PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM author: David Špaček presenter: Mark vyskočil AGENDA 1.Public administration 2.Public administration reform – (research) framework 3.Public administration reform – the Czech case n nSTARTING QUESTIONS n n (1) Public Administration - what does it mean? (for example relationships between terms like public, private, administration, management) (QUESTION OF THEORY) n n (2) What are the main functions of the modern public administration? (QUESTION OF THEORY/PRACTICE/OPINION) n n (3) What is the PA organization in your home country (QUESTION OF PRACTICE) 1) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION nMULTIDISCIPLINARITY n 1) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION n activities n institutions n employees ... n SPECIFICS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION nSELF-GOVERNMENT: n Local self-government denotes the right and the ability of local authorities, within the limits of the law, to regulate and manage a substantial share of public affairs under their own responsibility and in the interests of the local population nTHE PRINCIPLE OF SUBSIDIARITY n (EUROPEAN CHARTER OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT, CoE 1985) PA and its two current sub-systems in the Czech Republic 2) PA REFORM nREFORMING - INHERITED FEATURE OF PA ... STRATEGIC? n= to make something better, to improve something or to remove the faults of something (DEFORM?) nBalance of responsibilities a) CENTRALIZATION and DECONCENTRATION / DECENTRALIZATION n b) WHAT IS FEASIBLE and IMPOSSIBLE nMANY ASPECTS - e.g. n - economic - political - legal - institutional - technical - personnel (psychological) - financial - social ............. managerial ... PM reform model (Pollitt & Bouckaert, 2004) STARTING POINTS OF PA REFORMS (WEST and EAST) PA reform in developed countries nwhy + how 3 questions and 2 main philosophies (NPM, GG ... NWS) ¡POLICY AND GOVERNANCE? ¡What should government do? ¡Can – or should – government be smaller? ¡Governance ¡ ¡ADMINISTRATION? ¡How can government do what it does better? ¡Can we do more with less and, in the process, improve the satisfaction of citizens? ¡TERRITORIAL SEGMENTATION? ¡decentralization vs. amalgamations? PA reform in CEECs nHesse’s (1998) 4 common reform trends 1)transformation 2)consolidation 3)modernization 4)adaptation … n ...5) modernization n n ISSUES® RHETORIC (LEGAL CHANGES) VS PRACTICE 3) CZ REFORM = HISTORY AND FUTURE OF THE CURRENT PA SYSTEM [USEMAP] REFORM « ROLES OF INDIVIDUAL LEVELS CZ PA reform – REASONS / LIMITATIONS? ncommunist period (1946) - 1948 – 1968 – 1970s ... 1989 including directive amalgamations of municipalities in 1970s CZ TENDENCIES AFTER NOVEMBER 1989 nPA (PS) TRANSFORMATION n3Ds n„public sector“ and „state – society“ reconfiguration nincrease of public administration prestige ncivil service "professionalization„ nforeign know how and money utilization a) Reform of territorial PA 1990 – November 2000 civil society VALUES (AND / vs) STRUCTURE The size structure of municipalities in the Czech Republic Territorial PA reform: 1997 - 2000 n- constitutional act 347/1997 n ® 14 REGIONS AS HIGHER SELF-GOV UNITS n - THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES LATER n n ... SOLUTIONS UNCERTAIN... Structure of Czech regions and regions of cohesion b) Central PA reform n... SEPARATED FROM THE TERRITORIAL PA REFORM n nTHE ROLE OF THE CENTRE WAS UNDERESTIMATED... nREPEATED GOALS: ¡to start reforming ¡harmonization and systematization = consolidation of the central stat administration system ¡increase of effectiveness ¡improvement of horizontal and vertical cooperation ¡improvement of management 2004’s reform of central administration Office of the Government !!! Current trends of Czech PA Reform n(explicitly or implicitly) overlap from the previous period n semi-annual reports shall be, but have not been published (except RIA) MAIN ISSUES: UNCLEAR STRATEGY, LOW QUALITY OF PREPARATION...