Mutual Funds Mutual Funds •Investment companies –Financial intermediaries that collect funds form individual investors and invest those funds in a potentially wide rande of securities or other asstes •Polling of assets is the key idea behind investment companies –Berkeley Technology –Citigroup Capital –Goldman Sachs Group –Merrill Lynch & Co –Morgan Stanley Investment Companies •Collecting funds from individuals •Investment company forms portfolio •Sells investors shares in the portfolio •Investors have claim to the portfolio, proportional to their number of shares –Gains correcpond with changing value of portfolio • Investment Companies •These companies perform several important functions for investors: •Administration & record keeping: capital gains, dividends and so on •Diversification & divisibility:i.e. by pooling of assets •Professional management: security analysts etc. •Reduced transaction costs > Net Asset Value •Divide claims among investors •Used as a basis for valuation of investment company shares for •Selling new shares •Redeeming existing shares( buying back) Calculation: NAV= Market Value of Assets - Liabilities Shares Outstanding Types of Investment Companies •Investment Company Act 1940: –Unit trusts –Managed investment companies Types of Investment Companies •Unit Investment Trusts: •pool of money invested in portfolio; •its portfolio is fixed for the life, •unmanaged. -Brokerage firm buys and forms portfolio -Sells shares in that trust called units or redeemable trust certificates -Invest in relatively uniform types of assets: municipal bonds, corporate bonds -All money from portfolio is distributed to shareholders by trustee, i.e. company which manages portfolio -Trust bought portfolio for $ 5 million -Sells 5,000 shares at $1,030 per share -3% premium per share obtained by trustee trustee – bank or trust company -Liquidate holdings sell back to trustee for NAV Sell enought securities from the asset portfolio to obtain the cash Sell the shares to new investors Decline in value: $105 billion in 1990, $50 billion in 2007 Types of Investment Companies •Managed Investment Companies; portfolio is managed (close end or open end) •Board of directors, elected by shareholders, hires management company for fee of 0.2 to 1.5% of assets value •(one managment company manages several funds) - Open-End (called mutual funds) •shares redeemed or •new shares issued at NAV; •shares outstanding change when new shares are issued or old shares are redeemed •Cash out shares – sell them back to fund Types of Investment Companies - Closed-End Not redeemed, no new share issue No change in shares outstanding •Shares traded on organized exchanges and can be sold and bought at market price (unlike open-end mutual funds shares) •Cash out shares – sell to another investor •May be priced at Premium or discount to NAV Figure 4.1 Closed-End Mutual Funds Types of Investment Companies l lPuzzle of divergence of share price and NAV (only for close end mutual funds) lDiscount represnts increase in the wealth of the fund‘s investor l20 % discount an expected 12-month return more than 6 % greater than funds selling at the NAV lPuzzle of issue price of share above NAV lTend to fall to a discount shortly after the issue Other Investment Organization •Not organized or regulated as investment companies •Functions similar –Commingled Funds –Real Estate Investment Trusts –Hedge Funds Types of Invest. Companies Continued -Commingled funds: •Partnerships of investors that pool their funds •Management firm that organizes the partnership (bank, insurance company) for fee •Large portfolio but still can not be managed in separate basis •units are issued (like shares). •Like open-end, they're trades at NAV. e.g. money market fund, bond fund, common stock fund often offered by a bank or an insurance company Types of Invest. Companies Continued •Real estate investment trusts (REITs): •Similar to closed-end fund •Invest in real estate or loans secured by real estate •Beside issuing shares –Raise capital by borrowing from banks and issuing bonds or mortgages –Highly leveraged •Debt ration of 70% •Equity trust – directly in real estates •Mortgages trust – mortgages and construction loans •Established –Banks, insurance companies, mortgage companies for fee • • • Types of Invest. Companies Continued -Hedge funds -Like mutual funds but private partnership • pool assets to be invested by hedge manager - under minimal SEC regulation •For wealthy and institutional investors •Lock-ups •Allows: invest in illiquid assets •Strategies •Use of derivatives, short sales, leveraged Mutual Funds—Investment Policies •Common name for open-end investment companies •Dominant investment company •90% of invested assets •Each mutual fund •Specified investment policy •Fund prospectus •Management companies manage a family or complex of mutual funds •They organize an entire collection of funds and then collect a management fees for operating them •Make it easy for investor to allocate assets across market sectors and to switch assets across funds • • • • Mutual Funds—Investment Policies •Money Market Funds –Commercial papers, certificates of deposits, etc. –Maturity a bit more than 1 month •Equity Funds –Primary in stocks, fixed-income securities or other types of securities –About 4% to 5% of total assets in money market securities –Income or Growth Fund –Emphasis on capital appreciation or current income •Income funds – dividend yields •Growth funds – capital gains –Growth stocks are riskier and respond dramatically to changes in economic conditions •Sector Funds –Concentrated on a particular