Is Trade Policy for Sale? Congressional Voting on Recent Trade Bills Author(s): Robert E. Baldwin and Christopher S. Magee Source: Public Choice, Vol. 105, No. 1/2 (2000), pp. 79-101 Published by: Springer Stable URL: Accessed: 24-08-2017 12:42 UTC JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at Springer is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Public Choice This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to Public Choice 105: 79-101, 2000. 79 © 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. Is trade policy for sale? Congressional voting on recent trade bills ROBERT E. BALDWIN' & CHRISTOPHER S. MAGEE2* I Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706-1393, E-mail: rebaldwi @facstaff; 2Department of Economics, Bard College, Annandale-OnHudson, NY 12504, E-mail: Accepted 31 March 1999 Abstract. This paper examines voting by U.S. Representatives on the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Uruguay Round Agreement, and most-favored nation status for China. Using recent political economy models of trade policy to formulate an empirical specification of congressional voting behavior, we find evidence that campaign contributions influenced legislators' votes on the NAFTA and Uruguay Round bills. Labor group contributions were associated with votes against freer trade while business contributions were associated with votes in favor of freer trade. Economic conditions in each member's district as well as the broad policy views of the legislators also affected representatives' voting decisions. "... The bigger contributions you accept, the more expectations some people have that they have a call on their government for something in return".1 Senator Joseph Lieberman, October 22, 1997 1. Introduction Conventional wisdom suggests that interest groups are buying somethin when they contribute to a politician's campaign. These interest groups mu be giving money to influence either the outcome of the election or the pol decisions made by elected officials. Senator Lieberman's statement highligh the second possibility - that campaign contributions allow interest groups affect policy outcomes. Theoretical models in the economics and politica science literature suggest that this quid pro quo aspect of contributions m play an important role in the determination of public policy (Magee, Broc and Young, 1989; Grossman and Helpman, 1994; Austen-Smith, 1995). This paper attempts to determine the importance of campaign contribu tions and other factors affecting voting behavior in the House of Representatives on three important trade-policy bills that came before the United Sta * We are grateful to the Institute for International Economics for research support for t paper. This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 80 Congress in 1993-94: the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Uruguay Round agreement, and most favored nation (MFN) status for China. Understanding the economic, social and political factors that influenced the voting decisions made by members of Congress on these measures is particularly important in light of the failure of Congress in 1997 and 1998 to approve fast-track negotiating authority for an expansion of NAFTA. Our analysis also provides a test of traditional hypotheses about congressional voting behavior. The following section briefly outlines some of the analytical models developed by economists and political scientists in trying to understand how members of Congress and various political pressure groups interact to determine voting outcomes. In Section 3, we provide a brief legislative history of each of the three trade bills we examine. Section 4 outlines the political economy framework on which our econometric model is based while Section 5 includes the specification of the empirical model and a description of the data used in the tests. The results of the statistical analysis are presented in Section 6, and the final section concludes. 2. Models of political behavior In the public choice literature, policy outcomes are endogenous. Policies are determined by the interactions between elected officials, who are suppliers of particular public policies, and organized interest groups, who are demanders of such policies. Interest groups provide the campaign funds that public officials need to stress the merits of their candidacies to imperfectly informed voters. In exchange, politicians provide public policies that raise the economic rents earned by the interest groups. These rent-seeking activities are constrained by increased political opposition from individuals and firms whose welfare is reduced by the policy actions. In one well-known version of endogenous policy modeling, elected officials weigh the increased political support they receive from pursuing policies beneficial to a particular industry against lost support from other industries and from consumers. In the end, government officials implement the policy that maximizes their political support (see Hillman, 1989).2 Two main models of trade policy formation attempt to reduce the "black box" elements of the political support function approach. In Magee, Brock, and Young (1989), political candidates set their policy positions and then interest groups contribute funds in order to improve the probability that their preferred candidate will be elected. In Grossman and Helpman (1994), interest groups offer the government a menu of political contributions that each group is willing to pay for a variety of trade policies chosen. The governThis content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 81 ment policy maker chooses a particular set of contributions and associated policies to maximize his or her welfare function. In both models, politicians are essentially selling trade policy in exchange for campaign contributions. Political scientists have long viewed some public policies as determined by competing domestic interest groups interacting with government officials, as E.E. Schattschneider's (1935) classic study of the Tariff Act of 1930 illustrates. They model the policy-making process in broader political terms than economists, however, and give greater importance to the institutional framework within which the decision process takes place.3 The orthodox view of political scientists has been that political contributions buy access to legislators but only influence their voting behavior under special circumstances (Smith 1995: 91-97; Morton and Cameron 1992: 80-83; Austin-Smith and Wright 1992 and 1994). According to this interpretation, members of Congress generally respond favorably only to information supplied by lobbyists whose basic ideological positions are consistent with their own. Nevertheless, some political scientists maintain that contributions