“HRM & Key Indicator System” Dipl.-Ing. Johannes GÖLLNER, MSc Masaryk University, Brno, CZ September, 29th, 2017, 11:05–15:30 Lecture 4 •unemployment statistics: (AT: 1985-2015) •2 Source: Der Standard, 9./10.05.2015, page 6 •unemployment statistics: EU-Space •3 Source: Der Standard, 9./10.05.2015, page 6 •unemployment •statistics: •4 Source: Der Standard, 9./10.05.2015, page 7 unemployment: AT Unemployment ORIGIN •Structure of Personnel Costs: •5 Personnel Costs remuneration for work done Additional Personnel Costs Based on legal and contract (tarif) Based on company agreement Source: Küpper, H.-U. (2005), page 369 •Logic of Indicator Development: •6 Development of Indicator Systems model-based justification empirical-inductive generation empirical-theoretical foundation logical derivation definition logical relationships mathematical transformation Expert interviews Data analysis using statistical methods plausibility considerations Source: Küpper, H.-U. (2005), page 369 •Selected Indicators relating to Personnel Statistics: • 1.“Personnel Structure” Indicators 2.“Personnel Movement” Indicators 3.“Personnel Performance” Indicators 4.“Working Time” Indicators 5.“Personnel Development” Indicators 6.“Job Satisfaction” Indicators 7.“Personnel Costs” Indicators 8.“Social Performance” Indicators • •7 •“Personnel Structure” Indicators: • 1.under demographic and operational • aspects ØAverage age of the workforce ØRate of more than 50 years old persons Øpercentage of women Øproportion of skilled workers ØProportion/share handicapped persons Øaverage length of service Øaverage number of employees •8 •“Personnel Structure” Indicators: • •2. under workplace-related aspects • Øincome groups structure Øspan of control Ønumber of IT-workstations Ønumber of accidents Ønumbers of near misses •9 •“Personnel Movement” Indicators: • •“fluctuation” Indicators (4): • ØBDA-Formula • (BDA: = Confederation of German Employers' • Associations) • ØSCHLÜTER-Formular • ØFluctuation (average target headcount) • ØZVEI-Formular (average target headcount) • (Association of german electrical and electronic • industry) • •10 •“Personnel Performance” Indicators: • • Ø“performance labor productivity” Ø Ø Ø Ø “performance (increasing • productivity)” • •11 •“Working Time” Indicators: • Øeffective working time ØShare effective working time ØDowntime entire company (per period) • Øsickness rate (per period or at the time) ØDetermining the labor reserve (per period) ØOvertime rate • •12 •“Personnel Development” Indicators: • 1.Education Indicators: • Øannual training time per employee ØTraining costs per day and participant ØShare employee development costs to total staff costs ØReturns to education ØAdvanced training rate ØStructure of training activities •13 •“Personnel Development” Indicators: • •2. Education Promotion Indicators: Øapplicants per training place Øapplicants ratio (excluding speculative application) ØProductivity recruitment in quantity per employee ØEfficiency of HR-procurement channels ØNumber of structured employee interviews Øposting quote Ørate of return •14 •“Personnel Development” Indicators: • •3. Organizational Development • Indicators: • Øsuggestions for improvement rate • ØProportion of employees involved in CIP (Continuous Improvement Process) projects •15 •“Job Satisfaction” Indicators: • Ø“fluctuation” Indicators: BDA-Formula • (BDA: = Confederation of German Employers' • Associations) • Øsickness rate (per period or at the time) • ØSatisfaction level with working atmosphere in the group • •16 •“Personnel Costs” Indicators: • 1.Structure of total labour costs: • ØShare of salaries ØShare of additional labor costs ØShare of legal and contract additional labor costs ØProportion of employee development costs ØShare of personnel management costs ØProportion of employee costs to total costs •17 •“Personnel Costs” Indicators: • •2. Structure of labor costs for different groups of people: (worker, employee, staff, etc.) • ØShare of personnel expense of workers ØShare of remunerations of workers ØShare of additional labor costs of workers ØShare of legal and contract additional labor costs of workers ØShare of corporate labor costs of workers • •18 •“Personnel Costs” Indicators: • •3. relationship of personnel costs different groups of people: • ØShare of personnel costs employee to workers ØShare of additional labor costs employee to workers • •19 •“Personnel Costs” Indicators: •4. relationship of personnel costs to performance data: Øshare of personnel expenses to corporate turnover Øshare of personnel costs to production volume Øshare of personnel expenses to total operating revenue, profit & loss calculation ØPersonnel costs per employee rendered production hour •20 •“Personnel Costs” Indicators: • •5. Key figures per employee: • ØPersonnel costs per company employees ØAdditional personnel costs per company employees Ølegal and contract additional labor costs of company employees Øoperational labor costs per company employees •21 •“Social Performance” Indicators: • ØPercentage of employees at the site meals ØPercentage of employees in company-owned apartments ØProportion of users of company-owned sports facilities ØProportion of users of company-owned kindergarten´s ØProportion of users of voluntary occupational pensions •22 Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Johannes GOELLNER, MSc email: johannes.goellner@meinesteuerberatung.at 1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 13/10, Austria mobil: +43-(0)650-22529991 Thank you for your attention. Questions ?