Econometrics - Lecture 6 GMM-Estimator and Econometric Models Contents nThe GIV Estimator nGMM Estimation nEconometric Models nDynamic Models nMulti-equation Models nTime Series Models nModels for Limited Dependent Variables nPanel Data Models nEconometrics II Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 2 From OLS to IV Estimation nLinear model yi = xi‘β + εi with K-vector of regressors nOLS estimator: solution of the K normal equations n 1/N Σi(yi – xi‘b) xi = 0 nCorresponding moment conditions n E{εi xi} = E{(yi – xi‘β) xi} = 0 nIV estimator given R instrumental variables zi which may overlap with xi: based on the R moment conditions n E{εi zi} = E{(yi – xi‘β) zi} = 0 nIV estimator: solution of corresponding sample moment conditions n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 3 Number of Instruments nMoment conditions n E{εi zi} = E{(yi – xi‘β) zi} = 0 n one equation for each component of zi nzi possibly overlapping with xi nGeneral case: R moment conditions nSubstitution of expectations by sample averages gives R equations n n 1.R = K: one unique solution, the IV estimator; identified model 2. 2.R < K: infinite number of solutions, not enough instruments for a unique solution; under-identified or not identified model Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 4 The GIV Estimator 3.R > K: more instruments than necessary for identification; over-identified model nFor R > K, in general, no unique solution of all R sample moment conditions can be obtained; instead: nthe weighted quadratic form in the sample moments n n with a RxR positive definite weighting matrix WN is minimized ngives the generalized instrumental variable (GIV) estimator n n n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 5 The weighting matrix WN nWN: positive definite, order RxR nDifferent weighting matrices result in different consistent GIV estimators with different covariance matrices nOptimal choice for WN? nFor R = K, the matrix Z’X is square and invertible; the IV estimator is (Z’X)-1Z’y for any WN n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 6 GIV and TSLS Estimator nOptimal weighting matrix: WNopt = [1/N(Z’Z)]-1; corresponds to the most efficient IV estimator n nIf the error terms are heteroskedastic or autocorrelated, the optimal weighting matrix has to be adapted nRegression of each regressor, i.e., each column of X, on Z, i.e., on the R column of Z, results in and n nThis is why the GIV estimator is also called “two stage least squares” (TSLS) estimator: 1.First step: regress each column of X on Z 2.Second step: regress y on predictions of X n n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 7 GIV Estimator and Properties nGIV estimator is consistent nThe asymptotic distribution of the GIV estimator, given IID(0, σε²) error terms, leads to n n which is used as approximate distribution in case of finite N nThe (asymptotic) covariance matrix of the GIV estimator is given by n n nIn the estimated covariance matrix, σ² is substituted by n n the estimate based on the IV residuals Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 8 Contents nThe GIV Estimator nGMM Estimation nEconometric Models nDynamic Models nMulti-equation Models nTime Series Models nModels for Limited Dependent Variables nPanel Data Models nEconometrics II Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 9 Moment Conditions of OLS and IV Estimation nLinear model yi = xi‘β + εi nOLS estimator: solution of the K normal equations n 1/N Σi(yi – xi‘b) xi = 0 nCorresponding moment conditions n E{εi xi} = E{(yi – xi‘β) xi} = 0 nIV estimator given R instrumental variables zi (which may overlap with xi) is based on the R moment conditions n E{εi zi} = E{(yi – xi‘β) zi} = 0 nIV estimator: solution of corresponding sample moment conditions n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 10 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 11 Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) Estimation nThe model is characterized by R moment conditions and the corresponding equations n E{f(wi, zi, θ)} = 0 n [cf. E{(yi – xi‘β) zi} = 0] nf(.): R-vector function nwi: vector of observable variables, exogenous or endogenous nzi: vector of instrumental variables nθ: K-vector of unknown parameters nSample equivalents gN(θ) of moment conditions should fulfil n n nEstimates are chosen such that the sample moment conditions are fulfilled Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 12 GMM Estimation nR ≥ K is a necessary condition for GMM estimation nR = K: unique solution, the K-vector , of n gN(θ) = 0 n if f(.) is nonlinear in θ, numerical solution might be derived nR > K: in general, no choice for the K-vector θ will result in gN( ) = 0 for all R equations; for a good choice , gN( ) ~ 0, i.e., all components of gN( ) are close to zero n estimate is obtained through