clear all close all dm = dbload('us_monthly.csv'); dq = dbload('us_quarterly.csv'); rng_m = mm(1990,1):enddate(dm.unempl); rng = qq(1970,1):enddate(dq.gdp); %% comparison of seasonal adjustment % unemployment dm.unempl_sa = x12(dm.unempl_su); figure plot(rng_m,[dm.unempl_su dm.unempl_sa]) legend('NSA','SA') title('Unemployment rate, %') grid figure plot(rng_m,[dm.unempl_sa dm.unempl]) legend('Adjusted by IRIS','Adjusted from source') title('Unemployment rate, %') grid % Task: Do the same for CPI %% convert to quarterly frequency d.unr = convert(dm.unempl,'q'); = convert(dm.int_rate,'q'); d.cpi = convert(dm.cpi,'q'); % merge two databases d = dbmerge(d,dq); %% adjustment % get names of the variables varlist = fieldnames(d); % take log d.l_gdp = 100*log(d.gdp); d.l_cons = 100*log(d.cons); d.l_invest = 100*log(d.invest); d.l_real_wage = 100*log(d.wage/d.cpi); d.l_cpi = 100*log(d.cpi); d.pie = d.l_cpi - d.l_cpi{-4}; d.rir = - d.pie{+4}; d.nx_to_gdp = (d.nx / d.gdp)*100; % share of NX to GDP, in pct %% Estimate HP trend and gap for some variables [d.l_gdp_trend, d.l_gdp_gap] = hpf(d.l_gdp,'lambda=',1600); [d.l_cons_trend, d.l_cons_gap] = hpf(d.l_cons,'lambda=',1600); [d.l_invest_trend, d.l_invest_gap] = hpf(d.l_invest,'lambda=',1600); [d.unr_trend, d.unr_gap] = hpf(d.unr,'lambda=',1600); %% calculate correlation coefficient between GDP and other variables (separate function corrfn) [cc.unr test.unr] = corrfn(d.l_gdp_gap, d.unr_gap,5); [cc.cons test.cons] = corrfn(d.l_gdp_gap, d.l_cons_gap,5); [cc.invest test.invest] = corrfn(d.l_gdp_gap, d.l_invest_gap,5); %% calculate volatilities (STDs) sd.gdp = std(d.l_gdp_gap); sd.unr = std(d.unr_gap); sd.cons = std(d.l_cons_gap); sd.invest = std(d.l_invest_gap); % relative to GDP sd.gdp_to_gdp = sd.gdp/sd.gdp; sd.unr_to_gdp = sd.unr/sd.gdp; sd.cons_to_gdp = sd.cons/sd.gdp; sd.invest_to_gdp = sd.invest/sd.gdp; %% GDP: trend and gap figure plot([d.l_gdp d.l_gdp_trend]) title('Real GDP, 100*log') legend('level','trend') grid figure plot([d.l_gdp_gap]) title('Real GDP, gap, %') ylabel('% deviation from trend') grid %% plot variables and cross-corelation % unemployment figure plot(rng,[d.l_gdp_gap d.unr_gap]); title('GAPs') ylabel('% deviation from trend'); legend('GDP','UNR'); grid disp(' korelacni fazovy t-stat t-crit vyznamnost') disp(' koeficient posun a/n=1/0 ') disp([cc.unr test.unr]) ps = cc.unr(:,2); % phase shift figure bar(ps,cc.unr(:,1)) xlabel('lead lag') ylabel('corr. coef.') title('GDP_t vs. UNR_{t+k}') %% consumption figure plot([d.l_gdp_gap d.l_cons_gap]); title('Consumption') legend('GDP','C') ylabel('% deviation from trend'); grid figure bar(ps,cc.cons(:,1)) xlabel('lead lag') ylabel('corr. coef.') title('GDP_t vs. C_{t+k}') disp(' korelacni fazovy t-stat t-crit vyznamnost') disp(' koeficient posun a/n=1/0 ') disp([cc.cons test.cons]) %% investment figure plot([d.l_gdp_gap d.l_invest_gap]); title('Investment') legend('GDP','I') ylabel('% deviation from trend'); grid figure bar(ps,cc.invest(:,1)) xlabel('lead lag') ylabel('corr. coef.') title('GDP_t vs. I_{t+k}') disp(' korelacni fazovy t-stat t-crit vyznamnost') disp(' koeficient posun a/n=1/0 ') disp([cc.cons test.cons]) %% standard deviations disp('Standard deviations') disp(' GDP UNR C I') disp([sd.gdp sd.unr sd.cons sd.invest]) disp('SD relative to GDP') disp([sd.gdp_to_gdp sd.unr_to_gdp sd.cons_to_gdp sd.invest_to_gdp])