Benefits Management MPH EKIS Ekonomika a řízení IT Michal Krčál Department of Corporate Economics 4. 3. 2019 Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Benefits Management 4. 3. 2019 Souvislosti Table 1.4 Survey of IS investment appraisal Yes No Is IT investment appraisal seen as important by business 55% 45% managers? Do you have an effective investment appraisal process? 22% 78% Are business managers adequately involved in IT investment 30% 70% appraisal? Does the appraisal process consider the implications of business 10% 90% changes? Do people making decisions understand the business cases? 25% 75% What % of projects deliver the benefits that justified the 27% 73% investment? • Většina prezentace je založena na Ward and Daniel (2012) Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Benefits Management 4. 3. 2019 Pokud byste mi nevěřili to the users and the organization. Many of the implementations of customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP) and e-business systems have been driven as much by the promise of vendors and a fear of being left behind by competitors, as by a clear statement of the benefits they will yield the organization. Too often project managers find themselves in the situation that their organization 'has bought SiebeV or 'is going wall-to-wall SAP' and they are then left to implement the chosen application without a clear understanding of the expected benefits and the organizational changes that will be required. Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Benefits Management 4. 3. 2019 Kontext III Macro environment Country characteristics II Competitive environment Industry characteristics Focal firm Business value generation process IT resources: technology and human Complementary organizational resources Business r) processes 1—/ Business process performance IF Organizational performance Trading partner resources and business processes Figure 1.1 The business value model (after Melville et at., 2004, p. 293) Copyright Michal Krcal (KPH ESF MU) Benefits Management 4. 3. 2019 4/16 fable of contents Přínosy IT Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Benefits Management Kategorie přínosů Strategic Support for the organization's strategy or vision Long- or short-term viability of the organization Provide customers with unique value proposition Desire to be seen to be innovative Permit new business models Permit new forms of organization Build barriers to entry 'Lock in' customers Geographic or market expansion Management increased agility Better control through improved information Growing the skills of the workforce Meeting the highest professional standards Ease of operation, allowing use by less experienced staff Improve the quality of working life Existing systems have become inadequate Less crises Flatter organizational structure Operational More effective use of existing IT and systems • Improved quality at reduced cost ■ Improved turnaround time • Reduced headcount • Reduction in property costs • Increased income from better quality products • Timeliness and accessibility of data Functional Support Employee self-service Improved recruitment and retention processes Provision of infrastructure systems improved communication and collaboration opportunities Adoption of/adherence to standards Compatibility with customers' and/or suppliers' systems Enforcement of regulatory or legal requirements Identification/promulgation of best practice implementation of metrics Production of standard reports Business continuity/disaster recovery Z7 ^Z. Figure 1.2 Generic form of benefits arising from IS/IT (after Farbey et al., 1993) Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Benefits Management 4. 3. 2019 6/16 Dvě základní kateaorie • Hmotné (tangible) přínosy ► měřeny "objektivně", kvantitativně, finančně ► zvýšení výnosů zavedením e-shopu ► snížení nákladů díky zkrácení času činností ► snížení nákladů na tisk a Nehmotné (intangible) přínosy ► měřeny subjektivně, kvalitativně ► zvýšení spokojenosti ► lepší rozhodování ► účinnější přenos znalostí Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Benefits Management Přínosy Financial Quantifiable Measurable Observable Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Benefits Management 4.3.2019 8/16 fable of contents ■ I I I I w y I ■ Q Benefits Management Michal Krcäl (KPH ESF MU) Benefits Management Co to je Change management methods Systems development methodology (e.g. SSADM) Strategic planning Programme and project portfolio Benefits management Investment appraisal Project management methodology (e.g. PRINCE2) Risk management techniques Figure 32 The context of benefits management Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Benefits Management 4. 3. 2019 10/16 Když to nefunguje Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Benefits Management 4. 3. 2019 11/16 Faktory úspěchu investic do IT High success Existence of an organizational change method and a willingness to invest in strategic benefits - different evaluation emphasis Initiation of SIS in the context of need for business change Lifecycle role of senior executive Allocation of responsibility for benefits delivery Comprehensive approach to benefits management initiated in the planning phase, which has a stronger business involvement and emphasis Moderate success Planning approach, method and output and implementation roles of IS/IT and business managers Involvement in implementation as well as planning/evaluation Unsuccessful Figure 1.7 Factors affecting the success of strategic IS investments Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Benefits Management 4.3.2019 12/16 Business case Srovnej později s PRINCE2 Ideální způsob, čím zdůvodnit nutnost realizace projektů v návrhové části strategie. Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Benefits Management 4.3.2019 13/16 • Jak tedy měřit něco, na co si "nešáhneme" a co nespočítáme? • Něco se v praxi dělá, ale otázka je, jestli se to dělá správně, a je to dostačující • Toto a následující témata by vám měla problematiku systematizovat. Tento týden Příprava: ► Popište, jakým způsobem souvisí Ben Man s 2 vybranými manažerskými oblastmi (viz slajd "Co to je" ► Připravte si otázky do diskuze. Na semináři to probereme. Michal Krčál (KPH ESF MU) Benefits Management 4.3.2019 15/16 References Ward, John and Elizabeth Daniel (2012). Benefits management: how to increase the business value of your IT projects. 2nd ed. Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons. 346 pp. isbn: 978-1-119-99326-1 (cit. on p. 2). Michal Krcäl (KPH ESF MU) Benefits Management 4.3.2019 16/16