minimization with respect to θ of the quadratic form n QN(θ) = gN(θ)‘ WN gN(θ) n WN: symmetric, positive definite weighting matrix Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 13 The GMM Estimator nWeighting matrix WN nDifferent weighting matrices result in different consistent estimators with different covariance matrices nOptimal weighting matrix n WNopt = [E{f(wi, zi, θ) f(wi, zi, θ)’}]-1 n i.e., the inverse of the covariance matrix of the sample moments nFor R = K : WN = IN with unit matrix IN nMinimization of QN(θ) = gN(θ)‘ WN gN(θ): For nonlinear f(.) nNumerical optimization algorithms nWN depends on θ; iterative optimization n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 14 Example: The Linear Model nModel: yi = xi‘β + εi with E{εi xi} = 0 and V{εi} = σε² nMoment or orthogonality conditions: n E{εt xt} = E{(yt - xt‘β)xt} = 0 n f(.) = (yi - xi‘β)xi, θ = β, instrumental variables: xi; moment conditions are exogeneity conditions for xi nSample moment conditions: n 1/N Σi (yi - xi ‘b) xi = 1/N Σi ei xi = gN(b) = 0 nWith WN = IN, QN(β) = [1/N]2 (Σi εi xi)’(Σi εi xi) = [1/N]2 X’εε’X nOLS and GMM estimators coincide, give the estimator b, but qOLS: residual sum of squares SN(b) = 1/N Σi ei2 has its minimum qGMM: QN(b) = [1/N]2 (Σi ei xi)’(Σi ei xi) = 0 n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 15 Linear Model, E{εt xt} ≠ 0 nModel yi = xi‘β + εi with V{εi} = σε², E{εi xi} ≠ 0 and R instrumental variables zi nMoment conditions: n E{εi zi} = E{(yi - xi‘β)zi} = 0 nSample moment conditions: n 1/N Σi (yi - xi‘b) zi = gN(b) = 0 nIdentified case (R = K): the single solution is the IV estimator n bIV = (Z’X)-1 Z’y nOver-identified case (R > K): GMM estimator from n minβ QN(β)= minβ gN(β)’WN gN(β) n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 16 Linear Model: GMM Estimator nMinimization of QN(β)= minβ gN(β)’WN gN(β) wrt β: nFor WN = I, the first order conditions are n n n resulting in the estimator n b = [(X’Z)(Z’X)]-1 (X’Z)Z’y n b coincides with the IV estimator if R = K nThe optimal weighting matrix WNopt = (E{εi2zizi‘}) -1 is estimated by n n n generalizes the covariance matrix of the GIV estimator to White‘s heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimator (HCCME) n n Nov 22, 2019 Example: Labour Demand nVerbeek’s data set “labour2”: Sample of 569 Belgian companies (data from 1996) nVariables qlabour: total employment (number of employees) qcapital: total fixed assets qwage: total wage costs per employee (in 1000 EUR) qoutput: value added (in million EUR) nLabour demand function n labour = b1 + b2*output + b3*capital Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 17 Labour Demand Function: OLS Estimation Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 18 In logarithmic transforms: Output from GRETL Dependent variable : l_LABOUR Heteroskedastic-robust standard errors, variant HC0, coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value ------------------------------------------------------------- const 3,01483 0,0566474 53,22 1,81e-222 *** l_ OUTPUT 0,878061 0,0512008 17,15 2,12e-053 *** l_CAPITAL 0,003699 0,0429567 0,08610 0,9314 Mean dependent var 4,488665 S.D. dependent var 1,171166 Sum squared resid 158,8931 S.E. of regression 0,529839 R- squared 0,796052 Adjusted R-squared 0,795331 F(2, 129) 768,7963 P-value (F) 4,5e-162 Log-likelihood -444,4539 Akaike criterion 894,9078 Schwarz criterion 907,9395 Hannan-Quinn 899,9928 Nov 22, 2019 GMM Estimation in GRETL Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 19 Specification of function and orthogonality conditions for labour demand model # initializations go here matrix X = {const , l_OUTPUT, l_CAPITAL} series e = 0 scalar b1 = 0 scalar b2 = 0 scalar b3 = 0 matrix V = I(3) gmm e = l_LABOuR – b1*const – b2*l_OUTPUT – b3*l_CAPITAL orthog e; X weights V params b1 b2 b3 end gmm Nov 22, 2019 Labour Demand Function: GMM Estimation Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 20 In logarithmic transforms: Output from GRETL Using numerical derivatives Tolerance = 1,81899e-012 Function evaluations: 44 Evaluations of gradient: 8 Model 8: 1-step GMM, using observations 1-569 e = l_LABOUR – b1*const – b2*l_OUTPUT – b3*l_CAPITAL estimate std. error t-ratio p-value -------------------------------------------------------------------------- b1 3,01483 0,0566474 53,22 0,0000 *** b2 0,878061 0,0512008 17,15 6,36e-066 *** b3 0,00369851 0,0429567 0,08610 0,9314 GMM criterion: Q = 1,1394e-031 (TQ = 6,48321e-029) Nov 22, 2019 Labour Demand Functions: Comparison of Estimates nOLS and GMM estimates coincide n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 21 OLS GMM const 3,015 3,015 0,057 0,057 L_OUTPUT 0,878 0,878 0,051 0,051 l_CAPITAL 0,0037 0,0037 0,0430 0,0430 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 22 GMM Estimator: Properties nUnder weak regularity conditions, the