MPH_BUPM Business Process Management


Main teacher: Michal Krčál
Teachers:   Jakub Vrchlabský
Lecture: Thursday 14:00, room 312
Seminar: Thursday 15:00, room 312
Teaching methods: lectures, class discussion, reading, teamwork, presentation

Aims of the course

At the end of the course, you should be able to:
  • define basic terms connected with BPM, BPMN, and BPMS;
  • describe techniques for retrieving information about processes, for modelling processes and for optimizing processes;
  • explain the concept of BPM (e.g. parts of the management discipline, frameworks used for implementing and managing BPM);
  • understand the importance of processes and their management in the context of the whole organization management;
  • orient in a variety of information tools that support BPM;
  • create a process model of an organization;
  • optimize semi-complex business processes.

Course organization

The course has officially one hour lecture and two hours seminar, however, the actual distribution of seminars and lectures will make the first half of the semester more theoretical (lectures will be instead of seminars) and the second half of the semester more practical (seminars instead of lectures).


  • End of semester test = 25%
    • mixed questions (closed, open), based on the lectures and reading
  • Active participation = 15%
    • active and value-added participation in classes (as the attendance is not mandatory, this is substitution); maximum 1.5 points per week
    • homework
  • Project draft = 10%
  • Team project = 50%
    • 12 % quality of project defence and discussion based upon the project (“oral exam”)
    • 38 % quality of the project
Following points are needed for getting the marks
  • A >= 90%
  • B >= 80%
  • C >= 70%
  • D >= 60%
  • E >= 50%

Team project

The goal of the team project (team consists of 4 students) is to conduct a process analysis in an organization. Which organization (or enterprise) you will analyse is your choice. The team project should have the following structure:
  • Introduction – mainly the content of the project and reasons for choosing the organization (enterprise)
  • Description of methodology – how did you perform the analysis, retrieved and analysed data, which software did you used, how did you spread the work among team members etc.
  • Description of the organization (enterprise) – to describe briefly the organization (location, size, business model, financial condition etc.)
  • Process architecture – to create Value chain diagram or Enterprise Architecture diagram of the enterprise
  • Model of two core (primary) processes – to describe in detail two core (primary) processes and model them according to BPMN.
  • Analysis of on core (primary) process and its optimization (possibly with simulation) – choose one primary process, analyse it and design, reason, simulate, and justify its optimization.
  • Conclusions – summary of the whole project.
In order to be able to produce the document with such structure, you should find a company (Czech company, your home country company) in which you can get access and be able to get information and data about processes. As a first step of the analysis, you should design process architecture in order to know, which processes are important in the organization and which processes are candidates for optimization. Then, you should choose two core (primary) processes and describe them and model them with the use of BPMN and modelling tool. Then, according to process architecture, you should choose at least one core (primary) process and optimize it, design to-be model and reason you optimization (in terms of strategic goals, money etc.).
For the purpose of the projects, you will be divided into the groups each containing the maximum of four members.
The projects will be assessed according to the following criteria:
  • The overall quality of the text and reasoning = 8 points
  • The precision of organization description = 4 points
  • Quality of process architecture = 8 points
  • Model of one core (primary) process and description = 5 points each (you are supposed to make at least two of them)
  • Optimization of one process = 8 points
  • Quality of the presentation and defence = 12 points
    • Quality, clarity and completeness of the presentation = 4 points
    • Ability to answer questions = 8 points