Liberated company Marion Wartelle - Jasna Brkic - Anna Arutiunyan - Thibaud Breger Human Resources Management - Liberated company 10/12/2016 Table of contents •Introduction I.Definition, origin and development II.A win-win organizational process III.Limits •Conclusion 10/12/2016 Liberated company 2 Introduction • • • • • 3 10/12/2016 Liberated company Freedom-Inc.-paperback-jacket-cover-v1.2-PNG.png Isaac Getz Capture d’écran 2016-12-08 à 18.43.44.png I. Definition, origin and development •1920: first theories about the positive relationship between employee welfare and productivity •2000: first definition by Isaac Getz: •“Company where the majority of employees can decide what actions they consider to be best for the company without necessarily imposed by decision-makers or any procedure”. •Two assumptions: 1.People are trustworthy, so they must be in heart of the business 2.People long for freedom, even within their work 4 10/12/2016 Liberated company II. A win-win organizational process •Benefits for workers •Ally workplace well-being and productivity •Share strong values •Delete “control loops” (middle managers) •Make the workers independents ØAuto-management ØAuto-organisation ØAuto-control •Inverse the management structure • •➔ Place the employees at the central place. Employees are the ones who create values and ensure the durability of the company. • • 10/12/2016 Liberated company 5 II. A win-win organizational process •Results for directors •Make the employees more motivated and more productive •Reduce costs •Ensure the durability of the company • • •➔ The main goal is the durability of the company and the customer satisfaction. Employees well-being is a way to reach this purpose. 10/12/2016 Liberated company 6 III. Limits 7 10/12/2016 Liberated company This was implemented by Jim Ziemer, head of the Harley Davidson company until 2009. Ziemer, in Isaac Getz's book, organizes 40 meetings of all staff every year in all Its factories in order to assimilate the liberating culture of Harley Davidson. III. Limits 8 10/12/2016 Liberated company III. Limits •Informal control : it is no longer the control of one person • over the other but the control of all by all. •"No hierarchical line" also means "no evolution in the company” •Employees are no longer working on time, but on a piecemeal basis and sometimes, in order to achieve their goals, employees have to make free overtime. • • 9 10/12/2016 Liberated company Conclusion •This concept remains rather vague or even utopian for most of the classical entrepreneurs that’s why the concept is not yet widespread. •Several similar movements have emerged, in particular social and solidarity companies which promotes social utility, ethical implementation, democratic governance. • • • • • 10 10/12/2016 Liberated company •Thank you for your attention ! 11 10/12/2016 Liberated company