GMM estimator is nconsistent (for any WN) nmost efficient if WN = WNopt = [E{f(wi, zi, θ) f(wi, zi, θ)’}]-1 nasymptotically normal: n where V = D WNopt D’ with the KxR matrix of derivatives n n nThe covariance matrix V-1 can be estimated by substituting the population parameters θ by sample equivalents evaluated at the GMM estimates in D and WNopt n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 23 GMM Estimator: Calculation 1.One-step GMM estimator: Choose a positive definite WN, e.g., WN = IN, optimization gives (consistent, but not efficient) 2.Two-step GMM estimator: use the one-step estimator to estimate V = D WNopt D‘, repeat optimization with WN = V-1; this gives 3.Iterated GMM estimator: Repeat step 2 until convergence nIf R = K, the GMM estimator is the same for any WN, only step 1 is needed; the objective function QN(θ) is zero at the minimum nIf R > K, step 2 is needed to achieve efficiency Nov 22, 2019 GMM and Other Estimation Methods nGMM estimation generalizes the method of moments estimation nAllows for a general concept of moment conditions nMoment conditions are not necessarily linear in the parameters to be estimated nEncompasses various estimation concepts such as OLS, GLS, IV, GIV, ML n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 24 moment conditions OLS E{(yi – xi’β) xi} = 0 GLS E{(yi – xi’β) xi /σ2 (xi)} = 0 IV E{(yi – xi’β) zi} = 0 ML E{∂/∂β f[εi(β)]} = 0 Contents nThe GIV Estimator nGMM Estimation nEconometric Models nDynamic Models nMulti-equation Models nTime Series Models nModels for Limited Dependent Variables nPanel Data Models nEconometrics II Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 25 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 26 Klein‘s Model 1 n Ct = a1 + a2Pt + a3Pt-1 + a4(Wtp+ Wtg) + et1 (consumption) n It = b1 + b2Pt + b3Pt-1 + b4Kt-1 + et2 (investments) n Wtp = g1 + g2Xt + g3Xt-1 + g4t + et3 (private wages and salaries) n Xt = Ct + It + Gt n Kt = It + Kt-1 n Pt = Xt – Wtp – Tt nC (consumption), P (profits), Wp (private wages and salaries), Wg (public wages and salaries), I (investments), K (capital stock), X (production), G (governmental expenditures without wages and salaries), T (taxes) and t [time (trend)] nEndogenous: C, I, Wp, X, P, K; exogeneous: Wg, G, T, t, P-1, K-1, X-1 Nov 22, 2019 EViews: n=100; series y1 = nrnd; y2 = y2(-1)+y1 Early Econometric Models nKlein‘s Model nAims: qto forecast the development of business fluctuations and qto study the effects of government economic-political policy nSuccessful forecasts of qeconomic upturn rather than a depression after World War II qmild recession at the end of the Korean War n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 27 Model year eq‘s Tinbergen 1936 24 Klein 1950 6 Klein & Goldberger 1955 20 Brookings 1965 160 Brookings Mark II 1972 ~200 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 28 Econometric Models nBasis: the multiple linear regression model nAdaptations of the model qDynamic models qSystems of regression models qTime series models nFurther developments qModels for panel data qModels for spatial data qModels for limited dependent variables q Nov 22, 2019 Contents nThe GIV Estimator nGMM Estimation nEconometric Models nDynamic Models nMulti-equation Models nTime Series Models nModels for Limited Dependent Variables nPanel Data Models nEconometrics II Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 29 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 30 Dynamic Models: Examples nDemand model: describes the quantity Q demanded of a product as a function of its price P and consumers’ income Y n(a) Current price and current income determine the demand (static model): n Qt = β1 + β2Pt + β3Yt + et n(b) Current price and income of the previous period determine the demand (dynamic model): n Qt = β1 + β2Pt + β3Yt-1 + et n(c) Current price and demand of the previous period determine the demand (autoregressive model): n Qt = β1 + β2Pt + β3Qt-1 + et Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 31 Dynamic of Processes nStatic processes: independent variables have a direct effect, the adjustment of the dependent variable on the realized values of the independent variables is completed within the current period, the process is assumed to be always in equilibrium nStatic models may be unsuitable: n(a) Some activities are determined by the past, such as: energy consumption depends on past investments into energy-consuming systems and equipment n(b) Actors of the economic processes often respond with delay, e.g., due to the duration of decision-making and procurement processes n(c) Expectations: e.g., consumption depends not only on current income but also on income expectations in future; modelling of income expectation based on past income development Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 32 Elements