Convergence and Divergence in European Bond Correlations by Schwendner P., Schüle M., Hillebrand M. 2 European Bond Yields ̶ Euro convergence for bonds yields during end of 1990s ̶ European sovereign debt crises 2010-2012: spreads reappeared. ̶ Since 2015, bond spreads primarily signal political divergence I I I 3 European Bond Return Correlations 2008 - 2013 Containment of the 2010 sovereign bond crisis I 4 European Bond Return Correlations 2014 - 2019 From financial crisis to political divergence I 5 Problems with correlations ̶ They are unstable in time ̶ Common factors may lead to spurious correlations ̶ Too many links: each market is correlated to any other market. Who is driving what? Solution: ̶ Correlation influence based on partial correlations shows driving factors ̶ Bootstrap filter (“wild bootstrap”) to reduce unstable links in correlation matrix ̶ Influence networks to identify the markets that drive the correlations of other markets 6 Bootstrap-filtered partial correlation 7 Correlation influence ̶ The partial correlation measure is defined as ̶ Correlation influence is defined as ̶ The average correlation influence is defined as Ref.: Kenett D. Y. et. al.: Dominating clasp of the financial sector revealed by partial correlation analysis of the stock market. PLoS ONE 5(12): e15032. I rij:k = Cij CikCkj q Cik q Ckj . I di,j:k = Cij rij:k. I di:k = di,j:kj6=i,k. I rij:k = Cij CikCkj q Cik q Ckj . I di,j:k = Cij rij:k. I di:k = di,j:kj6=i,k. I rij:k = Cij CikCkj q Cik q Ckj . I di,j:k = Cij rij:k. I di:k = di,j:kj6=i,k. 8 Generate Filtered Correlation Influence Network Method overview: from bond yields to influence networks FR BE IE ES IT PT GR EFSF DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR EFSF DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR FR BE IE ES IT PT GR 3 -31-Dec-2013 EFSF DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR 01-Jan-2014 -31-Dec-2014 EFSF DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR EFSF DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR 01-Jan-2015 -28-Aug-2015 EFSF DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR Bond yield time series Correlation matrix of yield changes Bootstrap filter Filtered influence network 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 EFSF DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Correlation influence EFSF DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR 03-Jan-2011 -30-Dec-2011 EFSF DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR EFSF DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR 02-Jan-2012 -31-Dec-2012 EFSF DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR EFSF DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR 01-Jan-2014 -31-Dec-2014 EFSF DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR EFSF DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR 01-Jan-2015 -28-Aug-2015 EFSF DE FI NL AT FR BE IE ES IT PT GR We use influence networks to identify the markets that drive the correlations of other markets. As correlations are very unstable, we use a bootstrap filter to 9 Filtered Correlation Influence Correlation influence networks of daily bond yield changes 2010 - 2015 Blue arrows: dominating positive correlations => reinforcing movements Red arrows: dominating negative correlations => diverging movements 2010. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 8 10 Odds vs Exchange rate 11 Brexit Referendum: correlations 12 Brexit Referendum: dendrogram 13 Brexit Referendum: influence 14 Odds vs FR-DE bond spread 15 French Elections: correlations 16 French Elections: dendrogram 17 French Elections: influence 18 Conclusions ̶ Since 2010, European bonds cluster into core and periphery groups according to their return correlations. We use filtered correlation influence networks to show the most significant drivers of convergence and divergence. ̶ During the European sovereign debt crisis 2010 - 2012, negative correlation influences between the core and periphery groups are the dominating force. Since 2013, the situation improved a lot. ̶ In 2015 during the negotiations between Greece and the Eurogroup and in 2018 during the Italian budget negotiations, the warning signals of negative correlation influences reappeared for short periods, although the absolute level of spreads is substantially smaller than during 2010 - 2012. ̶ In 2016, warning signals reappeared in the week before the Brexit referendum, but disappeared quickly thereafter. ̶ The findings point to markets becoming more politically driven.