can influence voting behavior if the public visibility of the issue is low or the issue is specialized. Austin-Smith (1991, 1995), Austin-Smith and Wright (1992, 1994), and Ainsworth and Sened (1993) have argued that the conventional view underestimates the importance of campaign contributions and lobbying in influencing voting behavior and have formally modeled the manner in which this influence takes place. Their models exploit the idea that legislators possess incomplete information about the consequences of a particular policy for their electorate. By strategically providing information that reduces elected officials' uncertainty, lobbyists can sometimes gain by altering legislators' voting behavior. Smith (1984) also suggests that other elected officials or lobbyists are able to influence a legislator's voting behavior with arguments about how the measure being considered affects the individual's personal goals. As the preceding description of political economy models indicates, there are significant differences in the manner in which economists and political scientists analyze political decision-making. In most economic models, campaign contributions from organized interest groups play the major role in accounting for the existence of public policies that reduce social welfare. In the Grossman-Helpman model, for example, the socially desired outcome occurs if politicians do not value campaign contributions. In contrast, the mainstream view of political scientists is that contributions influence voting behavior only through increased access to a legislator, and they reject the notion that campaign contributions buy political favors directly (Austin-Smith, 1991). This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 82 Both economists and political scientists agree, however, that constituent interests are important determinants of a legislator's vote. The politicalsupport and campaign contribution approaches of economists include the concept that elected officials consider the interests of constituents in determining their voting behavior, since to do otherwise leads to defeat at the polls. Most political scientists also regard constituent interests as a major factor shaping voting behavior because of the power of constituents at the ballot box (Kingdon, 1973 and Arnold, 1990). Political scientists in addition postulate that voting behavior is affected by such factors as pressure from political leaders in the legislative and executive branches, as well as by personal ideology. As Kau and Rubin (1982: 31-35) point out, some of these factors can be interpreted as indicating the manner in which legislators gauge constituent interest rather than representing independent forces shaping voting behavior. Among previous empirical studies that have included campaign contributions as a variable in analyzing the determinants of congressional voting on recent trade bills are Kahane (1996), Steagall and Jennings (1996), BoxSteffensmeier, Arnold and Zorn (1997), Holian, Krebs and Walsh (1997) and Uslander (1998). These studies all focus on the NAFTA vote and find that labor contributions are negatively correlated with a favorable vote on this measure, while business contributions are positively correlated with a favorable vote. A problem with these studies is that they assume campaign contributions to be an exogenous variable rather than, as Chappell (1982) points out, an endogenous variable. Labor organizations, for instance, were likely to donate extra funds in 1992 to representatives they knew would oppose NAFTA. Thus, campaign contributions are correlated with the residual in the voting equation and the coefficient estimates in a single-equation model are biased. We solve this problem by simultaneously estimating the probability of voting for each trade bill and the amount of campaign contributions received. 3. NAFTA, GATT, and MFN for China: A brief legislative history Congressional approval in 1993 and 1994 of measures establishing a free trade area for the United States, Canada and Mexico, implementing the multilateral agreements reached in the Uruguay Round and continuing most favored nation status for China represented major accomplishments for those favoring greater trade liberalization. Their approval was remarkable in that interest groups that were exploiting the appeal of "fair" trade to push for protectionist policies seemed to be gaining political dominance in the 1980s and early 1990s. This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 83 3.1. NAFTA Of the three measures we examine, NAFTA was clearly the most contro sial. Destler (1995: 217) states that NAFTA "set off the most prominent contentious domestic debate on trade since the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Ac 1930". The intensity of the debate was surprising because half of Mex imports were already entering the United States duty free and the rema faced an average tariff rate of only 4 percent. In addition, there was alr the lack of significant investment barriers between the two countries, and t Mexican economy was small compared to that of the United States (M ico's GDP was only 1/25th of that of the United States). Consistent w these facts, most general equilibrium analyses predicted the impact of agreement would be very modest, with U.S. average wages estimated to from between .1 and .3 percent and aggregate U.S. employment to inc by between .03 and .08 percent (International Trade Commission 1993, 2). These models predicted appreciable job losses in only a few industr such as apparel, household appliances, sugar and ceramics. Several factors explain why the NAFTA debate was more intense widespread than seems justified by its predicted economic impact. The important reason was the decision by organized labor to oppose congress approval in the strongest terms. In doing so, most labor unions were vinced that the adverse employment effects would be much more widesp than economists had predicted. They also feared that approval of NAF would lead to similar agreements with other low wage countries and resu a flood of imports, exerting strong downward pressures on U.S. employ and wages. Concerns expressed by various environmental groups over the polluting activities of the many maquiladoras near the U.S.