of Dynamic Models 1.Lag-structures, distributed lags: describe the delayed effects of one or more regressors on the dependent variable; e.g., the lag-structure of order s or DL(s) model (DL: distributed lag) n Yt = a + Ssi=0βiXt-i + et 2.Geometric lag-structure, Koyck’s model: infinite lag-structure with bi = l0li (0 < l< 1) 3.ADL-model: autoregressive model with lag-structure, e.g., the ADL(1,1)-model n Yt = a + jYt-1 + β0Xt + β1Xt-1 + et 4.Error-correction model n DYt = - (1-j)(Yt-1 – m0 – m1Xt-1) + β0D Xt + et n obtained from the ADL(1,1)-model with m0 = a/(1-j) und m1 = (b0+b1)/(1-j) Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 33 The Koyck Transformation nTransforms the model n Yt = l0SiliXt-i + et n into an autoregressive model (vt = et - let-1): n Yt = lYt-1 + l0Xt + vt nThe model with infinite lag-structure in X becomes a model qwith an autoregressive component lYt-1 qwith a single regressor Xt and qwith autocorrelated error terms nEconometric applications qThe adaptive expectations model q Example: Investments determined by expected profit Xe: q Xet+1 = l Xet + (1 - l) Xt (with 0 < l< 1) qThe partial adjustment model n Example: Kpt: planned stock for t; strategy for adapting Kt on Kpt n Kt – Kt-1 = d(Kpt – Kt-1) Nov 22, 2019 Contents nThe GIV Estimator nGMM Estimation nEconometric Models nDynamic Models nMulti-equation Models nTime Series Models nModels for Limited Dependent Variables nPanel Data Models nEconometrics II Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 34 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 35 Example: Income and Consumption nConsumption Ct and disposable income Yt are simultaneously determined by n Ct = β1 + β2Yt + εt (A) n Yt = Ct + It (B) nThe disposable income Yt is determined by the consumption Ct nEquations (A) and (B) are the structural equations or the structural form of the simultaneous equation model that describes both Ct and Yt nThe coefficients β1 and β2 are behavioural parameters nIn equation (A), Yt is endogenous: The OLS estimates b1 and b2 are biased and not consistent n n n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 36 Multi-equation Models nEconomic phenomena are usually characterized by the behaviour of more than one dependent variable nMulti-equation model: the number of equations determines the number of dependent variables which are described by the model n nCharacteristics of multi-equation models: nTypes of equations nTypes of variables nIdentifiability n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 37 Klein‘s Model 1 n Ct = a1 + a2Pt + a3Pt-1 + a4(Wtp+ Wtg) + et1 (consumption) n It = b1 + b2Pt + b3Pt-1 + b4Kt-1 + et2 (investments) n Wtp = g1 + g2Xt + g3Xt-1 + g4t + et3 (private wages and salaries) n Xt = Ct + It + Gt n Kt = It + Kt-1 n Pt = Xt – Wtp – Tt nC (consumption), P (profits), Wp (private wages and salaries), Wg (public wages and salaries), I (investments), K (capital stock), X (production), G (governmental expenditures without wages and salaries), T (taxes) and t [time (trend)] nEndogenous: C, I, Wp, X, K, P; exogeneous: Wg, G, T, t, P-1, K-1, X-1 Nov 22, 2019 EViews: n=100; series y1 = nrnd; y2 = y2(-1)+y1 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 38 Types of Equations nBehavioural or structural equations: describe the behaviour of a dependent variable as a function of explanatory variables nDefinitional identities: define how a variable is defined as the sum of other variables, e.g., decomposition of gross domestic product as the sum of its consumption components n Example: Klein’s model 1: Xt = Ct + It + Gt nEquilibrium conditions: assume a certain relationship, which can be interpreted as an equilibrium n Example: equality of demand (Qd) and supply (Qs) in a market model: Qtd = Qts n nDefinitional identities and equilibrium conditions have no error terms Nov 22, 2019 EViews: n=100; series u = nrnd; y1 = y1(-1)+u; y2 = 0.1+y2(-1)+u; y3 = 0.2+0.7*y3(-1)+u; Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 39 Types of Variables nSpecification of a multi-equation model: definition of nvariables which are explained by the model (endogenous variables) nother variables which are used in the model n nNumber of equations needed in the model: same number as that of the endogenous variables in the model n nExplanatory or exogenous variables: uncorrelated with error terms nstrictly exogenous variables: uncorrelated with error terms et+i (for any i ≠ 0) npredetermined variables: uncorrelated with current and future error terms (et+i, i ≥ 0); lagged explanatory variables n nError terms: nUncorrelated over time nError terms from different equations and same observation period typically correlated, contemporaneous correlation Nov 22, 2019 EViews: n=100; series u = nrnd; y1 = y1(-1)+u; y2 = 0.1+y2(-1)+u; y3 = 0.2+0.7*y3(-1)+u; Systems of Regression