Applied Research: Research directed toward a current need. The purpose of the research is to discover results that can be applied to the need. Basic Research: Research conducted to gain knowledge as opposed to research aimed to solve specific problems. Bias: A misrepresentation of the population from the taken sample. Question wording, data entry, interviewing techniques, and a non-representative sample can all cause biases. Biased Sample: The research sample contains inequal unit proportions to the population unit of interest. Bivariate Techniques: Multiple statistical strategies to analyze how two variables relate to one another. Causal Research: Research that attempts to explain the relationship between two variables (if A cause s B to occur). Census: A survey that is administered to an entire population. Construct: An idea that powers research, for example, hypotheses or concepts are considered constructs. Consumer Unit: A household represented by an individual, related families, or unrelated roommates that make consumer purchasing decisions together. Contact: When the interviewer has actual interaction with a potential research respondent. Contact Rate: This is the amount of respondents reached for a survey that are responsible members of the household. Custom Marketing Research: Market research that is tailored to a specific client's needs. Data: A set of observations. Data Collection: The process of collecting market research data. Data collection is accomplished through interviewing and surveying. Data Entry: The organizing procedure that allows for the collection of data to be analyzed. The process involves recording, classifying, sorting, summarizing, calculating, disseminating and storing data. Data Mining: Data mining is the ability to query large data sets. This requires advanced skills and is a promising solution. Data Processing: Research that attempts to explain the relationship between two variables (if A cause s B to occur). Dependent Variable: A concept that's value changes as an independent variable changes. Statistics are used to explain the strength of the relationship between the two variables. Can also be called a criterion variable. Depth Interview: Interviews that exist between a respondent and an interviewer in which the interviewer asks probing questions to really understand the participants motivations by using nondirective techniques. Experiencing Focus Groups: Qualitative research that allows clients to observe and hear consumer’s thoughts and opinions regarding the client’s product or service. Experiment: A set of observations that are performed in an attempt to solve a question or problem. Experimental Design: A research design which allows the researcher to manipulate the independent variables and observe the reactions caused by such changes. Experimental Effect: The result that occurs to the dependent variable after the treatment variable has been altered. Experimental Unit: The smallest base object that is targeted during an experiment. Can also be referred to as a unit, subject, participant, respondent, or unit of analysis. Exploratory Focus Groups: Qualitative research that brings concepts to a group of people so that they can address customer needs, concepts for new products or evaluate existing products. Exploratory Research: The most basic level of research that is performed to clarify the exact problem at hand. Field Experiments: Research conducted in the actual setting environment (i.e. outside of the laboratory). Final Report: A complete description of the research for the client after the research has been conducted. A typical report would include a summary of the methodologies used, key findings, and interpretations drawn from the collected data that would aid the company in future success. Recommendations for future action may also be included in this report. Findings: Reported in the final report as the facts that were uncovered during the research. There should not be an interpretation of the facts in the findings section of the final report. Interviewer: The person responsible for recruiting participants for a focus group or the person administering a questionnaire. Interviewer Error: Error that results from conscious or unconscious bias in the interviewer's interaction with the participant. Longitudinal Study: A research study conducted over time by observing a certain sample set to understand developmental trends. Can use the same sample set over decades, or could utilize a new sample at set intervals. Mail Panels: A set of the sample which has been screened and previously accepted to participate in studies with a particular company. The company then proceeds to periodically send surveys to such participants. Mail Questionnaires: Surveys sent through the mail. Respondents complete the surveys and mail back to the research organization. Mailout Rate: The amount of surveys sent to respondents. Monitor the server capacity when sending out survey invitations. Mall-Intercept Interviewing: Occurs when consumers are shopping in public areas and are approached about taking a survey at the shopping center. These can be conducted on paper or face-to-face. Methodology: The procedure used as a proven method that, when repeated, should yield the same result. Steps need to be recorded properly so that the procedure can be redone exactly. Objectives: Objectives are the goals or purpose of the research study. The reason why the study is being conducted. Observation: The accepted value given for a single instance of a sample study. Observation Research: An experiment conducted without any direct interaction between the investigators and the respondents. Also known as a quasi-experiment. Omnibus Panel: A study conducted in intervals that allow several companies to purchase a few questions on a single survey that will be administered to a large audience. The survey results for each question will be delivered to the company that posted that particular question as well as surveyed demographic information. This is also known as a piggyback survey. Operational Definition: Identifies which characteristics will be used to observe or measure a particular concept and the value that will be attributed to the observation. Panel: A group of respondents that participate in multiple surveys over an extensive period of time. Respondents willing participate with the market research project in return for some compensation. Specialty panels can be created for specific samples (eg doctors, IT professionals, youth), or for specialist research and product testing. Traditionally, panels are used for a wider range of projects, including general and consumer research. There are massive panels and databases of people available for research. Pre-Test: An evaluation of a questionnaire prior to its distribution. The survey can be sent to a small sample to ensure that questions are comprehended correctly and that responses are clear. Qualitative: Research conducted that cannot be quantified or analyzed quantitatively. Qualitative data requires subjective analysis as it is not collected empirically. Focus groups, interviews, and open-ended questions are all forms of qualitative research. Qualitative Variable: A result that cannot be quantified but rather belongs to a category or classification. Marital status, sex, and occupation are examples. Quantitative Research: Research performed in search of empirical evaluations explaining consumer attitudes, behavior, and/or performance. Conducted to forecast numerical measurements of product acceptance and consumer purchase intents. Quantitative Variable: Variables that already exist as numbers or variables that are continuous or discreet. Age, weight, and income are all examples. Research Design: An overall plan of action to be followed during an experiment to be sure that the objectives are met. Often the specific procedures to solve problems are included in the research design. Sample: A group that is selected to study as a representative of the true population for a given experiment. The study is often conducted to understand how the population will react to an item by first testing it on a sample that represents the population that the item will target. Sample Distribution: A measurement of the responses given from a single sample organized by frequency. Sample Population: The description of the characteristics that define a particular population from which a sample is taken. Sample Size: Number of sample units to be included in the sample. Sample Space: A set including all possible outcomes for a particular experiment. Sampling: A process using a segment (sample) of a population to represent the entire population’s activities, attitudes, opinions, and interests and the results from the sample study can be inferred upon the population. Sampling Distribution of the Proportion: A normally distributed graph showing combined proportion frequencies from many samples within a single population. Sampling Distribution of the Sample Means: A normally distributed graph showing combined mean frequencies from many samples within a single population. Sampling Distribution of the Sample Statistic: A probability distribution displaying probabilities of all possible variables that might occur with repeated sampling. Sampling Error: An assumed inaccuracy associated with using the sample results as an indication of the behavior of the population. Sampling Fraction: The ratio comparing sample size to population size. Sampling Frame: A set defining which individuals, households, or institutions qualify for a sample, then the sample is drawn from those elements. Sampling Interval: The process of taking a list, and selecting each nth unit as a participant in a study. The interval creates random selection throughout the population and is decided upon by dividing the total population by the number of sample units desired. Also referred to as interval or Nth selection. Sampling Unit: Those units that qualify to be sampled and are available during the sampling process to be selected. Secondary Research: The analysis of research that had been collected at an earlier time (for reasons unrelated to the current project) that can be applied to a study in progress. Survey Research: A method of research to collect participant responses on facts, opinions, and attitudes through questionnaires. Unit of Analysis: Units that constitute the population and the units selected for measurement.