“HRM & KD” Dipl.-Ing. Johannes GÖLLNER, MSc Masaryk University, Brno, CZ September, 20th, 2019, 10:00–15:30 Lecture 2 Relevant CONTENT of HRM & OrgDev: 1.Which problems should have been solved by Human Resource Management in organizations, and in further consequence in economy and society? 2.Relation between organizational and individual capabilities and skills for strategic and operational organizational development 3.Relevance of Knowledge Management for Human Capital Leadership? 4.Models and methods for skill analysis and development (input, output and comparison models and methods with a special focus on assessment centres) 5.A practical example for the application of the assessment centre method in context of HRM 6.Relation between HRM, Knowledge Management and Risk Management for organizational development, controlling and leadership Bild3.png Quelle: Copyright by GÖLLNER, publiziert iRd MT-Hartinger, Donau Universität Krems, 05/2012, S.71 Generic description of the system ORGANISATION /market /product /knowledge /human being /data /resources Knowledge (FC, SC, HC, RC) SCENARIO EVALUATION (Controlling) Organisation-Development ORGANISATIONAL OPERATION 5 Entscheidungsfindung Quelle: Paul C. Nutt, 1998 49% 30% 4% 17% 6 References Paul C. Nutt How Decision Makers Evaluate Alternatives and the Influence of Complexity Management Science 1998 44:1148-1166; › 1.Challenges of HR in a Organisation › ›1.1 Support for capability development › ›1.2 Enabler for organisational/system interoperability › ›1.3 Improvement of the evaluation quality › („learning organisation“) › Bauplan Building the Knowledge Performance System with a Model Based Approach No engineer, designer or architect works without a plan / planning / BPM - tool! Do we have a KM - System, a Knowledge planning/ modelling tool and a KM/Evaluation tool in our organisation? ›1.1 Support for capability development › ›Capability is the entirety of a system that delivers an output or effect. It will most likely be a complex combination of: ›Strategy, Organisation, Training, Material, ›Leadership, Personnel,Facilities. › › › Holistic approach: „Product View“ › › - output or effect (capability) defined as a product/knowledge product? › - product - view for complex organisations/systems? › › › Knowledge is a Product › You have to design, produce and evaluate a product with resources, skills, processes and knowledge! › › Do you know, what quality/quantity of knowledge you need for a organisational development? › › If you can`t measure it - you can`t manage it! ›1.2 Enabler for interoperability ›Political ›Legal ›Organisational ›Semantical ›Technical › interoperability for a specific task/goal › › Managing approach: › „Process-Oriented KM & Model-Based KM - View“ › › - Do we have a tool for analysing, planning, documenting, managing and evaluating knowledge? › › › › Knowledge Management System „idea“ Goal/Task Evaluation Business-Process Management-Process Core-Process Support-Process „The Knowledge-Product – anchor point of business process oriented Knowledge Management“ Knowledge- Management Process Knowledge- and Skill Environment Knowledge Structures Knowledge Tools & Knowledge Sources Use case and product Processes and structures Ressources and support Knowledge Product Knowledge Management System IF YOU CAN`T MEASURE - YOU CAN`T MANAGE IT! HC relations and skills ›1.3 Improvement of the evaluation quality • Support the organisational development in the fields of: Managing Approach: „Knowledge Performance System - View“ - Realisation of the „Roadmap to Knowledge Resources, Human Capital, Processes, Use Cases Monitoring“ in Organisations possible? Knowledge Scorecard › We have to design and integrate a knowledge scorecard in corporate environments! › › Do we have the quality/quantity of knowledge workers (skills) we need in our organisation? › › Business instrument for measuring knowledge! › › › 3 pillars of a Knowledge Product › x › 4 perspectives of the scorecard › = › 12 views of the Architecture of the › Knowledge Performance System (KPS) 2. Common Denominator for Challenge National Defence Academy, Vienna, 2008 „Meta Layer“ combination of organisational & knowledge view Task Vision Mission Knowledge Architecture „model“ Goals Success Factors Cause & Effect Relations Business Scorecard Knowledge Scorecard Comprehensive analysing, planning, documenting, managing & evaluating instrument Z-Model: Future of strategic long-term planning 18 02.12.2019 RM - Process Big Data Analysis Generation of Data, Information & Knowledge Information Analysis Scenario Development Risk Evaluation Situational Awareness Risk Analysis Ratings/Portfolio Knowledge- Models Customer Correlation Options for Decisions Copyright by Goellner J./Klerx J., 06/2013-12/2013 Austria Germany U.K. USA Gesetze AktG, GmbHG, IRÄG, URÄG, RLÄG KontTraG, dAktG, dHGB, - Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002) Corporate Governance Kodizes Nationaler CGC (2002) Nationaler CGC (2006) Combined Code on Corporate Governance (2003) Final NYSE Corporate Governance Rules (2003) Standards & Empfehlungen ONR 49000:2010 ON ISO 31000 ISO 31010 - Revised Turnbull Guidance (2005), Orange Book (2004), BS 31100 COSO I & II LEGAL COMPLIANCE Exemplarely Documentation of different Regulations 19 All measures designed to ensure the correct conduct of a company, its management and supervisory bodies and its employees. CORPORATE COMPLIANCE 20 Source: Copyright by GÖLLNER, LV Risikomanagement I, BOKU Wien, 2012 The main task of the Board / CEO is to ensure that: - organizational measures, training and controls and - the correct conduct of the company and its employees