-Mexican border further focused attention on NAFTA. Not only were these groups apprehensive about a rise in pollutants along the border as production in Mexico expanded, but they were also fearful that a rush of U.S. firms to Mexico would encourage American legislators to weaken U.S. environmental laws. The initial position of President Clinton toward NAFTA also helps account for the heated nature of the debate. The agreement had been negotiated by the Bush administration and was formally signed in December 1992. Candidate Clinton endorsed the basic text but called for side agreements that would strengthen organizing rights and safety standards for Mexican workers, tighten environmental standards in Mexico and guard against surges of imports. Once in office, President Clinton did not press for rapid negotiation of the side agreements, and thus they were not completed and approved until August of 1993. The White House finally launched a vigorous effort to gain support for the agreement in early fall. Traditional supporters of a liberal This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 84 trade policy such as the business community, editorial writers and academics were organized in a more coherent manner, while opposition from most environmental groups ceased due to the provisions of the side agreement on the environment. In addition, meetings between President Clinton and undecided House members at which the President made concessions or granted them unrelated favors appear to have been effective in gaining votes for NAFTA. The success of these various efforts is indicated by the fact that, far short in September of the votes needed to gain House approval,4 the administration had closed to within ten votes of a majority a week before the final vote. The House approved the North American Free Trade Agreement by a vote of 234 to 200 on November 17, 1993. Only 40 percent of House Democrats (102 members) voted in favor of the measure, however, whereas 75 percent of the Republicans (132 members) supported NAFTA. The Senate approved the pact 61 to 38 three days later. 3.2. GATT Though it received far less national media attention than the vote on N the House and Senate legislation in November and December of 1994 plementing the Uruguay Round agreements is likely to have a greater on the welfare of U.S. citizens than the NAFTA. Among the major a plishments of the agreements were: (i) the reduction of export subsid import quotas in the agricultural sector and the phasing out of the Multif Arrangement; (ii) the extension of GATT rules to trade in services; (i negotiation of a multilateral agreement protecting intellectual property r (iv) the liberalization of trade-related investment measures; (v) the tion of average tariff levels by about one-third and the ban of volu export restraints; (vi) the strengthening of dispute settlement procedures (vii) the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to pro framework for administering trade agreements.5 Unlike the NAFTA, President Clinton did not inherit an alreadyinternational agreement on the GATT Uruguay Round. Although th administration made a concerted effort to complete the negotiations, had started in 1986, the effort failed and the Clinton administration was with the tasks of completing the international negotiations and gettin gress to approve the resulting agreements. After seven years of negot the appointments of a new Director General of the GATT (Peter Suthe a new chief negotiator for the European Union (Leon Brittan) and a n Trade Representative (Mickey Kantor) seemed to revitalize the negot in 1993, and they were completed in December. The congressional approval process continued for another year. Obje raised by some members of Congress concerning a loss of U.S. sover This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 85 under the WTO and the high level of R&D subsidies permitted under the agreement were two of the main reasons for the delay. Environmentalists, who had split over NAFTA approval, were united in their disapproval of the Uruguay Round agreement, whereas organized labor, which had vigorously fought against NAFTA, criticized the agreement but did not oppose it as strenuously. Ross Perot and consumer advocate Ralph Nader opposed approval of the agreements, as they had NAFTA. Nonetheless, the implementing legislation easily passed in the House of Representatives on November 29, 1994 by a 288 to 146 vote and in the Senate on December 1, 1994 by a 76 to 24 vote. A majority of both parties in the House and Senate approved the measure. 3.3. MFNfor China As part of the efforts to improve U.S.-Chinese relations an China's move in the late 1970s toward a more market-orie President Carter first granted most favored nation status t under authority set forth in the Trade Act of 1974. This Act p President can extend MFN treatment on an annual basis, pr does not vote to disapprove such action. Until the brutal act against Chinese dissidents in Tienanmen Square, there was sional resistance to the continuance of this trade policy tow then, however, many members of Congress have sought to of MFN status to improvements in the Chinese government behavior. In 1993, President Clinton secured a one-year exte an executive order tying the 1994 extension to improved h formance by the Chinese government. Under strong politic the business community, however, he renewed MFN for Ch though he explicitly recognized that the Chinese governme the progress in human rights called for in his executive order. maintaining close contact with the Chinese through trade w overall U.S. goals than the withdrawal of MFN status. While dissatisfaction with this policy position, the proposal to disa Clinton's renewal recommendation was easily defeated in the of 320 to 106. 4. Political economy framework The political economy framework we adopt draws on the modeling efforts of both economists and political scientists. Members of Congress are assumed to behave in a manner designed to maximize their chances of reelection. This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 86 In doing so, they are influenced by what they perceive to be the impact of the legislation on their constituents as well as by the wishes and information provided by the major contributors to their campaigns. Two main trade models provide divergent predictions about which groups in the U.S. will support trade liberalization. In the Heckscher-Ohlin trade model, relatively scarce factors of production lose economically from international trade while relatively abundant factors gain. With perfect mobility between sectors, the industry in which a factor is employed does not affect this prediction. Since the United States is relatively scarce in less skilled labor, the model suggests that legislators will be more likely to oppose NAFTA, GATT and MFN for China the higher the proportion of less educated individuals and the lower the per-capita income in their districts. Because labor unions represent mainly blue-collar workers, a higher proportion of union members in a district also increases the likelihood the representative will oppose the trade bills. The Ricardo-Viner trade model, on the other hand, assumes that the services of some productive factors are completely or partly industry-specific. A natural resource