BPV_APF1 Public Finance 1 - Interactive Syllabus

Week 7 (Filip Hrůza)

Public expenditure programs: Pensions

The objective of this course is to introduce and discuss particular sub-system – pension system – associated processes and trends in the CR and internationally as well. To the seminar you should be also able to discuss about characteristics, specifics and (dis)advantages of those sub-systems in Czech and international practice. Very welcomed are also your home experience and the ability of international comparison. 

For the purposes of a group discussion please prepare/answer the following topics/questions (use materials from assigned reading which are specified below and available in studying materials for this part of the course in information system of the fakulty or in faculty library):

  • Describe the pension system in the Czech Republic and in your country and compare them based on following criteria:
    • pension system model
    • structure of the pension system
    • key actors
    • main system parameters
    • associated expenditures and revenues
    • main principles, specifics and problems
    • historical and recent trends
  • Identify the main reforms in the Czech pension system that have been undertaken.
  • Imagine that you are responsible governmental policy maker and you are supposed to introduce to the public a new change in current pension system. Introduce the (dis)advantages of two- or three pillar system based on Czech model and experience and discuss it in the group. (Based on literature study identify and formulate main arguments and be aware of associated negatives)
  • Discuss the issue of pension systems according to poverty and income issues. What are the core features according those issues?
  • Discuss the pension systems worldwide from the investment (return) and portfolio (asset allocation) perspectives. What are the main specifics, differences and what are the international trends?   
  • What are the main principles of Pay-as-you-go system functioning? Identify the conditions when this particular system becomes unsustainable. See Hillman (2009) – Chapter 8.2.  
  • Identify the free-rider problem in case of particular pension system (examples).

Assigned reading

Main source

  • Hillman, A. L. (2009) Public Finance and Public Policy: Responsibilities and limitations of government. Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition. FIN 1538 (Available at Library at Faculty of Economics and Administration).   
    • focus on The Entitlement to Income during Old Age

Supplementary sources