industry •Biotechnology, utilities, metals, telecommunications… Mutual Funds—Investment Policies •Bond Funds, –often specializing by fixed income sector •Specialization: –Corporate bonds, Treasury bonds, etc. –Maturity of securities »Short-term »Intermediate »Long-term –Credit risk »Very safe to junk bonds •Balanced Funds, across all securities –Equities or fixed income securities –Life-cycle funds •Mixed from aggressive (primarily marketed by younger investors) to conservative •Stable mix across stocks and bonds –Targeted-maturity funds •Become more conservative as the investor ages • • Mutual Funds—Investment Policies •International (global, regional, emerging market) •Asset Allocation and Flexible; –like balanced but vary much in portfolios •According to manager forecast of the performance of each sector •Market timing •Not for low-risk investors •Index –forms portfolio of index –Kind and proportion of securities in index –Low-cost way for investors to pursue a passive investment strategy • Table 4.1 U.S. Mutual Funds by Investment Classification How Funds Are Sold •Underwriters •Distribute shares to investors •Directly by underwriter •Indirectly by brokers actions on behalf of the underwriter •Sales force distributed: brokers, advisers on commission -Revenue sharing on sales force •Potential conflicts of interest •Fund companies pay the brokerage firm for potential treatment when making investment recommendation •Financial Supermarkets; sell shares of many funds •Instead of charging customers a sales commission, the broker splits management fees with the mutual fund company Costs of Investing in Mutual Funds •Fee Structure •Operating expenses; cost of operating portfolio, inc. administration and advisory cost •Front-end load:when you buy a share •Back-end load:when you redeem a share Operating expenses •Expressed as a percentage of total asssets under management –0,2% to 2% •No an explicit bill for these expenses •Deducted from the assets of the fund –Reduced value of the portfolio • •Marketing and distribution costs –Pay to brokers and financial advisors who sell the funds to the public –Avoid by buying directly from the fund sponsor Front-End Load •Commission or sales charged paid when you purchase the shares •May exceed 8,5% but usually about 6% •Reduces money invested –Each $1.000 paid for fund with a 6% load resulted in a sale charge of $60 and fund invested only $940 Back-End Load •A redemption or exit •Fee for selling shares •Between 5% to 6% 12b-1 Charge •For managers of so called 12b-1 funds –For paying distributional costs such as advertising, promotional literature, annual reports, prospectuses, etc. –Limited to 1% of fund’s average net asset value Fees and Mutual Fund Returns: •Measured by increase or decrease in NAV plus income distributions (dividends, capital gains) expressed as a fraction of NAV at the beginning of the investment period • •Ignore any commissions Fees and Mutual Fund Returns: An Example Initial NAV = $20 Income distributions of $.15 Capital gain distributions of $.05 Ending NAV = $20.10: > Table 4.2 Impacts of Costs on Investment Performance Late Trading and Market Timing •NAV calculated at the end of each tarding day •All sell and buy orders are executed at the NAV following the market close at 4:00 p.m. •Allowing some favored investor to buy shares in the fund below NAV or redeem their shares for more than NAV –Benefit those investors but at the expanse of the remaining shareholders Late trading •Accepting sell or buy orders after the market closes and NAV is determined •Based on the market closing prices at 4:00, a fund’s NAV equals $100 •At 4:30 some positive information is announces •While NAV already has been fixed, it is clear that the fair market value of each share exceeds $100 •If they are able to submit a later order, investors can buy shares at the now-stale NAV and redeem them the next day after price and NAV have adjusted to reflect the information • Market timing •Based on time-zone differences –National market closes several hours before trading end other national market –NAV is set based on the closing price of the first national market –If second national market jump significantly while first market is closed, it is likely that first national market prices will be rise when the market open next day –A market timer will buy fund in the second national market and at NAV and redeem those shares the next day for a profit •While late trading clearly violates securities law, market timing does not •Management fees –Impact in profit of shareholders not fund sponsor •By mid-2004 more $1.64 billion in penalties to settle allegations of improper trading Potential Reforms •Strict 4:00 PM hard cutoff with late orders executed the following trading day •Fair value pricing: in NAV, adjust prices of securities of closed markets to reflect impact of prices of securities in still open markets •Imposition of redemption fees of more than 2% for shares sold within a week of buy, paid directly to funds not to management company Exchange Traded Funds •First introduce in 1993 •Mutual funds that allow investor to trade index portfolio as a shares of stocks •Spider SPDR – S&P’s depository receipt –Can be traded throughout the day – –Diamonds –Cubes –WEBS Exchange Traded Funds •Potential advantages •Trade continuously •Short or traded in margin •Lower taxes; redeem many→fund sells securities→capital gain tax •Lower costs; for fund doesn’t market to investors, who buy from brokers. So low management fees •Potential disadvantages •Prices can depart by small amounts from NAV Thank you for your attention