or particular type of physical capital may be suitable for use only in a single industry or a few industries, for example, and workers may acquire sector-specific skills. The implication is that individuals' attitudes toward trade liberalization depend on the industry in which they are employed rather than on their factor status. We include detailed data on employment by industry within each congressional district to determine the importance of specific industries in shaping representatives' voting behavior.6 Ideological considerations are likely to be important in determining how legislators vote for two reasons. Since most voters view agreements such as NAFTA as having little direct impact on their real income levels, their broad political, social and economic concerns are not overwhelmed by the personal economic implications of the agreements. The political leanings of each constituency, reflected in the broad policy stances of their legislators, will affect the position each legislator adopts. Politicians may also have an interest in defining themselves as conservative, liberal, strong on national defense issues, or allies of labor in order to appeal to constituencies that are important to their re-election efforts. Campaign contributions may affect legislators' voting patterns, either directly as economists postulate, or through increased access and strategically provided information as the political science literature suggests. Because we do not observe access to legislators, we are unable to distinguish between these two views. We divide campaign contributions into those from PACs representing labor unions and from PACs representing business interests. The This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 87 Heckscher-Ohlin model suggests that labor unions will oppose free trade while business groups will support it. As political scientists have documented, the campaign funds that interest groups give to a member of Congress depend partly on the representative's influence in the legislative process. Members of important committees will receive greater contributions from interest groups that are affected by the committee actions. Business groups, for example, are likely to provide large contributions to members of the House Ways and Means Committee, which deals with taxes, whereas labor unions are likely to target members of the Education and Labor Committee. Political action committees also tend to support legislators with a record of voting in their interest. 5. Econometric specification and data The political economy framework described above suggests that a legislator voting behavior is influenced by various constituency characteristics and b the magnitude of campaign contributions from different interest groups. The campaign funds received by a representative depend on the legislator's polic positions and the influence that he or she wields within the government. A Chappell (1982) and Stratmann (1991) point out, voting behavior should no be estimated using only a single equation because contributions are endogenous. In addition, legislators who take a policy stance on one of the trade bills are likely to vote similarly on the other bills. Thus, the residuals in th voting equations for NAFTA, GATT and MFN for China may be correlated Consequently, we analyze the voting on all three legislative initiatives and the campaign contributions received by each representative from labor and business groups simultaneously by the method of full information maximu likelihood (FIML). The system of equations we estimate for the House Representatives is: Votenafta = F(A'X + A((Labor contributions) + Ag (Business contributions) + en Votegatt = F(B'X + Bt (Labor contributions) + B (Business contributions) + Eg Votemfn = F(C'X + Ct (Labor contributions) + C (Business contributions) + em . D' Y if D' Y- o<7 > 0 Labor contributions = D'Y if D'Y - l < O if D'Y - oae1 < 0 Business contributions = E'Z + Eb where F is the cumulative standard normal distribution, X is a constituency variables that influence members voting behavior, This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 88 Z are vectors of variables that determine campaign contributions received by legislators from labor and business PACs, respectively. In order to test the endogeneity of the contribution variables, we run a Hausman test on labor and business contributions in each of the three voting equations. In the NAFTA equation, the Hausman test rejected the null hypothesis (at the 5% significance level) that business contributions are exogenous but failed to reject the hypothesis that labor contributions are exogenous. In the GATT equation, the Hausman test did not reject the exogeneity hypothesis for either contribution variable, and only the labor contribution variable was found to be endogenous in the China MFN equation. Given the mixed results from these tests and the theoretical justifications for doing so, we estimate the system of equations above, treating campaign contributions as endogenous.7 The means and descriptions of each variable are presented in Table 1. The roll call votes of members of the House on the GATT, NAFTA, and MFN for China measures are available in the Congressional Quarterly Almanac. A vote in favor of approval is assigned a value of one, while a vote against a bill is assigned a zero. Campaign contributions from labor PACs are estimated as a Tobit equation since the dependent variable is censored at zero. Because there were so few representatives (16) who received no contributions from business groups, the business contribution equation is assumed to be linear. Data on campaign contributions to members of Congress are taken from Makinson and Goldstein (1994). The contribution data used in this study are the total contributions received by each representative in the 1992 election from political action committees that Makinson and Goldstein identify as representing either labor or business interests. Congressional district characteristics such as the proportion of individuals over 25 with no high school degree, the fraction with a high school diploma but no college degree, the level of per capita income, the unemployment rate, and the proportion of the population of Hispanic origin are available in the Census publication Population and Housing Characteristics for Congressional Districts of the 103rd Congress. We include the percentage Hispanic variable only in the NAFTA equation. The proportion of private sector workers in each district who are unionized is from Box-Steffenmeier, Arnold, and Zorn (1997) and was provided by the authors. Employment in congressional districts by two-, three-, and four-digit manufacturing industries is estimated from data collected at the county level in the 1993 County Business