“HRM & OrgDev” Introduction Dipl.-Ing. Johannes GÖLLNER, MSc Masaryk University, Brno, CZ September, 20th, 2019, 10:00–15:30 Lecture 1 Relevant CONTENT of HRM & OrgDev: 1.Which problems should have been solved by Human Resource Management in organizations, and in further consequence in economy and society? 2.Relation between organizational and individual capabilities and skills for strategic and operational organizational development 3.Relevance of Knowledge Management for Human Capital Leadership? 4.Models and methods for skill analysis and development (input, output and comparison models and methods with a special focus on assessment centres) 5.A practical example for the application of the assessment centre method in context of HRM 6.Relation between HRM, Knowledge Management and Risk Management for organizational development, controlling and leadership Bild3.png Quelle: Copyright by GÖLLNER, publiziert iRd MT-Hartinger, Donau Universität Krems, 05/2012, S.71 Generic description of the system ORGANISATION /market /product /knowledge /human being /data /resources Knowledge (FC, SC, HC, RC) SCENARIO EVALUATION (Controlling) Organisation-Development ORGANISATIONAL OPERATION 5 Entscheidungsfindung Quelle: Paul C. Nutt, 1998 49% 30% 4% 17% 6 References Paul C. Nutt How Decision Makers Evaluate Alternatives and the Influence of Complexity Management Science 1998 44:1148-1166; Bauplan Building the Knowledge Performance System with a Model Based Approach No engineer, designer or architect works without a plan / planning / BPM - tool! Do we have a KM - System, a Knowledge planning/ modelling tool and a KM/Evaluation tool in our organisation? Knowledge Management System „idea“ Goal/Task Evaluation Business-Process Management-Process Core-Process Support-Process „The Knowledge-Product – anchor point of business process oriented Knowledge Management“ Knowledge- Management Process Knowledge- and Skill Environment Knowledge Structures Knowledge Tools & Knowledge Sources Use case and product Processes and structures Ressources and support Knowledge Product Knowledge Management System IF YOU CAN`T MEASURE - YOU CAN`T MANAGE IT! HC relations and skills Relation HC and Risk Management (RM) for organisational development › > risk-identification, -analysis, -assessment design procedures Risk Management guarantees Shareholder value purchasing price All measures designed to ensure the correct conduct of a company, its management and supervisory bodies and its employees. CORPORATE COMPLIANCE 10 Source: Copyright by GÖLLNER, LV Risikomanagement I, BOKU Wien, 2012 The main task of the Board / CEO is to ensure that: - organizational measures, training and controls and - the correct conduct of the company and its employees is ensured. The company should be protected from claims for damages and judicial and administrative authorities penalties. Text ergänzen aus Folienvortrag RM Vortrag BOKU: HANNES Process-Chart: Organisation „X“: 11 PL Strat.Plg. WM RM Controlling QM Oper.-Plg. PRODUCTION LAW SALES LOGISTIC Accounting etc. PR HRM R & D Orders Knowledge Logistics 12 KNOWLEDGE/RISK-PRODUCT Relation (FC, SC, HC, RC) SCENARIO Development MONITORING (Controlling) ORGANISATIONAL OPERATION General Process-Logic of an Organisation Source: Goellner Network Analysis of Banking & Finance Organisations Source: Practical example ›competence profiling: › ›social competences ›personal competences ›professional competences ›technique competences ›Leadership competences › ›for instance: ›Prof. Eduard E. Lawler III, USA, Development: Human-Capital-Measurement 1970-1980 as well as political implications for enterprises, shareholder and state, ›Prof. David P. Norton, USA, developed Balanced Scorcard under the criteria of measurement of Intangible Assets, ›The book: „Humanvermögensrechnung“ von Dr. Herbert Schmidt im Jahr 1974 and ›Flamholt´s Buch: Human Resource Accounting, published 1974, ›Introduction of Human Resource Accounting (HRA) at Barry Corporation, USA,1972, ›HC-Measurements at the enterprise SKANDIA (Skandia Navigator) ›HYPO-BANK, Germany, Realisation of the Human-Capital-Measurements via Employee-Value-Index (EVI) 1990, ›Buck