Week 3 (Robert Jahoda)
Great revision of basic knowledge.
1) Who was J.M. Keynes? What were his main economic ideas in connection with a public deficit?
2) What UK rebate means?
3) Explain Maastricht convergence criteria (MCC)?
4) What is the connection of MCC to Stability and Growth Pact (SGP)?
5) What is it COFOG (public expenditure)?
6) Compute Personal Income Tax (PIT) on average earner in your country (childless individual)
7) How Health Care (HC) is financed in your country? (mix public X private)?
8) What are budget priorities (central public budget) in your country?
9) Is there Value Added Tax (VAT) in your country? Which rates are applied? If there is not VAT, do you have any other general sales tax (GST)?
10) What the Negative Income Tax (NIT) means? Is there any connection to Universal Basic Income concept?