is ensured. The company should be protected from claims for damages and judicial and administrative authorities penalties. Text ergänzen aus Folienvortrag RM Vortrag BOKU: HANNES CONTROLLING HRM Strategic HRM = Strategic HR-Controlling Operatively HRM = Operatively HR-Controlling Strategic CONTROLLING Operatively CONTROLLING Finance IKS Accounting vs. CO OVERVIEW – SUBMODULES / SYSTEM CONTENT.: 2.2. Knowledge Management II. : •2.2.3. Practical example: System of organizational knowledge development and knowledge management at a Austrian Governmental Organisation and its documentary, process and technical parameters. Bauplan Building the Knowledge Performance System with a Model Based Approach No engineer, designer or architect works without a plan / planning / BPM - tool! Do we have a KM - System, a Knowledge planning/ modelling tool and a KM/Evaluation tool in our organisation? Knowledge SCENARIO EVALUATION Knowledge Flow in a Organisation ORGANISATIONAL OPERATION > Strategic Concept Mission Assignment Training Assignment Research Assignment Environment threat scenarios Instruction scenario Research scenario Methods and Tools (e.g. Scenario- management) Training- report Mission- report Research- report Knowledge-Results Covering different layers Product Catalogue Mission, Training, Research Environment, Employees Skills Catalogue Processes Structures Resources Expert Level CEO (ops) Level CEO Level (strat.) Knowledge Risk Knowledge Balance: Specification of Goals INPUT: Structure quality based: –Human Resources •Employee's knowledge •Partner Knowledge •Suppliers Knowledge –Material Resources •Material Knowledge •Facility Knowledge –Market, Product, Customer Knowledge OUTPUT: Result quality based: –Effectiveness •Costs Knowledge •Effectively Knowledge •Financial Capital Knowledge –Efficiency •Efficiency Knowledge •Productivity Knowledge •Social Knowledge –Customer Satisfaction, Quality and Environmental knowledge •TRANSFORMATION: Process Quality based: –Process planning (Planning Knowledge, Method Knowledge) –Process steering (Steering Knowledge, Relationship Knowledge) –Transaction based Best Practise Process standard (Organisational Knowledge, Process Knowledge) –Process execution (Technical Knowledge, Execution Knowledge) –Process controlling (Controlling Knowledge, Criteria Knowledge) Quelle: Binner H.F., Wissensbasiertes Prozessmanagement sichert den Unternehmenserfolg, Wissensmanagement 4/2006 Wissensprodukte Knowledge Products of a Organisation „XYZ“ Production Training R & D According to the Organsational Preconditions? Knowledge Management System „idea“ Goal/Task Evaluation Business-Process Management-Process Core-Process Support-Process „The Knowledge-Product – anchor point of business process oriented Knowledge Management“ Knowledge- Management Process Knowledge- and Skill Environment Knowledge Structures Knowledge Tools & Knowledge Sources Use case and product HC relations and skills Processes and structures Ressources and support Knowledge Product Knowledge Management System IF YOU CAN`T MEASURE - YOU CAN`T MANAGE IT! Roadmap to Performance Monitoring Steering and Management Knowledge Performance Cockpit Communication Knowledge Scorecard Reports Definition of Initial Situation Knowledge Relevant Models Specification of Goals Success Factors and Knowledge Goals Identification of Cause-And- Effect Relations Cause and Effects Relations Quantification of Goals Indicators Operational Data Coupling Operational Data Datenbanken manuelle Datenzubringung xls, txt, csv Improvement of the evaluation quality? [USEMAP] Performance Monitoring Wolke 5 spreng2 Environment Identifizieren Use Case Wolke blackhawk2 einsatzkraefte Real Organisation NBC Defence School Resources Support Processes Structure Product Use Case Relations Skills HR Needed 2 1 3 4 Resources Support Processes Structure Product Use Case Relations Skills HR Available 2 1 3 4 [USEMAP] Steering [USEMAP] Reporting Knowledge Performance System “Simulation – model” Learning organisation? Performance Monitoring Views Expression What is available input? What is available knowledge? How to manage the knowledge? What is the impact of the knowledge? Resources and Support -Budget -Infrastructure -Material and Tools -Info and Communication HC relations and Skills -Persons -Skills -Relations Processes and Structures -Core Processes -Quality Relevant processes -Mgmt and Steering relevant processes Use Case and Product -Perceived Results -Use Case -Products Product Knowledge Product Architecture of the KPS + “12 Views” I II III VI IV V VII XII X IX VIII XI Outlook in Investments: 34 ADOscore® Controlling Cockpit Steering and Reporting of the Knowledge Balance ADOscore® Controlling Cockpit is HTML-based steering and management instrument for your Knowledge Balance. It combines Analysis, Management and Reporting functionalities in one application. ü Anytime ü ü ü ü ü Anywhere ü Tool Independent ü Fast and efficient üIndividually customizable Improvement of the evaluation quality? Knowledge › is the precondition for: ›an action ›or ›a non-action › › in an organisation / a system/ a domain, › it must be checked as relevant or irrelevant › (valid or not valid)(sure or not sure) by a › „decision instance“ › Knowldge is the ability to interpret data and information correctly, depending on the environment (system, organisation,...). Data and information are not sufficient for an interpretation! Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Johannes GOELLNER, MSc email: johannes.goellner@meinesteuerberatung.at 1030 Vienna, Marxergasse 13/10, Austria mobil: +43-(0)650-22529991 Thank you for your attention. Questions ?