Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV (Return Management) Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy Return Management •Return Management – better control over claims (reklamace) •Claims – external reaction from Customer •Claims - our reaction to bad quality of delivered items from Vendors or shipped to Customers • –You typically create a Sales Return Order to compensate a Customer who is dissatisfied with an item that you have sold them. This could be due to a quality issue or delivery of a wrong item, for example – – – Assigning Exact Cost Reversing – –You may agree to compensate a Customer by allowing them to return a sold item against a Sales Return Order. When you invoice the Sales Return Order, you may then want to revaluate the item at the unit cost that is connected to the original sales entry. – – – – Setup (use searching window) OR Setup Nutné vrácení přesných nákladů – CZ verze •Zaškrtnutí tohoto pole znamená, že program nepovolí vrácení transakce, která se má zaúčtovat, pokud pole Vyrovnáno položkou zboží na řádku prodejní objednávky neobsahuje číslo položky. •Tato funkce se používá, pokud má firma použít způsob vrácení přesných nákladů ve spojení s prodejními vratkami. –To znamená, že prodejní vratka je oceněna přesně stejnou cenou jako původní prodej, pokud se vrátí zpět do zásob. –Pokud se později k původnímu prodeji přičtou další náklady, program hodnotu prodejní vratky adekvátně zaktualizuje. • Task A representative from customer 10000 calls a salesperson at Cronus and says that he received five units of item 70011 instead of item 70010 and that two units of item 1964-W were delivered damaged. The customer explains that the wrong delivery of item 70010 was his own fault, while item 1964-W appeared to have been damaged during shipment. The salesperson and the customer agree that item 70011 must be returned to Cronus and a replacement of the same quantity of item 70010 will be shipped to the customer. Regarding this replacement, Cronus will charge the customer a restock fee of 5% of the original order amount. Meanwhile, item 1964-W should not be returned, and the parties agree to settle the case by Cronus providing the customer with a sales allowance of 15% off the price of the item. Task 70010 70011 Cronus company Customer 10000 70011 70011 70011 70010 1964-W 1964-W Restock fee 5% Sales allowance 15% Sales Order Sales Order Return Order Selling (Sales Order) Customer 10000 Return Order creation Return Order creation See next slide Return Order creation Customer 10000 Return Order creation - adding reason codes Customer 10000 Return Order creation –restock calculation Customer 10000 2720*0,05=136 and 136*5=680 Return Order creation- assignment of the restock cost to 70011 delivery You have to be with cursor or the line with calculated restock cost Do it manually – no with „Navrhnout přiřazení“= Suggest Assignment Return Order creation - creation-added another extra costs (15 %) Customer 10000 10970*0,15=1645,50 and 1645,50*2=3291 Return Order creation-removal of one line (related to item 1964-W) Ctrl-Del Return Order creation – move negative lines Return Order creation See next line Created Sale order – only SO Line Return Order creation- only SO Line Change sign of restock line to minus- we are on RO !!! Assign sales allowance Do it manually !! Post RO and new created SO and see impacts Created Credit Memo End of the section (Return Management)