Patterns. If a county contains more than one congressional district within its borders, the number of workers from an industry who are in each district is estimated by using the fraction of the county's population (in 1990) residing in each district. Data on population size by congressional district and county are reported in Congressional Districts in This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 89 Table 1. Means and descriptions of variables Variable Description Mean NAFTA = 1 if representative voted for NAFTA 0.54 GATT Uruguay Round = 1 if representative voted for GATT 0.66 MFN China 1993 =1 if representative voted to approve MFN for 0.75 China 1993 Ways and Means Committee =1 if member of Ways and Means Committee 0.09 1993 Labor Committee = 1 if member Education and Work Force Com- 0.09 mittee Terms in Office House terms served (including 1993-94) 5.0 Labor Contributions Labor group contributions 1991-92, thousands of $ Business Contributions Business group contributions 1991-92, thou- 152.2 sands of $ No High School Degree 1990 Fraction of population (25+) without a high 0.25 school degree No College Degree 1990 Fraction of pop. (25+) with HS degree, 0.49 without college degree Per-capita Income 1990 District per-capita income (thousands of $) 14.4 Unionization Rate 1991-92 fraction of private sector workers uni- 0.12 onized Unemployment Rate 1990 District unemployment rate (percent) 6.4 Percent Hispanic 1990 Fraction of population of Hispanic origin 8.8 (percent) Export ratio Employment in export industries/employment in 1.37 import industries ACU Rating 1993-94 Rating by American Conservative 46.7 Union (out of 100) AFL-CIO Rating 1993-94 Rating by the AFL-CIO (out of 100) 58.7 NSI Rating 1993-94 National security index rating by 60.2 American Security Council COC Rating 1993-94 Rating by the Chamber of Commerce 59.5 (out of 100) LCV Rating 1993-94 Rating by League of Conservation 51.4 Voters (out of 100) Democrat = 1 if Democrat 0.59 Agriculture Thousands of persons employed in agriculture, 7.18 1992 Food 1993 Employment in SIC 20 / total employment 0.017 Tobacco 1993 Employment in SIC 21 / total employment 0.000 This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 90 Table 1. Continued Variable Description Mean Textiles 1993 Employment in SIC 22 / total employment 0.001 Apparel 1993 Employment in SIC 23 / total employment 0.011 Lumber 1993 Employment in SIC 24 / total employment 0.008 Furniture 1993 Employment in SIC 25 / total employment 0.005 Paper 1993 Employment in SIC 26 / total employment 0.007 Printing 1993 Employment in SIC 27 / total employment 0.015 Chemicals 1993 Employment in SIC 28 / total employment 0.009 Petroleum 1993 Employment in SIC 29 / total employment 0.001 Rubber products 1993 Employment in SIC 30 / total employment 0.001 Leather 1993 Employment in SIC 31 / total employment 0.001 Stone, clay, glass 1993 Employment in SIC 32 / total employment 0.0 Primary metals 1993 Employment in SIC 33 / total employment 0.007 Fabricated metals 1993 Employment in SIC 34 / total employment 0.015 Machinery, except electrical 1993 Employment in SIC 35 / total employment 0.018 Electronic equipment 1993 Employment in SIC 36 / total employment 0.015 Transportation equipment 1993 Employment in SIC 37 / total employment 0.017 Instruments 1993 Employment in SIC 38 / total employment 0.009 Miscellaneous 1993 Employment in SIC 39 / total employment 0.004 the 1990s (1993). The industry results reported in this paper are based only on 2-digit SIC industries. We have also examined 3-digit SIC industries whe studies predicted that they would be strongly affected by either the GATT agreement or NAFTA, but we found that 3-digit industry variables rarely had sizable impacts on voting decisions.8 Employment data for the agricultural sector comes from the 1992 Census ofAgriculture. Specific industries predicted to be significantly harmed by NAFTA include apparel, ceramic tiles, household appliances, sugar, citrus fruit, and veget ables. The computing sector is usually cited as the main employment gainer The sectors expected to be harmed by the GATT agreement, according to industry representative or studies by economists, are dairy, textiles, appare lumber and wood products, paper, footwear, steel, and motor vehicles. Sectors expected to gain and thus support the Uruguay Round agreements include most agricultural industries, chemicals, nonelectrical machinery, computin equipment, and instruments. Little formal analysis of the sectoral impact o withdrawing MFN for China exists but we expect labor-intensive sectors This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 91 such as apparel and footwear to favor withdrawal and skill-intensive, high technology industries to support the continuation of China's MFN status. To investigate the influence of a district's trade with other countries on members' voting behavior, we create a variable (Export ratio) indicating the dependence of the district on export relative to import-competing jobs. We divide manufacturing industries (at the 4-digit SIC level) into net importing and net exporting sectors and then sum up total district employment in exporting and in importing industries. Because trade liberalization tends to lower the domestic prices of import-competing goods and raise the domestic prices of export goods, the Ricardo-Viner trade model suggests representatives will be more likely to support trade liberalization the greater the number of workers in export industries relative to import industries. Since the proportion of capital relative to unskilled labor tends to be greater in export industries than import-competing sectors, the Heckscher-Ohlin model provides a similar prediction. Information about representatives' ideology and other characteristics comes from a variety of sources. Interest groups rate representatives on the percentage of times the legislator voted in the group's interest. We combined the two yearly ratings for the 103rd Congress (1993-94) into one variable for each interest group and interpret these ratings as indicators of the broad policy views of a majority of a legislator's constituents. The American Federation of Labor, Congress of Industrial Organization (AFL-CIO) ratings measures how closely each politician is aligned with labor interests, while the Chamber of Commerce (COC) ratings indicates how closely he or she is tied to business interests. The American Conservative Union (ACU) rating measures the conservative leanings of each member of Congress, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) ranks members on environmental votes, and the American Security Council provides a national security index (NSI) measuring how consistently the representatives vote in favor of strong national defense. Since the AFL-CIO, COC and the ACU included how the members voted on one or both of the NAFTA and GATT trade bills in their ratings, we recalculated the ideological ratings excluding those two bills. A dummy variable (Democrat) is used to indicate the legislator's political party, where a one signifies that he or she is a Democrat. Data on the number of terms in office and membership in House committees are from Duncan (1994). 