Ex 1 Ex 2 FV 7540 FV " 7,540 " FV 7540 vs Lease payments 9000 => PV " 7,461 " => in BS at min " 7,461 " Lease payments 9000 % 10% % 8.84% payments in arrears (i.e. at the end of the period) Depreciation charge " 1,379 " payments in arrears (i.e. at the end of the period) Lease schedule: Lease schedule: Year Liability % Payment Reduction of liability Liability (c/f=closing balance) Year Receivable % Payment Reduction of receivable Receivable (c/f=closing balance) 1 " 7,461 " 746.06 " 3,000 " " 2,254 " " 5,207 " 1 " 7,540 " 666.54 " 3,000 " " 2,333 " " 5,207 " 2 " 5,207 " 520.66 " 3,000 " " 2,479 " " 2,727 " 2 " 5,207 " 520.65 " 3,000 " " 2,479 " " 2,727 " 3 " 2,727 " 272.73 " 3,000 " " 2,727 " - 3 " 2,727 " 272.72 " 3,000 " " 2,727 " (0) PL_1 year BS_1 year PL_1 year BS_1 year % (746.06) PPE " 7,461 " Fin leasing liability " 5,207 " % 666.54 Fin leasing receivable " 5,207 " Liability to manufacturer " 7,540 " Depreciation charge " (1,379)" Accumulated depreciation " (1,379)" Business result for this year " (2,124.57)" Business result for this year 666.54 " (2,124.57)" Bank " (3,000)" 666.54 Bank " 3,000 " " 3,082 " " 3,082 " " 8,207 " " 8,207 " PL_2 year BS_2 year PL_2 year BS_2 year % (520.66) PPE " 7,461 " Fin leasing liability " 2,727 " % 520.65 Fin leasing receivable " 2,727 " Liability to manufacturer " 7,540 " Depreciation charge " (1,379)" Accumulated depreciation " (2,757)" Business result for this year " (1,899.17)" Business result for this year 520.65 " (1,899.17)" Bank " (6,000)" Retained earnings (i.e. business result from previous periods) " (2,124.57)" 520.65 Bank " 6,000 " Retained earnings (i.e. business result from previous periods) 666.54 " (1,296)" " (1,296)" " 8,727 " " 8,727 " PL_3 year BS_3 year PL_3 year BS_3 year % (272.73) PPE " 7,461 " Fin leasing liability - % 272.72 Fin leasing receivable (0) Liability to manufacturer " 7,540 " Depreciation charge " (1,379)" Accumulated depreciation " (4,136)" Business result for this year " (1,651.24)" Business result for this year 272.72 " (1,651.24)" Bank " (9,000)" Retained earnings (i.e. business result from previous periods) " (4,023.74)" 272.72 Bank " 9,000 " Retained earnings (i.e. business result from previous periods) " 1,187.19 " " (5,675)" " (5,675)" " 9,000 " " 9,000 "