Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV XXVII. Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy Requisition worksheet (tool for automatic replenishment suggestion) •Impacts of using RW tool • –Lower inventory level –It balances supply and demand across locations –Lower inventory and handling cost –Higher liquidity –Sufficient service level is maintained-Service level represents the expected probability of not hitting a stock-out. This percentage is required to compute the Safety Stock. Intuitively, the service level represents a trade-off between the cost of inventory and the cost of stock-outs (which incur missed sales, lost opportunities and client frustration among others). – – – – – – Parameters controlling RW functions (you can find them on the Item card, Tab =Planning) •Reorder Policy – It uses the reordering policy to calculate the lot size per planning period, which you define in the Reorder Cycle field •Reorder Cycle - In this field, you enter a date formula that sets the planning time frame for the item. •Safety Stock •Reorder Point - Replenishment is typically triggered when the inventory level hits the Reorder Point, which is also called Reorder Trigger Level. •Reorder Quantity - See Excel file example (resource mentioned there) •Min and Max Order Quantity •Order Multiple • Reorder Policy (see F1 to get detailed Help concerning Reorder Policy) •Fixed Reorder Qty •Maxium Quantity •Order •Lot-for-Lot Examples for different setups (see related Excel file Analýzy sešitu požadavků) Model-test •Creation of the new item card XX1 –Use presented principles from TS 4 (slides 3-5) –The method and some tiny modifiction of the this procedure is presented in the next few slides •Create new Sales Order with 100 pcs of XX1 –Do not post it !! •Create new Purchase Order with 30 pcs of XX1 –Do not post it !! How to create a new Item card •Open chosen card (e.g. 1964-W) by use of keyboard shortcut Shift-F5 and from the menu Edit use Select function and you will get How to create a new Item card •Ctrl-C (Item card picture is cut into clipboard) •F3 in order to create new card •Ctrl-V (Item picture is pasted from clipboard into new Item card) •You will get message Item card 1964-W already exists •You push OK •You will get another error message Item card could not be pasted . Do not care and make Ok again •Change original number 1964-W to XX1 (for instance) •Change name to Component 1 (for instance) •In Unit of Measure field make a choice by use of F6 to Pcs and OK and then ENTER to confirm your choice •Tab Invoice->and change by F6 to Costing method FIFO and confirm by ENTER •Tab Replenishment ->make a choice of you principal Vendor (by use of F6) •Tab Planning ->Reorded Policy= Fixed Order Quantity • • • Results 1 And it's done Results 2- Tab Replenishment Created Sales Order Created Purchase Order Availability RQWS window and how to start batch job RQWS window and how to start batch job RQWS window and how to start batch job System suggests to cancel existing Purchase Order (second line) in order to get 100 % balance . First line will serve as a resource line for second Purchase Order creation. Availability looks like this (Planned Order Releases represents first line of RQWS) : Carry Out Action Messages •After Carry Out Action Messages you will get First manually created Purchase Order has been deleted and new PO for 100 pcs of XX1 was created !!! Modification modelu RQWST •Change policy to Lot-for-Lot •Enter in Tab Planning Reorder cycle 1M •Create another two Sales Order in different dates (+1 week and + 2 weeks) •Start RQWST again •……. End of the section XXVII. Přihlásit se Používáte-li nástroj pro čtení obrazovky, vypněte Dynamické vyhledávání Google kliknutím sem. Internet Obrázky Videa Zprávy Nákupy Více Vyhledávací nástroje Bezpečné vyhledávání Výsledky hledání I RemixYourHealth Workout Series: The Show Stopper | RemixYourHealth × 400-Vyhledávání pomocí obrázku So two weeks ago I introduced you to the ridiculousness that was “The Shredder” workout. Did you try it? How'd it go? If you made it to the end of the ... Navštívit stránku Zobrazit obrázek Související obrázky: Zobrazit další Na obrázky se mohou vztahovat autorská práva.-Odeslat zpětnou vazbu Not Dead Yet Radio | Podcast featuring Tommy Bateman & Alex Corolla × 280-Vyhledávání pomocí obrázku Tommy starts the show off in an unusual fashion. He announces the show is ending. The time he puts in isn't worth the “rewards” he's getting. Navštívit stránku Zobrazit obrázek Související obrázky: Zobrazit další Na obrázky se mohou vztahovat autorská práva.-Odeslat zpětnou vazbu G4 Cancels 'Attack of the Show,' 'X-Play' - Hollywood Reporter × 318-Vyhledávání pomocí obrázku Attack of the Show Logo (2) - H 2012 Navštívit stránku Zobrazit obrázek Související obrázky: Zobrazit další Na obrázky se mohou vztahovat autorská práva.-Odeslat zpětnou vazbu