SUPTECH WORKSHOP III Giudici P., Pagnottoni P., Polinesi G. Network models to enhance automated cryptocurrency portfolio management Robot advisors, intro FinTech innovations are increasing exponentially, for the evolving technology on the supply side and for the shifting of consumer preferences on the demand side The total masses managed by the automatic consultancy are estimated around 980 billion dollars in 2019, and 2,552 billion in 2023 ·SUPTECH WORKSHOP III ·Network models to enhance automated cryptocurrency portfolio management 2 / 15 Robot advisors and financial automation, Pros & Cons Advantages Improved financial inclusion Lower fees High speed of service Customized user experience Disadvantages: User may not understand portfolio construction Portfolio models may be too simple Contagion between asset returns increases Portfolio allocation may not be complaint with investors’ risk profile ·SUPTECH WORKSHOP III ·Network models to enhance automated cryptocurrency portfolio management 3 / 15 Contribution Build similarity network models from the available asset return data Models that can incorporate multiple correlations (contagion) between asset returns in portfolio allocation The ultimate goal is to improve portfolio allocation and risk compliance, taking systemic risk into account Two main original contributions We extend the application of similarity networks from stock returns to Exchange Traded Fund returns We propose an extension to Markowitz’ portfolio allocation that takes network centrality and, therefore, contagion, explicitly into account ·SUPTECH WORKSHOP III ·Network models to enhance automated cryptocurrency portfolio management 4 / 15 The Random Matrix approach RMT separates the “systematic part” of a signal embedded into a return correlation matrix from the “noise” Tests the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix: λk < λk+1; k = 1, . . . , n against the null hypothesis that they are from a random Wishart matrix R = 1 T AAT Let ri for i = 1, . . . , n be a time series of Cryptocurrency returns and C be their correlation matrix. The RMT matrix is given by: C∗ = VLVT where V is the eigenvector matrix and L = 0, λi < λ+ λi, λi ≥ λ+ ·SUPTECH WORKSHOP III ·Network models to enhance automated cryptocurrency portfolio management 5 / 15 Similarity Network In a similarity network nodes represent asset returns and edges the distance between adjacent nodes. There exist different metrics to build distances between nodes: we apply the Euclidean distance dij = 2(1 − cij) There exist different algorithms to simplify a similarity network: we apply the Minimum Spanning Tree, that reduces the number of edges from N(N − 1)/2 to N − 1. In the MST, at each step, two cluster nodes li and lj are merged into a single cluster if: d(li; lj) = min(d(li; lj) with the distance between clusters being defined as: d(li; lj) = min(drq) with r ∈ li and q ∈ lj ·SUPTECH WORKSHOP III ·Network models to enhance automated cryptocurrency portfolio management 6 / 15 Centrality measures To measure the importance of each node, we can use the eigenvector centrality. The importance of a node depends on the importance of the nodes to which it is connected: xi = 1 λ N j=1 ˆdi,jxx ·SUPTECH WORKSHOP III ·Network models to enhance automated cryptocurrency portfolio management 7 / 15 Portfolio Construction Differently from previous works which employ centrality measures as an alternative measure of diversification risk, we extend Markowitz’ approach using RMT and MST in the optimisation function itself: min w wT C∗ w + γ n i=1 xiwi n i=1 wi = 1 µp ≥ 1 n n i=1 µi wi ≥ 0 A high risk propensity (represented by a high value of γ) translates in a portfolio composed by more systemically risky assets, that lay in the central body of the network, avoiding isolated cryptocurrencies. ·SUPTECH WORKSHOP III ·Network models to enhance automated cryptocurrency portfolio management 8 / 15 Application The data contains 10 time series of returns referred to cryptocurrencies traded over the period 14 September 2017 - 17 October 2019 (764 daily observations) Cryptocurrencies were selected in terms of market capitalization Portfolio returns are computed using the last month of each time window We use eleven months of observations as a look-back period computing asset centrality and the consequent portfolio weights Then we calculate the return of each portfolio over the next month rebalancing cryptocurrencies with the retrieved weights. Finally we connect each monthly portfolio performances from January 2018 to October 2019 ·SUPTECH WORKSHOP III ·Network models to enhance automated cryptocurrency portfolio management 9 / 15 Summary statistics Cryptocurrency summary statistics over the period 14 September 2017 – 17 October 2019 ·SUPTECH WORKSHOP III ·Network models to enhance automated cryptocurrency portfolio management 10 / 15 MST networks ·SUPTECH WORKSHOP III ·Network models to enhance automated cryptocurrency portfolio management 11 / 15 Portfolio Results - I, Cumulative P & L ·SUPTECH WORKSHOP III ·Network models to enhance automated cryptocurrency portfolio management 12 / 15 Portfolio Results - II, Value at Risk (VaR) ·SUPTECH WORKSHOP III ·Network models to enhance automated cryptocurrency portfolio management 13 / 15 Portfolio Results - III, cumulative returns ·SUPTECH WORKSHOP III ·Network models to enhance automated cryptocurrency portfolio management 14 / 15 Portfolio Results - IV, highlights ·SUPTECH WORKSHOP III ·Network models to enhance automated cryptocurrency portfolio management 15 / 15