same index number formula was then used in order to construct an aggregate price index. Of course, for the Vartia, Laspeyres, and Paasche indexes, the two stage procedure gave rise to precisely the same aggregate indexes as the usual one stage procedure; i.e., PV , PL, and PP are consistent in aggregation. Table 3. Comparison of Two Stage Chained Index Numbers Year P0 P0 P2 1947 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1951 1.3851 1.3851 1.3851 1956 1.4875 1.4874 1.4875 1961 1.6558 1.6556 1.6557 1966 1.8797 1.8796 1.8796 1971 2.3230 2.3228 2.3228 Table 3 lists the aggregate price indexes which resulted when the two stage procedure was applied using the chain principle with the index number formulae P0, P0, and P2. Comparison of Tables 1 and 3 shows that the T¨ornqvist indexes, P0 and P0, and the Fisher index, P2, are approximately consistent in aggregation to a very high degree of approximation indeed. Recall that in equation (4) of the text, the logarithm of the ith price relative, ln(p1 i /p0 i ), is weighted by wi(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) ≡ L(p1 i x1 i , p1 i x0 i )/L(p1 ·x1 , p0 ·x0 ) where L is the logarithmic mean function. Vartia [1974; 91–93] shows that N i=1 wi(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) < 1 (unless p1 i x1 i /p0 i x0 i = constant for i = 1, 2, . . . , N in which case the weights wi sum to precisely 1). The sum of the weights for selected years is tabled in Table 4; the first column of Table 4 is the sum of the chained weights, 13 i=1 wi(pt−1 , pt , xt−1 , xt ), while the second column is the sum of the fixed base weights, 13 i=1 wi(p1947 , pt , x1947 , xt ). Table 4. Sum of Vartia Weights Year Chained Sum Fixed Base Sum 1948 .99979 .99979 1951 .99977 .99746 1956 .99995 .99419 1961 .99994 .99112 1966 .99997 .98929 1971 .99998 .98631 Note that it is not correct to say that the Vartia price and quantity indexes are biased downwards due to the fact that the weights wi(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) generally sum to a number less than one. This would be the case if the weights were constant, but they are not. Moreover, the Vartia quantity index has the same weights as the Vartia price index, and since PV (p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) QV (p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) = p1 · x1 /p0 · x0 , it cannot be the case that both the Vartia price and quantity indexes are biased downwards. Appendix 3: More on Pseudo Superlative Index Numbers In this section, we prove some additional theorems about pseudo superlative index numbers. Theorem 7. If P(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) is a pseudo superlative price index, then the corresponding quantity index defined by using the weak factor reversal test, Q(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) ≡ p1 · x1 /[p0 · x0 P(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 )] is a pseudo superlative quantity index. Proof. The Vartia quantity index can be defined as (18) QV (p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) ≡ p1 · x1 /[p0 · x0 PV (p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 )] 272 Essays in Index Number Theory 9. Consistency in Aggregation 273 where PV is the Vartia price index. Since P is pseudo superlative, P and PV have the same first and second order partial derivatives when evaluated at an equal price and equal quantity point, and thus comparison of the definition of Q with the definition of QV given by (18) shows that Q and QV will have the same first and second order partial derivatives.qed Of course, a similar theorem holds if the roles of P and Q are interchanged in Theorem 7. The following theorem shows that the Paasche and Laspeyres price indexes are not pseudo superlative. Theorem 8. Let P(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) be any pseudo superlative price index (i.e., P has the first and second order partial derivatives defined in Theorem 5). Then P(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) = PL(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) ≡ p1 · x0 /p0 · x0 = PP (p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) ≡ p1 · x1 /p0 · x1 and the first order partial derivatives of the pseudo superlative index P, the Laspeyres index PL, and the Paasche index PP coincide, provided that p0 = p1 ≡ p 0N and x0 = x1 ≡ x > 0N . However, the second order partial derivatives of P, PL, and PP evaluated under the same conditions do not coincide. Proof. Again, straightforward but tedious calculations show that if p0 = p1 ≡ p 0N , x0 = x1 ≡ x > 0N , then ln PL = ln PP = 0 = ln P, and the first order partial derivatives of ln PL(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ), ln PP (p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) and ln P(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) all coincide. The second order partial derivatives of ln PL(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) are (dropping the arguments p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 for brevity): ∂2 ln PL/∂x1 i ∂x1 j = 0, ∂2 ln PL/∂x1 i ∂x0 j = 0, ∂2 ln PL/∂x1 i ∂p1 j = 0, = ∂2 ln P/∂x1 i ∂p1 j , ∂2 ln PL/∂x1 i ∂p0 j = 0, = ∂2 ln P/∂x1 i ∂p0 j , ∂2 ln PL/∂x0 i ∂x0 j = 0, ∂2 ln PL/∂x0 i ∂p1 j = (δij/p · x) − [pixj /(p · x)2 ] = ∂2 ln P/∂x0 i ∂p1 j , ∂2 ln PL/∂x0 i ∂p0 j = −(δij/p · x) + [pixj/(p · x)2 ] = ∂2 ln P/∂x0 i ∂p0 j , ∂2 ln PL/∂p1 i ∂p1 j = −xixj/(p · x)2 , ∂2 ln PL/∂p1 i ∂p0 j = 0, ∂2 ln PL/∂p0 i ∂p0 j = xixj/(p · x)2 , where δij = 1 if i = j and is 0 otherwise. The second order partial derivatives of ln PP (p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) can be obtained from the second order partial derivatives of ln PL(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) listed above if x0 and x1 are interchanged.qed A symmetric mean m(x, y) of two nonnegative numbers x and y can be defined as any function which satisfies the following three conditions: m(x, y) = m(y, x),(19-i) m(x, x) = x,(19-ii) min(x, y) ≤ m(x, y) ≤ max(x, y).(19-iii) Samuelson and Swamy [1974; 582] assert a theorem which states that in the case of a homothetic aggregator function, any symmetric mean of the Laspeyres and Paasche index numbers will approximate the true index number up to the third order in accuracy. Although the following theorem does not make the assumptions about optimizing behavior on the part of economic agents that Samuelson and Swamy make in their theorem, the following theorem in numerical analysis does provide a counterpart to the Samuelson–Swamy result. Theorem 9. Any twice continuously differentiable symmetric mean of the Laspeyres and Paasche price indexes, m[PL(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ), PP (p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 )], is a pseudo superlative price index. Proof. If m(PL, PP ) = P 1 2 L P 1 2 P , then the resulting index is P2, Fisher’s ideal index, which is pseudo superlative by Theorem 5. Note that when p0 = p1 and x0 = x1 , m(PL, PP ) = m(1, 1) = 1 = P 1 2 L P 1 2 P where we have used property (19-ii) of m. Thus we need only show that if p0 = p1 ≡ p 0N , x0 = x1 ≡ x > 0N , then the first and second order partials of m[PL(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ), PP (p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 )] equal the corresponding partial derivatives of P2(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) for any twice differentiable symmetric mean function m. Thus we need to know the first and second order partials of m(x, y) evaluated at (x, y) = (1, 1). By partially differentiating (19-i) with respect to x, we obtain (20) m1(x, y) = m2(y, x) where mi denotes partial differentiation with respect to the ith argument of m, i = 1, 2. Partial differentiation of (19-ii) with respect to x yields the following identity: (21) m1(x, x) + m2(x, x) = 1. When x = y, (20) and (21) imply the following relations: (22) m1(x, x) = m2(x, x) = 1 2 . 274 Essays in Index Number Theory 9. Consistency in Aggregation 275 By partially differentiating (21) with respect to x, we obtain the following identity (using also m12 = m21 which follows from the assumption that m is twice continuously differentiable): (23) m11(x, x) + 2m12(x, x) + m22(x, x) = 0. Now partially differentiate (20) with respect to x, set x = y, and obtain the following identity: (24) m11(x, x) = m22(x, x). Relations (23), (24), and m12 = m21 imply that: (25) m11(x, x) + m12(x, x) = 0 = m21(x, x) + m22(x, x). The magnitude of m11(x, x) = m22(x, x) = −m12(x, x) cannot be determined in general, but it turns out that we only need equations (22) and (25) in order to evaluate the first and second order partial derivatives of m[PL(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ), PP (p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 )] and to show that they are equal to the corresponding partial derivatives of P2(p0 , p1 , x0 , x1 ) when p0 = p1 and x0 = x1 . (Recall that the first order partials of PL and PP are equal using Theorem 8.)qed Note that the proof of the above theorem did not require property (19-iii) on the symmetric mean m. The proof of the following theorem is analogous to the proof of Theorem 9. Theorem 10. Any twice continuously differentiable symmetric mean of two pseudo superlative indexes is also a pseudo superlative index. Vartia [1974] [1976a] presents a geometric proof that the logarithmic mean L(x, y) ≡ (x−y)(ln x−ln y) lies between the geometric mean and the arithmetic mean of the nonnegative numbers x and y; i.e., he shows that M0(x, y) ≡ x 1 2 y 1 2 ≤ L(x, y) ≤ M1(x, y) ≡ 1 2 x + 1 2 y. We conclude this appendix by stating that (26) M0(x, y) ≤ L(x, y) ≤ Mr∗ (x, y), x > 0, y > 0, where r∗ ≡ 1/3 and the mean of order r for r = 0 is defined by Mr(x, y) ≡ (1 2 xr + 1 2 yr )1/r . Since min(x, y) ≤ M0(x, y) ≤ M1/3(x, y) ≤ M1(x, y) ≤ max(x, y) (see Hardy, Littlewood and Polya [1934; Theorems 5 and 16]), it can be seen that L(x, y) is a symmetric mean (recall definition (19)) and that the bounds (26) on L(x, y) are tighter than Vartia’s bounds. References for Chapter 9 Afriat, S.N., 1972b. “The Theory of International Comparisons of Real Income and Prices.” In International Comparisons of Prices and Output, D.J. Daly (ed.), National Bureau of Economic Research, New York: Columbia University Press, 13–69. 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