6. Empirical results Table 2 presents the results of estimating the five equation empirical model simultaneously by the method of full information maximum likelihood.9 The first part of Table 2 shows the coefficient estimates for the labor and business This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 92 contribution equations while the second part presents the estimates of the equations for the House votes on NAFTA, GATT, and MFN for China in 1993. Because the equations are nonlinear, the coefficients are adjusted to show the effect of a unit increase in the variable (above its mean) on the probability of a favorable vote or on the expected campaign contributions received ( , where Y is the dependent variable and X the right-hand side variable). There were 417 observations in the estimation, and the model predicts about 79-82% of the votes correctly on each bill. The contribution equation estimates are consistent with both an electoral and a policy-influencing motivation for campaign contributions. If political action committees attempt to improve the election chances of like-minded candidates, labor groups will contribute mostly to candidates highly rated by the AFL-CIO while business groups will contribute to those rated highly by the Chamber of Commerce. Table 2 indicates that these predictions are true for the 1992 elections. If PAC's try to affect policy decisions directly by their campaign funds, they will target contributions at influential legislators. Our estimates show that labor contributions are higher for members of the House Committee on Education and Labor while business contributions are higher for members of the House Ways and Means Committee. Both business and labor groups, ceteris paribus, gave greater campaign contributions to Democrats, the majority party in 1993-94, while business groups gave more to representatives with longer tenure in the House. The voting equation estimates in Table 2 show that labor and business contributions significantly affected legislators' decisions on both the NAFTA and GATT bills. The labor contributions coefficient is statistically significant at the 1% level in both equations while the coefficient on business contributions are significant at the 5% and 10% levels, respectively, in the two equations. In the NAFTA vote, a $1,000 increase in a member's contributions from labor groups beyond the mean level reduced the probability of voting for the agreement by 0.52 percentage points, whereas a $1,000 addition to contributions from business PAC's increased the probability of voting to approve the agreement by 0.12 percentage points. The comparable marginal effects of $1,000 on the probability of voting for GATT were 0.27 and 0.05 percentage points. These are rather large impacts on voting probabilities considering that the standard deviation of labor contributions is $61,000 and that of business contributions is $123,000 in our data set. Consistent with the fact that China's most-favored nation status was unlikely to have a large impact on interest group welfare, neither labor nor business contributions had a statistically significant effect on voting on the MFN bill. The coefficients on the two contribution variables are jointly significant (measured by the likelihood This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 93 Table 2. Coefficient estimates of empirical model Labor contributions equation Variables Adjusted coefficients Constant -56.6434 AFL-CIO rating 1.1438*** Labor committee 32.0348*** Terms in office -0.8721 Democrat 17.5141 Sigma (scale parameter 38.4257 Business contributions equation Variables Adjusted coefficients Constant -4.9062 COC rating 1.2419*** Ways and means committee 83.9211*** Terms in office 9.4320*** Democrat 47.0700 Voting equations Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted variables coefficients coefficients coefficients NAFTA GATT MFN93 Constant 5.0047** 8.7638** 1.2114 Labor contributions -0.0052*** -0.0027*** 0.0002 Business contributions 0.0012** 0.0005* 0.0001 ACU rating -0.0290*** -0.0285*** -0.0119*** AFL-CIO rating -0.0174*** -0.0114*** -0.0060*** NSI rating 0.0071*** 0.0093*** 0.0017* COC rating 0.0047 0.0040** 0.0021 LCV rating -0.0016 -0.0009 -0.0048*** Percent hispanic 0.0093*** Union -3.0821*** -0.1409 0.0562 Democrat -0.1438 -0.1375 0.1695* Export ratio 0.2771*** 0.1524*** 0.0482** No high school degree -2.3108*** 0.7321 0.2300 HS, no college degree 0.1755 -0.2236 0.6019 Unemployment rate 0.0423 -0.0288** 0.0328** Per-capita income -0.0121 0.0039 0.0082 This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 94 Table 2. Continued Voting equations Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted variables coefficients coefficients coefficients NAFTA GATT MFN93 Agriculture -0.0041 0.0015 -0.0038 Food 1.1442 -2.1937* 5.0206** Tobacco 16.0501 11.2703 -4.6853 Textiles 0.7690 -4.2681*** -2.6220** Apparel 2.6896 2.2154 -1.2546 Lumber 1.8370 3.1938* -0.9865 Furniture 7.7908 1.7984 1.0480 Paper 1.9281 -3.3008 2.4059 Printing 7.6666 1.2000 -2.0042 Chemicals -9.8419*** -1.7165 -0.4784 Petroleum -12.1218 1.5548 -0.0889 Rubber products 3.7262 -2.8579 -3.2974 Leather 1.5563 0.0024 -1.1740 Stone, clay, glass 4.5491 0.6880 -1.4141 Primary metals -4.8087 0.6024 -1.2935 Fabricated metals 8.0815* 2.4093 3.4824 Machinery, except electrical -5.8261 2.4228 -1.0788 Electronic equipment 5.1445 -3.6337** 1.0421 Transportation equipment 2.1863 2.2588** -0.4670 Instruments -3.1073 0.7116 0.3154 Miscellaneous 8.4961 6.9679 6.4391 % predicted correctly 79.3% 81.8% 81.5% Number of observations 417 Log likelihood -5212.68 *indicates that the coefficient estimates are statistically significant a **indicates that the coefficient estimates are statistically significant ***indicates that the coefficient estimates are statistically significant ratio test) at the 1% level in the NAFTA and GATT votin insignificant in the MFN equation. Organized labor groups' stronger opposition to NA is revealed most clearly in the coefficients on union rep presence of low-skilled workers. Increased unionism This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 95 workforce greatly reduced the likelihood of a vote in favor of NAFTA but had no significant effect on the probability of a vote for GATT. Thus, where labor's anti-NAFTA campaign seems to have paid off in the House is through lobbying pressures exerted on representatives