Ex. 1 Ex. 4 Adjustments to accounting profit (AP): Temporal difference (TD) " 1,000 " Add back adj. Deduct adj. Tax rates: (1) " (20,000)" TP =< " 100,000 " => 20% (2) " 5,000 " " 100,000 " > TP =< " 300,000 " => 25% (3)* 500 " 300,000 " > TP =< " 500,000 " => 30% (4) " 35,000 " " (43,000)" " 500,000 " > TP =< " 650,000 " => 35% " 40,500 " " (63,000)" TP 650000 => Tax payable: AP " 150,000 " " 20,000 " Adjustments " (22,500)" " 50,000 " Taxable profit " 127,500 " " 60,000 " " 52,500 " Tax payable " 19,125 " " 182,500 " * Derecognition of AR if bad debt provision is used: Average tax rate: Db Provision 28.08% Cr AR Because there was increase in bad debt provision => corresponding aged AR were not derecognized Deferred tax liability: 280.77 Ex. 2 as per 31/3/X8 estimate of Taxable profit (TP) " 100,000 " => estimate of Tax payable " 20,000 " Db. Tax expense " 20,000 " Cr Tax payable " 20,000 " as per 1/6/X8 actual Taxable profit " 95,000 " => actual Tax payable " 19,000 " Cr. Tax expense " 1,000 " Db Tax payable " 1,000 " as per 15/9/X8 payment of tax payable Db. Tax payable " 19,000 " Cr Bank " 19,000 " Ex. 3 Tax loss " 9,000 " Carryback of tax loss - 3 years in the past: 1617 "TP=7,000, tax rate = 18%" 1516 "TP=5,000, tax rate = 20%" 1415 "TP=3,000, tax rate = 17%" Scenario a: Order of years in the past doesn't matter => first take years with highest % 1 "TP=5,000, tax rate = 20%" => 1000 2 "TP=7,000, tax rate = 18%" => 720 " 1,720 " Scenario b: First most recent years should be used 1 "TP=7,000, tax rate = 18%" => 1260 2 "TP=5,000, tax rate = 20%" => 400 " 1,660 "