Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPM MPHACMS Business Process Management Michal Krcäl Department of Corporate Economics 30. 9. 2013 Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 1 /27 Table of contents O Strategy • What is strategy? • How to align Strategy with BPM? Q Summary Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPfv 30.9.2013 2/27 Content of other courses • Michael Porter's lecture (first 30 minutes) Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 3/27 Content of other courses • Michael Porter's lecture (first 30 minutes) • Other interesting video about strategy Content of other courses • Michael Porter's lecture (first 30 minutes) • Other interesting video about strategy • Information strategy - more about how to align ICT with overall strategy but contains some useful remarks and ideas Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 3/27 Porter's Value Chain I • 1985: Porter came with the idea based on the process view of organization, that we can identify two kinds of activities. ► Primary Activities = Inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, service ► Support Activities = Procurement, HR, technological development, infrastructure Source Michal Krcal (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 4/27 Porter's Value Chain II Administrative, Legat, accounting, financial managemenl finance infrastructure Human resources managemenl Product and technology development Personnel, lay recruitment, training, staff planning, etc. Product and process design, production engineering, market testing. RSD Supplier management, funding, subcontracting, specification INBOUND OPERATION OUTBOUND SALES & SERVICING LOGISTICS LOGISTICS MARKETING Examples: Examples: Examples: Examples: Examples: Quality control; Manufacturing; Finistiing goods; Customei Warranty; receiving; packaging; order handling: management: maintenance; raw materials production dispatch: order taking; education control: control; quality delivery: promotion; and training:/ supply schedules control; invoicing sales analysis; upgrades / maintenance market research ) lesa 0051 = /Profi!margin , Source Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 5/27 Business Motivation Model Referenced elements ill business model, defined externally Business Motivation Model Recommended Figure 7 1 - BMM Overview BMM specification Michal Krrjäl (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV • < i ► « -00.0 30.9.2013 6/27 BMM - Ends • Ends = are about what an enterprise wants to be ► Vision = overall image of what the organization wants to be or become ► Desired results * Goal = long, more qualitative * Objective = step along the way towards a Goal (end date, criteria - if accomplished) Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 7/27 BPM - Means • Means = are about what an enterprise has decided to do in order to become what it wants to be ► Mission = indicates the ongoing operational activity of the enterprise ► Course of Action = defines what has to be done, not how well it has to be done (see Objectives) * Strategies = long term, broad in scope * Tactics = implementation of (more than one) strategy ► Directive * Business Policies = exist to govern; that is, control, guide, and shape the Strategies and Tactics. They define what can be done and what must not be done, and may indicate how, or set limits on how, it should be done. * Business Rules = are not directly actionable. Actionable Directives are Business Rules, and they need to be defined as such, and managed for consistency and completeness. Business Rules are derived from Business Policies. Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 8/27 Influencers Influencer * Internal ► External •0 0.0 One way how to align strategy with BPM • Burlton's Methodology: O Understand the Enterprise O Validate Strategic Direction O Determine Stakeholder Relationships O Consolidate Strategic Criteria O Architect and Align O Architect Business Processes O Identify Measures of Performance O Align Process Governance O Prioritize Processes 0 Align Process Capabilities © Establish Enterprise Transformation Portfolio 4 □ ► 4 S Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV Validate Strategic Direction • The purpose is not in creating strategy but understand it! Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 11 /27 Validate Strategic Direction • The purpose is not in creating strategy but understand it! • Already introduced BMM can be used Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 11 /27 Validate Strategic Direction • The purpose is not in creating strategy but understand it! • Already introduced BMM can be used a PEST, SWOT BSC etc. Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 11 /27 Determine Stakeholder Relationships • You have to know who you are dealing with! □ Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV Determine Stakeholder Relationships You have to know who you are dealing with! Start with customers (consumers) -> owners -> staff -> suppliers -> community -> competitors -> enterprise -> others Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 12/27 Consolidate Strategic Criteria • You can't satisfy all stakeholders at once - there will be conflicts Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 13/27 Consolidate Strategic Criteria • You can't satisfy all stakeholders at once - there will be conflicts • The are needs for decision-making and this has to be solved in advance of future decisions Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 13/27 Architect Business Processes • What is important to those for whom we do it 4 □ ► Michal Krcäl (KPH ESF MU) Lecti Identify Measures of Performance Each process has performance indicators that are associated with objectives