by union members and less educated workers. The negative impact of union strength and lower-skilled workers on support for trade liberalization is consistent with the predictions of the Heckscher-Ohlin model. Consistent with both the Heckscher-Ohlin and Ricardo-Viner models, a favorable vote on NAFTA, GATT and MFN was more likely for a higher ratio of workers involved in export-oriented to import-competing industries. A high unemployment rate in a member's district reduced the probability of a vote for the GATT agreement but raised the probability of voting for MFN for China. In addition, an affirmative vote for NAFTA was more likely the larger the proportion of Hispanics in a member's district. The coefficients on the general economic characteristics of the district (education variables, export employment relative to import employment, unemployment rates, and per-capita incomes) are jointly significant at the 1% level for GATT and NAFTA and at the 5% level for MFN for China in likelihood-ratio tests. A district's employment in most industries had little impact on legislators' voting. Large employment in the textiles industry significantly reduced the likelihood of voting for the GATT and MFN bills, but (consistent with the fact that the industry did not oppose NAFTA) did not affect the NAFTA vote. Few of the other industries predicted by various studies either to gain or lose appreciably from NAFTA or GATT, however, had coefficient estimates that are statistically significant with the expected sign.'0 Despite the relatively few significant coefficients among the industry variables, it would be a mistake to omit them. Likelihood-ratio tests show that the coefficients on the industry variables are jointly significant at the 1% level in the three voting equations. This result suggests that previous estimates from voting studies, which often exclude industry characteristics, are flawed because of omitted variable bias if industry employment is correlated with the variables such as contributions, per-capita income, union strength, or ideological ratings included in the study. Ideological variables, as measured by legislators' past voting records, were particularly important determinants of congressional voting. Congress members ranked highly by the AFL-CIO tended to oppose NAFTA, GATT and MFN for China, while those ranked highly on the National Security Index tended to favor these measures. A high Chamber of Commerce rating was positively correlated with approval of GATT, but not significantly correlated with the probabilities of voting for NAFTA or MFN for China. Environmental concerns did not play a major role in legislators' voting decisions on NAFTA This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 96 or GATT, but "green" legislators were less likely to approve of MFN for China. Surprisingly, a higher rating by the American Conservative Union indicates that a legislator was more likely to vote against each of the three bills despite the traditional view of conservatives as free traders. Perhaps, given the various other variables in the equation measuring free-trade leanings, this ideological rating is picking up the concerns on the part of conservatives about a loss of sovereignty with such agreements as NAFTA and GATT. In order to investigate the economic significance of the impact of campaign contributions on voting probabilities, we perform a number of counterfactual simulations. First, we used the coefficient estimates from our model and the values of the variables for each representative to predict his or her probability of voting in favor of the bill. The sum of all representatives' probabilities of voting for each bill yields the predicted number of favorable votes. We then recalculate each representative's probability of voting for the bills under three counterfactuals. First, we held all other variables at their actual levels but set contributions from labor groups to each representative equal to zero. For the second simulation, we set business contributions to each representative equal to zero, and finally we set both business and labor contributions to zero. The sum of all representatives' probabilities of voting for each bill in the three cases reveals the model's predicted number of votes if no labor contributions were made, if no business contributions were made, and if no campaign contributions of either kind were made. The results of these simulations, shown in Table 3, reveal the large effects that labor and business contributions had on the total predicted number of votes for NAFTA and the GATT agreement. First, without labor contributions, the model predicts that 67 more representatives would have voted in favor of NAFTA while 57 more would have voted in favor of the GATT agreement. In the absence of business contributions, about 41 fewer representatives would have voted for NAFTA and 35 fewer for GATT. Since NAFTA passed the House by only 17 votes, the model predicts that the agreement would not have been approved had there been no campaign contributions from business PAC's. The net effect of contributions as a whole was to reduce the number of votes for NAFTA by 25 votes and to reduce the number of votes for the GATT agreement by about 32 votes. The large impact of contributions on predicted votes in our estimates suggests that either trade policy is for sale or that money buys access, which interest groups are able to use effectively to influence legislators' decisions. What is the price an interest group must pay to sway one vote in the House of Representatives? Our definition of the price of one extra vote is the increase in money spent by the interest group (divided equally among all representatives) necessary to raise or lower the expected number of votes on each trade This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 97 Table 3. Counterfactual predictions of the model NAFTA GATT MFN93 Number of votes we can predict 426 424 419 Total number of favorable votes 229 283 313 Predicted number of favorable votes 227 285 317 Predicted favorable votes with no labor contributions 294 342 313 Predicted favorable votes with no business contributions 186 250 307 Predicted favorable votes with no contributions 252 317 302 Predicted effect of labor contributions on number of votes -67 -57 4 Predicted effect of business contributions on number of votes 41 35 10 Predicted effect of total contributions on number of votes -25 -32 15 bill by one. We have sufficient data to predict the probability of vote on NAFTA for 426 representatives. Our model predicts t these will vote in favor of the bill. In order to reduce the expecte 226, labor groups would have had to spend $825 more per represen about $352,00 more. Business groups would have needed to increa contributions by $3,717 per