HR and Leadership related to CSR Group 2: Sindi Zaloshnja Elvana Qeli Resit Erdal Lucina Guzman Ibarra HRD role in CSR •Plays a critical role in ensuring the company adapts with Corporate Social Responsibility. •Manages the CSR implementation in the company •Monitors its adaption •Documents the success throughout the company. • How does CSR promote the company? •CSR defeats the image that the objective is profit at the expense of society and the environment. •By having a CSR approach the company can attract employees of the “millennial generation” due to the similar mindset that this policy creates in the company. hr and scr.jpeg How can we start? •Implement green practices qRecycle paper qCollect food and donations qEncourage reduced energy consumption qPromote brown-bagging •Foster a culture of social responsibility qInvolving young employees qInfuse enthusiasm through friendly programs •Celebrate CSR success within the company qPraising success of the initiatives qInvolving company leaders • Challenges •Sensitivity of the market and disconnection •Promotion of CSR •Training the employees to adapt to CSR •Lack of stake holder’s consensus 5 rules to become a CSR leader 1.Take the long view •Ecological cycles and stakeholders relations do not run on quarterly timelines. •CEOs with a long-term view lead their companies to better financial performance. 2.Show employees who they´re helping •Doing good is a powerful driver for employees. •Study of fundraisers: Bringing in scholarship recipients to meet employees led to increases in productivity of 400 per cent. •3. Live your values •Leaders who exhibit ethical values have employees that did the same. •Departments have less internal conflict and colleagues are more supportive and respectful of each other. • 1.Executives need to think long-term. CEOs with a long-term view lead their companies to better financial performance. 3. (Work with HR to assess the integrity of new managers. And to reinforce good behaviour over the long term, put posters or other visual cues with ethical messages in places where employees will see them daily) 5 rules to become a CSR leader •4. Customize and reward (CSR through ranks) •Best-performing companies personalized environmental agendas. •Specific rewards to incent new ideas or positive behaviours. • 5.Cultivate “Master Managers” •The best sutainability leaders have three distinct traits: •Concerning about welfare of the others and the environment. •Motivated to create change within the company and perfom a wide variety of leadership and managerial roles. •Inspire the others to support their vision. • • • 4. these companies reward both individuals and groups alike – giving them money, public recognition or both for driving one-off projects or helping meet annual targets. 5. they garner this support by collaborating across the organization and focusing on employees as individuals. Example •The Walt Disney Company is one of the largest and most well-known corporations practicing Corporate Social Responsibility all the way down the line in their business model. •In 2009, Disney was named a leader in Corporate Social Responsibility according to the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship and Reputation Institute. The Walt Disney Company mainly focuses on the environment, community, and labor standards while focusing heavily on volunteerism. •Disney maintains the highest ethical standards from theme parks to their consumer products and takes their corporate social responsibility seriously and with a great amount of pride. • •Now, it is increasingly more important for companies to incorporate CSR because of the competitive evolving market. Having CSR incorporates a differentiation factor that adds a unique value in a business leading to a successful sustainable profitability for the long-run. In essence, corporate social responsibility is good for the environment, society, and profit so what is stopping other companies from doing the same? • •CSR + HRM = LEADERSHIP • Thank you for your attention!