Introduction to Econometrics Worksheet week # 6 1. In 1986 Frederick Schut and Peter VanBergeijk published an article in which they attempted to see if the pharmaceutical industry practiced international price discrimination by estimation by estimating a model of the prices of pharmaceuticals in a cross section of 32 countries. The authors felt that if price discrimination existed, then the coefficient of per capita income in a properly specified price equation would be strongly positive. The reason they felt that the coefficient of per capita income would measure price discrimination went as follows: the higher the ability to pay, the lower (in absolute value) the price elasticity of demand for pharmaceuticals and the higher the price a price discriminator could charge. In addition, the authors expected that prices would be higher if pharmaceutical patents were allowed and that prices would be lower if price controls existed, if competition was encouraged, or if the pharmaceutical market in a country was relatively large. Their estimates were: Pi = 38.22+ 1.43 0.21) GDPNi − 0.6 0.22) CV Ni + 7.31 6.12) PPi − 15.63 6.93) DPCi − 11.38 7.16) IPCi , where: Pi . . . the pharmaceutical price level in the i-th country divided by that of the United States GDPNi . . . per capita domestic product in the i-th country divided by that of the United States CV Ni . . . per capita volume of consumption of pharmaceuticals in the i-th country divided by that of the United States PPi . . . a variable equal to 1 if patents for pharmaceutical products are recognized in the i-th country and equal to 0 otherwise DPCi . . . a variable equal to 1 if the i-th country applied strict price controls and 0 otherwise IPCi . . . a variable equal to 1 if the i-th country encouraged price competition and 0 otherwise (a) Develop and test appropriate hypotheses concerning the regression coefficients using the t-test at the 5 percent level. Do you think Schut and VanBergeijk concluded that international price discrimination exists? Why or why not? (b) Set up 90 percent confidence intervals for each of the estimated slope coefficients. 1 2. Using data wage.csv estimate the model describing the impact of education and experience on wage: wage = β0 + β1educ + β2exper + β3exper2 + ε (a) Import data into Gretl from the csv file. (b) Generate variable exper2 . (c) Why we include this variable into the model? (d) Estimate model with and without exper2 , compare R2 and R2 adj. (e) Comment on the signs and significance of β1, β2, and β3 in the model with exper2 . (f) Test the following hypotheses in the model with exper2 : - test for the overall significance of the regression; - education has a significant impact on wage; - experience has a significant impact on wage. 2