representative, or about $1,583,000. for labor to sway one expected vote against the GATT Uruguay R was $738 per representative, or about $313,000. The comparable p business groups on the GATT bill was $4,412 per representative, $1,871,000. Interest groups could, of course, influence the voting o a lower cost than these numbers indicate by targeting their contr representatives where money has a large marginal effect on the p of voting for each bill. Since we are examining contributions that at least one to two years before the bills were voted on, however, targeting of this kind would require exceptional foresight. The hi business groups needed to pay to sway one vote is likely due to the some industries opposed the trade bills, while others supported th unions were much more united in their opposition to the trade lib measures. Political action committees were not the only groups lobb ives to secure votes on the trade bills. President Clinton als the oval office to ensure NAFTA's passage. Based on in public records, Grayson (1995, ch. 9, Table 10) provides entatives who allegedly obtained special benefits from t return for supporting NAFTA. Using the model in Tabl predicted probability of a vote for NAFTA by these me This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 98 Table 4. Correlations between residuals Enafta Egatt 8mfn93 8labcon 8buscon enafta 1 egatt 0.3720 1 (o.oooo) Emfn93 0.0946 0.1833 1 (0.0529) (0.0002) Elabcon 0.0671 0.1950 -0.0935 1 (0.1671) (0.0001) (0.0558) Ebuscon -0.0224 0.0026 0.0023 0.36171 (0.6447) (0.9579) (0.9628) (0.0000) of any special favors. Of the 46 representatives for wh data to make a prediction, we estimate that 35 would h without any special consideration. Thus President Clin garnered 11 extra votes through the concessions he m Those votes were an important gain considering NAFT was only 17 votes. Three representatives were particu timate that J.J. Pickle of Texas, Clay Shaw of Florid of Washington, all of whom received concessions, had probability of voting for NAFTA without the favors gran Table 4 reports the correlations between the residu equations as well as the p-values for the hypothesis t equal zero (in parentheses). A p-value below 0.05 indic is significantly different from zero at the 5% level. Excep the labor contribution and GATT voting equations, the ence that the residuals in the voting equations are signific those in the contribution equations. This result suggest were not giving more money to candidates who, for un likely to vote in the group's favored manner on the trade The residuals in all three voting equations are stron each other, however, indicating that legislators have a pro against free trade that is not captured in any of the five include in the regression. With correlated residuals, si of the voting equations is preferable to running the regre cause it reduces the variance of the estimated coefficients. Labor and business contributions are also positively correlated. This result is consistent with the This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 99 hypothesis that both types of interest groups are trying to curry favor with a few influential representatives. 7. Conclusions The major conclusion of this study is that political contributions to ors by organized labor and business groups significantly affected th outcome on two (NAFTA and GATT) of the three trade bills analyz estimate that labor contributions or access to legislators gained throu contributions resulted in 67 extra votes against NAFTA and 57 ext against the GATT Uruguay Round bill. Contributions from busines resulted in 41 extra votes in favor of NAFTA and 35 extra votes for the GATT bill. This last result is particularly interesting because it suggests that NAFTA would have failed if business groups had made no contributions to representatives. We estimate the price for labor groups to sway one vote against NAFTA and GATT to be about $352,000 and $313,000 respectively. Private interest groups were not the only parties attempting to influence representatives by providing them with special benefits. We estimate that President Clinton secured about 11 House votes in favor of NAFTA by granting concessions to individual legislators. While campaign contributions and presidential favors were important, they were not the only significant factors determining how representatives voted on the trade bills. Factor-status variables that are suggested by the Heckscher-Ohlin model such as the proportion of less educated workers and the degree of unionization significantly affected the votes on NAFTA. A district's employment in export-oriented versus import-competing industries also played a large role in whether or not a representative voted for trade liberalization in each case. Few of the variables indicating the proportion of employment in specific industries had large impacts on congressional voting. The broad policy views of legislators, as measured by their ratings by interest groups, however, were very important determinants of representatives' decisions on all three votes. We interpret these various results as evidence that legislators are responding on trade legislation to the economic and social concerns of their constituencies as well as to the wishes of their major contributors. Notes 1. Quoted in the New York Times, October 23, 1997. 2. For a systematic review of the political economy models of economists, see Rodrik (1995). This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 12:42:40 UTC All use subject to 100 3. See Morton and Cameron (1992), Smith (1995), and Bender and Lott (1996) for recent surveys of this literature. 4. A USA-NAFTA poll of the House of Representatives on September 20, 1993 found that 190 representatives opposed approving NAFTA while 161 supported it. (Destler, 1995: 225) 5. See Preeg (1995) for an excellent discussion of the Uruguay Round negotiations. 6. Kaempfer and Marks ((1993) find that Heckscher-Ohlin factor variables are strongly correlated with voting on the 1991 fast-track bill but that Ricardo-Viner sector-specific variables are only weakly and inconsistently linked with voting by members of Congress. 7. Assuming that labor and business contributions are exogenous and running singleequation estimates on each voting bill yields qualitatively similar results. 8. The main studies from which we take predictions about the impact of the NAFTA and GATT agreements are USITC (May 1992), USITC (January 1993), and USITC (June 1994). 9. We have also estimated the determinants of Senate voting behavior. The results were qualitatively similar to the House of Representatives, although the smaller number of observations limited the variables we could include in the system of equations. 10. 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