“HRM & BSc” Dipl.-Ing. Johannes GÖLLNER, MSc Masaryk University, Brno, CZ October, 05th, 2018, 10:00–15:50 following Lecture 3 Austria Germany U.K. USA Gesetze AktG, GmbHG, IRÄG, URÄG, RLÄG KontTraG, dAktG, dHGB, - Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002) Corporate Governance Kodizes Nationaler CGC (2002) Nationaler CGC (2006) Combined Code on Corporate Governance (2003) Final NYSE Corporate Governance Rules (2003) Standards & Empfehlungen ONR 49000:2010 ON ISO 31000 ISO 31010 - Revised Turnbull Guidance (2005), Orange Book (2004), BS 31100 COSO I & II LEGAL COMPLIANCE Exemplarely Documentation of different Regulations 2 All measures designed to ensure the correct conduct of a company, its management and supervisory bodies and its employees. CORPORATE COMPLIANCE 3 Source: Copyright by GÖLLNER, LV Risikomanagement I, BOKU Wien, 2012 The main task of the Board / CEO is to ensure that: - organizational measures, training and controls and - the correct conduct of the company and its employees is ensured. The company should be protected from claims for damages and judicial and administrative authorities penalties. Text ergänzen aus Folienvortrag RM Vortrag BOKU: HANNES CONTROLLING HRM Strategic HRM = Strategic HR-Controlling Operatively HRM = Operatively HR-Controlling Strategic CONTROLLING Operatively CONTROLLING Finance ICS Accounting vs. CO OVERVIEW – SUBMODULES / SYSTEM All measures designed to ensure the correct conduct of a company, its management and supervisory bodies and its employees. CORPORATE COMPLIANCE 5 The main task of the Board / CEO is to ensure that: - organizational measures, training and controls and - the correct conduct of the company and its employees is ensured. The company should be protected from claims for damages and judicial and administrative authorities penalties. Text ergänzen aus Folienvortrag RM Vortrag BOKU: HANNES 6 + CONTROLLING IS A ADDITION AND SUPPORT of the whole CORPORATE/ORGANISATION + CONTROLLING IS NOT ALONE THING OF THE CONTROLLER BUT EVERYBODY and PROFIT EXECUTIVE OFFICERS + CONTROLLING IS A COOPERATION BETWEEN MANAGERS AND CONTROLLERS Text ergänzen aus Folienvortrag RM Vortrag BOKU: HANNES 7 + BALANCED CONTROLLING IS INTEGRATED CONTROLLING + INTEGRATED CONTROLLING consits of - Integration of strategic and operatively Controlling - Integration of Effectivity and Efficincy in Controlling - Integration of Team-Controlling, Partnerring and Self-Controlling - Integration new Performance Measures of four Dimensions of the Balanced Scorecard [BSc] and other adequate useable Models and Tools Text ergänzen aus Folienvortrag RM Vortrag BOKU: HANNES 8 The 4 Dimensions of the BSc ? + FINANCE - AND VALUE-PERSPECTIVE [RESSOURCE-PERSPECTIVE] + MARKET- AND COSTUMERS-PERSPECTIVE + INTERNAL PROCESS-PERSPECTIVE [INTERNAL ORGANISATIONS-PERSPECTIVE] + INNOVATION- AND KNOWLEDGE-PERSPECTIVE [DEVELOPMENT-PERSPECTIVE] Text ergänzen aus Folienvortrag RM Vortrag BOKU: HANNES 9 WEAKNESSES IN CONTROLLING? Point of View: MANAGER + CONTROLLER HAVE TOO LITTLE INSIGHT INTO THE OPERATIVLY BUSINESS; 37,5 - 44,6 % + MISSING of QUALITATIVE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE NUMBER OF REPORTS; 32,3 - 44,6 % + CONTROLLER exploit the EXISTING INSTRUMENTS NOT OFF; 32,1 - 43,5 % + ONLY MARGINAL INFORMATION PROFITS FROM THE NUMBERS PROVIDED; 29,0 - 32,1 % + INFORMATION COME LATE AND ARE NOT NEWS; 25,8 – 26,8 % Text ergänzen aus Folienvortrag RM Vortrag BOKU: HANNES Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Johannes GOELLNER, MSc email: johannes.goellner@meinesteuerberatung.at 1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 13/10, Austria mobil: +43-(0)650-22529991 Thank you for your attention. Questions ?