Equations Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 40 Economic processes encompass the simultaneous developments as well as interrelations of a set of dependent variables nFor modelling economic processes: system of relations, typically in the form of regression equations: multi-equation model Example: Two dependent variables yt1 and yt2 are modelled as yt1 = x‘t1β1 + εt1 yt2 = x‘t2β2 + εt2 with V{εti} = σi2 for i = 1, 2, Cov{εt1, εt2} = σ12 ≠ 0 Typical situations: 1.The set of regressors xt1 and xt2 coincide 2.The set of regressors xt1 and xt2 differ, may overlap 3.Regressors contain one or both dependent variables 4.Regressors contain lagged variables Capital Asset Pricing Model Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 41 Capital asset pricing (CAP) model: describes the return Ri of asset i Ri - Rf = βi(E{Rm} – Rf) + εi with qRf: return of a risk-free asset qRm: return of the market’s optimal portfolio nβi: indicates how strong fluctuations of the returns of asset i are determined by fluctuations of the market as a whole nKnowledge of the return difference Ri - Rf will give information on the return difference Rj - Rf of asset j, at least for some assets nAnalysis of a set of assets i = 1, …, s qThe error terms εi, i = 1, …, s, represent common factors, e.g., inflation rate, have a common dependence structure qEfficient use of information: simultaneous analysis A Model for Investment nGrunfeld investment data (Grunfeld & Griliches, 1960): Panel data set on gross investments Iit of firms i = 1, ..., 6 over 20 years and related data nInvestment decisions are assumed to be determined by n Iit = βi1 + βi2Fit + βi3Cit + εit n with qFit: market value of firm i at the end of year t-1 qCit: value of stock of plant and equipment at the end of year t-1 nSimultaneous analysis of equations for the various firms i: efficient use of information qError terms for the firms include common factors such as economic climate qCoefficients may be the same for the firms Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 42 The Hog Market Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 43 Model equations: Qd = α1 + α2P + α3Y + ε1 (demand equation) Qs = β1 + β2P + β3Z + ε2 (supply equation) Qd = Qs (equilibrium condition) with Qd: demanded quantity, Qs: supplied quantity, P: price, Y: income, and Z: costs of production, or Q = α1 + α2P + α3Y + ε1 (demand equation) Q = β1 + β2P + β3Z + ε2 (supply equation) nModel describes quantity and price of the equilibrium transactions nModel determines simultaneously Q and P, given Y and Z nError terms qMay be correlated: Cov{ε1, ε2} ≠ 0 nSimultaneous analysis necessary for efficient use of information Types of Multi-equation Models Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 44 Multivariate regression or multivariate multi-equation model nA set of regression equations, each explaining one of the dependent variables qPossibly common explanatory variables qSeemingly unrelated regression (SUR) model: each equation is a valid specification of a linear regression, related to other equations only by the error terms qSee cases 1 and 2 of “typical situations” on slide 40 Simultaneous equations models nDescribe the relations within the system of economic variables qin form of model equations qSee cases 3 and 4 of “typical situations” on slide 40 Error terms: dependence structure is specified by means of second moments or as joint probability distribution Examples of Multi-equation Models Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 45 Multivariate regression models nCapital asset pricing (CAP) model: for all assets, return Ri (or risk premium Ri – Rf) is a function of E{Rm} – Rf; dependence structure of the error terms caused by common variables nModel for investment: firm-specific regressors, dependence structure of the error terms like in CAP model nSeemingly unrelated regression (SUR) models Simultaneous equations models nHog market model: endogenous regressors, dependence structure of error terms nKlein’s model I: endogenous regressors, dynamic model, dependence of error terms from different equations and possibly over time Single- vs. Multi-equation Models Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 46 Complications for estimation of parameters of multi-equation models: nDependence structure of error terms nViolation of exogeneity of regressors Example: Hog market model, demand equation Q = α1 + α2P + α3Y + ε1 nCovariance matrix of ε = (ε1, ε2)’ n n nP is not exogenous: Cov{P,ε1} = (σ12 - σ12)/(β2 - α2) ≠ 0 Statistical analysis of multi-equation models requires methods adapted to these features Multi-equation Models: Estimation of Parameters Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 47 Estimation procedures nMultivariate regression models qFGLS , GLS, ML nSimultaneous equations models qSingle equation methods: indirect least