Problem 1 AMD is deciding whether to enter a market of Intel. If it enters, Intel can decide to fight or accommodate. The game has the following payoff matrix with profits in $B: Intel fight accommodate AMD enter −2; 10 10; 13.5 stay out 0; 20 0; 23.5 1 What is the subgame perfect equilibrium of the game? 2 Each production facility Intel costs 2 (reduces its payoff if it fights or accommodates), but increases Intel’s profit by 1 if it decides to fight. How many facilities does Intel build (only an integer number allowed)? 1 / 3 Problem 2 Price elasticity of demand for a flight service between two cities is −2. There are 4 firms with equal cost functions in a Cournot equilibrium. What is the ratio of price to marginal costs of these firms? 2 / 3 Problem 3 Two firms produce an identical product. The firms have constant marginal costs of $1 and zero fixed costs. Market demand for this product is q = 6 000 − 1 200p. Both firms can easily change prices. A firm charging a lower price sells the entire market quantity. If they charge equal prices, each firms serves a half of the market. 1 What is the name of the model? 2 What is the Nash equilibrium of this game? Explain. What are the quantities and profits of the firms? 3 What happens if one of the firms introduces an innovation that reduces its costs by $0.5? 3 / 3