and stakeholder needs Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 15/27 Align Process Governance • Responsibility ► process lead = responsible for completion of specific process instance for a specific customer from start to the end ► process manager = plans, directs, and monitors defined sets of processes, instances, and resources ► process steward = responsible for the designs of a related enterprise process; plans and sponsors their development and deployment ► process executive = governs a logical group of enterprise processes at the value stream or value chain (top level) Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 16/27 Prioritize processes • What is important and what is less important for success, improvement etc. Align Process Capabilities • Find what is needed to know Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 18/27 Establish Enterprise Transformation Portfolio • Is what we are doing aligned with strategy? 4 □ ► 4 S Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV Table of contents 0 Strategy • What is strategy? • How to align Strategy with BPM? 0 Governance Q Summary Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 20/27 What is Governance? • Direction, coordination, and control of individuals, groups, or organizations that are at least to some extent autonomous: that is, not directly subject to the same hierarchical authority (they are peers). Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 21 /27 What is Governance? • Direction, coordination, and control of individuals, groups, or organizations that are at least to some extent autonomous: that is, not directly subject to the same hierarchical authority (they are peers). a And what does it mean in practice? Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 21 /27 What is Governance? • Direction, coordination, and control of individuals, groups, or organizations that are at least to some extent autonomous: that is, not directly subject to the same hierarchical authority (they are peers). a And what does it mean in practice? ► Type of organizational structure and related problems Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 21 /27 Organizational structures • Solution of problems regarding decision-making, reporting, managing... Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 22/27 Organizational structures Solution of problems regarding decision-making, reporting, managing... Criteria for dividing company into autonomous business units Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 Organizational structures • Solution of problems regarding decision-making, reporting, managing... • Criteria for dividing company into autonomous business units: ► Functions ► Regions (Customers) ► Products Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 22/27 Organizational structures • Solution of problems regarding decision-making, reporting, managing... • Criteria for dividing company into autonomous business units: ► Functions ► Regions (Customers) ► Products • What do they have in common (remember first lecture)? Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 22/27 Handling cross-cutting issues • Hierarchy - take it to the heavy weight • Lateral relations - small 'chaos' (business process governance) • New organizational units - somebody will focus on the cross-cutting issues (process organizations) Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 23/27 Lateral relations • Informal ► What is their biggest problem? Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 24/27 Lateral relations • Informal ► What is their biggest problem? Likelihood! • Formal ► Coordinators ► Committee - no access to resources ► Coordination unit ► Process organizational unit ► Process organization Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 24/27 Lateral relations • Informal ► What is their biggest problem? Likelihood! • Formal ► Coordinators ► Committee - no access to resources ► Coordination unit ► Process organizational unit ► Process organization ► Which one should be chosen? Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 24/27 Lateral relations • Informal ► What is their biggest problem? Likelihood! • Formal ► Coordinators ► Committee - no access to resources ► Coordination unit ► Process organizational unit ► Process organization ► Which one should be chosen? Go through the table in the article. Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 24/27 Table of contents 0 Strategy • What is strategy? • How to align Strategy with BPM? 0 Governance 0 Summary Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 25/27 What should be added? • Everything has its price! Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 26/27 What should be added? • Everything has its price! • You can't focus only on strategy or governance. What should be added? • Everything has its price! • You can't focus only on strategy or governance. • Operational effective (well governed) company that does not follow its strategy is doomed to failure. Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 26/27 What should be added? • Everything has its price! • You can't focus only on strategy or governance. • Operational effective (well governed) company that does not follow its strategy is doomed to failure. • If the company follows its strategy but is not able to govern the processes well... dtto Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 26/27 People and Culture (last 'boring' lecture and only two lectures left) Reading: ► Ulrike Baumoel: Cultural Change in Process Management (HoBPM vol. 2, p. 487) ► Kokkonen and Bandara: Expertise in Business Process Management (HoBPM vol. 2, p. 401) Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Lecture 03 - Strategy and Governance in BPIV 30.9.2013 27/27