squares (ILS), two stage least squares (TSLS), limited information ML (LIML) qSystem methods of estimation: three stage least squares (3SLS), full information ML (FIML) qDynamic models: estimation methods for vector autoregressive (VAR) and vector error correction (VEC) models n Contents nThe GIV Estimator nGMM Estimation nEconometric Models nDynamic Models nMulti-equation Models nTime Series Models nModels for Limited Dependent Variables nPanel Data Models nEconometrics II Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 48 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 49 Types of Trend nTrend: The expected value of a process {Yt, t = 1, 2, ... } increases or decreases with time nDeterministic trend: a function f(t) of the time t, describing the evolution of E{Yt} over time n Yt = f(t) + εt, εt: white noise n Example: Yt = α + βt + εt describes a linear trend of Y; an increasing trend corresponds to β > 0 nStochastic trend: Yt = δ + Yt-1 + εt or n ΔYt = Yt – Yt-1 = δ + εt, εt: white noise qdescribes an irregular or random fluctuation of the differences ΔYt around the expected value δ qAR(1) – or AR(p) – process with unit root q“random walk with trend” n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 50 Trends: Random Walk and AR Process nRandom walk: Yt = Yt-1 + εt; random walk with trend: Yt = 0.1 +Yt-1 + εt; AR(1) process: Yt = 0.2 + 0.7Yt-1 + εt; εt simulated from N(0,1) n Nov 22, 2019 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 random walk random walk with trend AR(1) process, δ=0.2, θ=0.7 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 51 Example: Private Consumption nPrivate consumption, AWM database; level values (PCR) and first differences (PCR_D); random walk? n n n n n n n n n nMean of PCD_D: 3740 Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 52 How to Model Trends? nSpecification of a ndeterministic trend, e.g., Yt = α + βt + εt: risk of spurious regression, wrong decisions nstochastic trend: analysis of differences ΔYt if a random walk, i.e., a unit root, is suspected Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 53 Spurious Regression: An Illustration nIndependent random walks: Yt = Yt-1 + εyt, Xt = Xt-1 + εxt n εyt, εxt: independent white noises with variances σy² = 2, σx² = 1 nFitting the model n Yt = α + βXt + εt n gives n Ŷt = - 8.18 + 0.68Xt nt-statistic for X: t = 17.1 n p-value = 1.2 E-40 nR2 = 0.50, DW = 0.11 Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 54 Models in Non-stationary Time Series nLet Xt ~ I(1), Yt ~ I(1) be integrated of order 1 and the model be n Yt = α + βXt + εt n it follows in general that εt ~ I(1), i.e., the error terms are non- stationary nConsequences for OLS estimation of α and β n(Asymptotic) distributions of t- and F-statistics are not the t- and F-distribution nt-statistic, R2 indicate explanatory potential nHighly autocorrelated residuals, DW statistic converges for growing length of time series to zero nNonsense or spurious regression (Granger & Newbold, 1974) nNon-stationary time series are trended; non-stationarity causes an apparent relationship n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 55 Avoiding Spurious Regression nIdentification of non-stationarity: unit-root tests nModels for non-stationary variables qElimination of stochastic trends: specifying the model for differences qInclusion of lagged variables may result in stationary error terms qExplained and explanatory variables may have a common stochastic trend, are cointegrated: equilibrium relation, error-correction models n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 56 Unit Root Tests nAR(1) process Yt = δ + θYt-1 + εt with white noise εt nDickey-Fuller or DF test (Dickey & Fuller, 1979) n Test of H0: θ = 1 against H1: θ < 1 nKPSS test (Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt & Shin, 1992) n Test of H0: θ < 1 against H1: θ = 1 nAugmented Dickey-Fuller or ADF test n extension of DF test nVarious modifications like Phillips-Perron test, Dickey-Fuller GLS test, etc. n n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 57 The Error-correction Model nADL(1,1) model with Yt ~ I(1), Xt ~ I(1) n Yt = δ + θYt-1 + φ0Xt + φ1Xt-1 + εt nCommon trend implies an equilibrium relation, i.e., n Yt-1 – βXt-1 ~ I(0) n error-correction form of the ADL(1,1) model q ΔYt = φ0ΔXt – (1 – θ)(Yt-1 – α – βXt-1) + εt nError-correction model describes nthe short-run behaviour nconsistently with the long-run equilibrium Yt = α + βXt n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 58 Cointegration nNon-stationary variables Xt ~ I(1), Yt ~ I(1) n Yt = α + βXt + εt nXt and Yt are cointegrated: εt ~ I(0) nXt and Yt are not cointegrated: εt ~ I(1) nTests for cointegration: nIf β is known, unit root test based on differences Yt - βXt nTest procedures qUnit root test (DF or ADF) based on residuals et