Consultants of Mellon Financial: Development of a EVi-Expected Value of the individual (EVi represents the value of a individual for the organisation as minimum of the expected partitional contribution to the profit of the organisation) ›Intellectual Capital Report (Wissensbilanz) of the Austrian Research Centers ARC (2003) ›Intellectual Capital Report-Act (Wissensbilanz) for Austrian Public Universities (2004) Human Capital - Ideas Scandia Navigator: › skandia1 ›Input Models: value of the HC = in employee invested sum of money ›Output Models: value of the HC = from employee earned profits ›Comparison Value Models: value of the HC = difference between at the employment market potentially achievable value and the transacted investments ›Indicator Models: ›often only listings of indices ›mostly approximations › Human Capital - Models scheme of HC-models ›Input Models: ›HumanAssetWorth (Mayos 2001) ›Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (Public 1998/2000) ›Output Models: ›Accounting for the Future (Nash 2003) ›Calculated intangible Value (NCI Research, Stewart 1997) ›Human Capital Pricing Model (Bender/Röhling 2001) ›ROI on Human Capital (Fitzenz 200) ›Knowledge Capital Scoreboard (Lev/Bothwell 2001) ›EVi - (expected value of the individual) (Buck Consultants) › scheme of HC-models ›Comparison Value Models: › ›Excellence Modell (EFQM) (European Foundation for Quality Management, Brüssel) ›Global Human Resources Survey Report (PriceWaterhouseCooper, 2003) ›TRI*M Index (NFO Infratest) ›Overall Human Capital Index (Watson Wyatt) ›Ranking: Attractive Employer (Hewitt 2001) ›Value Creation Index (Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, › 1997/2000) ›CIPD Framework (Scarborough/Chartered Institute of Personnel& Development 2003) ›Intellectual Capital Ranking (Edvinsson2000) ›Human Capital Value (Human-Capital-Club e.V. Munich, Ge, 2003) ›Intellectual Capital Audit (Brooking 2000) scheme of HC-models ›Indicator Models: › ›Intangible Assets Monitor (Sveiby 1986/87) ›Skandia Navigator (Edvinsson 1991) ›Intellectual Capital Navigator (Stewart 1995) ›Human Resource Scorecard (Becker/Huselid/Ulrich 2001) ›Human Capital Indicator (Mercer 2001) ›Werttreiber-Modell (Wucknitz 2002) › (value driver-Model) › scheme of HC-models ›Saarbrücker Formel (formula): › › Value Basis Value Change Value Compensation Value Loss Practical example ›competence profiling: › ›social competences ›personal competences ›professional competences ›technique competences ›Leadership competences › › › Dr Gerhard Hanggi’s Model Individual skill profiling Tasks Skill profile Description Task 1-Control production costs Personal competences load-bearing capacity,credibility,goal oriented Technique competences critical thinker,conceptual skills,negoiation skills Professional competences strategy formulator,decion maker,problem solver Social competences conflict resolution ability,persuasive Task 2-Processing customer orders Personal competences crediblity, assertiveness,goal oriented Technique competences negotiation skills, language skills Professional competences delegation capabilites, problem solver Social competences social intelligence, conflict resolution Task 3-Investigate production problems Personal competences willingness to change, assertiveness, load bearing capacity Technique competences negotiator,structured thinking Professional competences decision maker, problem solver Social competences conflict resolution, flexibility Defining skill profile for position “Production Controller” C:\Users\OSWELL\Desktop\images5RIT37DV.jpg C:\Users\OSWELL\Desktop\porshe.png Users of Dr Hanggi’s model: Practical example › Kompetence Radar Practical example ›Assessment Center: › structure of a assessment center Profil of qualification observation/ rating system Simulations (exercises) potential assessment strengths-weakness-profil development of arrangements › Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Johannes GOELLNER, MSc email: johannes.goellner@meinesteuerberatung.at 1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 13/10, Austria mobil: +43-(0)650-22529991 Thank you for your attention. Questions ?