MPH_BUPM Business Process Management
Week 02 - Conceptualization
The goal of the lecture is to systematize the discipline of BPM, to introduce some models and frameworks that describe the nature and the content of BPM.
Mandatory Reading:
Mandatory Reading:
- Michael Hammer: What is Business Process Management?
- Rosemann, Michael and Jan Vom Brocke: The Six Core Elements of Business Process Management
- Dumas et al., chapter 1
- Paul Harmon: The Scope and Evolution of Business Process Management (HoBPM 1)
- Thomas Davenport: Process Management for Knowledge Work (HoBPM 1)
- Rummler and Ramias: A Framework for Defining and Desiging the Structure of Work (HoBPM 1)
- BPM Life-cycle
- Six Core Elements of BPM
- Capability and Maturity Model
- Chose one of the four BPM aspects that will be discussed next week (Strategy, Governance, People, (organizational) Culture)
- With the use of text discuss relationship between the aspect and BPM
- Max 2 pages of text
- Possibility of getting 0.75 points for activity