qCointegrating regression Durbin-Watson (CRDW) test: DW statistic qJohansen technique: extends the cointegration technique to the multivariate case n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 59 Vector Error-Correction Model nYt: k-vector, each component I(1) nVAR(p) model for the k-vector Yt n Yt = δ + Θ1Yt-1 + … + ΘpYt-p + εt n transformed into n ΔYt = δ + Γ1ΔYt-1 + … + Γp-1ΔYt-p+1 + ΠYt-1 + εt n with r{Π} = r and Π = γβ' gives n ΔYt = δ + Γ1ΔYt-1 + … + Γp-1ΔYt-p+1 + γβ'Yt-1 + εt (B) nr cointegrating relations β'Yt-1 nAdaptation parameters γ measure the portion or speed of adaptation of Yt in compensation of the equilibrium error Zt-1 = β'Yt-1 nEquation (B) is called the vector error-correction (VEC) form of the VAR(p) model n Nov 22, 2019 Contents nThe GIV Estimator nGMM Estimation nEconometric Models nDynamic Models nMulti-equation Models nTime Series Models nModels for Limited Dependent Variables nPanel Data Models nEconometrics II Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 60 Example nTo be explained whether a household owns a car: explanatory power have nincome nhousehold size netc. nRegression for describing car-ownership is not suitable! nOwning a car has two manifestations: yes/no nIndicator for owning a car is a binary variable nModels are needed that allow describing a binary dependent variable or a, more generally, limited dependent variable Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 61 Cases of Limited Dependent Variable nTypical situations: functions of explanatory variables are used to describe or explain nDichotomous dependent variable, e.g., ownership of a car (yes/no), employment status (employed/unemployed), etc. nOrdered response, e.g., qualitative assessment (good/average/bad), working status (full-time/part-time/not working), etc. nMultinomial response, e.g., trading destinations (Europe/Asia/Africa), transportation means (train/bus/car), etc. nCount data, e.g., number of orders a company receives in a week, number of patents granted to a company in a year nCensored data, e.g., expenditures for durable goods, duration of study with drop outs n n n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 62 Contents nThe GIV Estimator nGMM Estimation nEconometric Models nDynamic Models nMulti-equation Models nTime Series Models nModels for Limited Dependent Variables nPanel Data Models nEconometrics II Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 63 Panel Data nPopulation of interest: individuals, households, companies, countries nTypes of observations nCross-sectional data: Observations of all units of a population, or of a (representative) subset, at one specific point in time; e.g., wages in 2015 nTime series data: Series of observations on units of the population over a period of time; e.g., wages of a worker in 2009 through 2015 nPanel data: Repeated observations of (the same) population units collected over a number of periods; data set with both a cross-sectional and a time series aspect; multi-dimensional data nCross-sectional and time series data are one-dimensional, special cases of panel data nPooling independent cross-sections: (only) similar to panel data n n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 64 Panel Data: Three Types nTypically data at micro-economic level (individuals, households, firms), but also at macro-economic level (e.g., countries) nNotation: nN: Number of cross-sectional units nT: Number of time periods nTypes of panel data: nLarge T, small N: “long and narrow” nSmall T, large N: “short and wide” nLarge T, large N: “long and wide” n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 65 Some Examples nVerbeek’s data set “males”: Wages and related variables nshort and wide panel (N = 545, T = 8) nrich in information (~40 variables) nGrunfeld investment data: Investments in plant and equipment by nN = 10 firms nfor each of T = 20 yearly observations for 1935-1954 nPenn World Table: Purchasing power parity and national income accounts for nN = 189 countries/territories nfor some or all of the years 1950-2009 (T ≤ 60) n n n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 66 Example: Individual Wages nVerbeek’s data set “males” nSample of q545 full-time working males, end of schooling in 1980 qfrom each person: yearly data collection from 1980 till 1987 nVariables qwage: log of hourly wage (in USD) qschool: years of schooling qexper: age – 6 – school qdummies for union membership, married, black, Hispanic, public sector qothers n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 67 Use of Panel Data nEconometric models for describing the behaviour of cross-sectional units over time nPanel data models nAllow controlling individual differences, comparing behaviour, analysing dynamic adjustment, measuring effects of policy changes nMore realistic models than cross-sectional and time-series models nAllow more detailed or sophisticated research questions nMethodological implications nDependence of sample units in time-dimension nSome variables might be time-constant (e.g., variable school in “males”, population size in the Penn World Table dataset) nMissing values n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 68 Examples for Fixed- and Random-effects nGrunfeld investment data: Investment model n Iit = αi + βi1Fit + βi2Cit + uit qwith Fit: market value, Cit: value of stock of plant and equipment, both of firm i at the end of year t-1 qN = 10 firms, T = 20 yearly observations qFixed effects αi allow for firm-specific, time-constant factors nWage equation n wageit = β1 + β2 experit + β3 exper2it + β4 schoolit + β5 unionit n + β6 marit + β7 blackit + β8 ruralit + αi + uit n with composite error εit = αi + uit qαi: unit-specific parameter for each of 545 units qTime-constant factors αi: stochastic variables with identical distribution qRegressors are uncorrelated with uit Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 69 Models for Panel Data nModel for y, based on panel data from N cross-sectional units and T periods n yit = β0 + xit’β1 + εit n i = 1, ..., N: sample unit n t = 1, ..., T: time period of sample n xit and β1: K-vectors nβ0 and β1: represent intercept and K regression coefficients; are assumed to be identical for all units and all time periods nεit: represents unobserved factors that may affect yit qAssumption that εit are uncorrelated over time not realistic; refer to the same unit or individual qStandard errors of OLS estimates misleading, OLS estimation not efficient (does not exploit dependence structure over time) n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 70 Fixed Effects Model nThe general model n yit = β0 + xit’β1 + εit nSpecification for the error terms: two components n εit = αi + uit qαi fixed, unit-specific, time-constant factors, also called unobserved (individual) heterogeneity; may be correlated with xit quit ~ IID(0, σu2); homoskedastic, uncorrelated over time; represents unobserved factors that change over time, also called idiosyncratic or time-varying error qεit : also called composite error nFixed effects (FE) model n yit = Σj αi dij + xit’β1 + uit n dij: dummy variable for unit i: dij = 1 if i = j, otherwise dij = 0 nOverall intercept β0 omitted; unit-specific intercepts αi n n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 71 Fixed Effects Estimator Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 72 “Within transformation”: transforms yit into time-demeaned ÿit by subtracting the average ӯi = (Σt yit )/T: ÿit = yit - ӯi; analogously ẍit and üit, for all i and t bFE = (ΣiΣt ẍit ẍit’)-1 ΣiΣt ẍit ÿit nUnbiased if all xit are independent of all uit nConsistent (for N → ∞) if xit are strictly exogenous, i.e., E{xit uis} = 0 for all s, t nAsymptotically normally distributed nCovariance matrix V{bFE} = σu2(ΣiΣt ẍit ẍit’)-1 Random Effects Model nStarting point is again the model n yit = β0 + xit’β1 + εit n with composite error εit = αi + uit nSpecification for the error terms: quit ~ IID(0, σu2); homoskedastic, uncorrelated over time qαi ~ IID(0, σa2); represents all unit-specific, time-constant factors; correlation of error terms over time only via the αi qαi and uit are assumed to be mutually independent and independent of xjs for all j and s nRandom effects (RE) model n yit = β0 + xit’β1 + αi + uit nUnbiased and consistent (N → ∞) estimation of β0 and β1 nEfficient estimation of β0 and β1: takes error covariance structure into account; GLS estimation n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 73 Contents nThe GIV Estimator nGMM Estimation nEconometric Models nDynamic Models nMulti-equation Models nTime Series Models nModels for Limited Dependent Variables nPanel Data Models nEconometrics II Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 74 Econometrics II 1.ML Estimation and Specification Tests (MV, Ch.6) 2.Models with Limited Dependent Variables (MV, Ch.7) 3.Univariate time series models (MV, Ch.8) 4.Multivariate time series models, part 1 (MV, Ch.9) 5.Multivariate time series models, part 2 (MV, Ch.9) 6.Models Based on Panel Data (MV, Ch.10) Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 75 Univariate Time Series Models nTime Series nStochastic Processes nStationary Processes nThe ARMA Process nDeterministic and Stochastic Trends nModels with Trend nUnit Root Tests n n n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 76 Multivariate Time Series Models nDynamic Models nLag Structures, ADL Models nModels with Non-stationary Variables nCointegration, Tests for Cointegration nError-correction Model nSystems of Equations nVAR Models nSimultaneous Equations and VAR Models nVAR Models and Cointegration nVEC Models n n n n n Nov 22, 2019 Hackl, Econometrics, Lecture 6 77