Seminar group 2 - Erika Putnová

Lesson 2 September 25

For this seminar please:


- read the text and do the exs. p.86-87/Reading 1,2,3
- Complete Vocabulary 1,2 p.88
- study the grammar- Conditionals p.160 and in the Power point presentation and complete Practice/p.89

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.


Join the class and study the vocabulary and definitions: IB COUNTERFEITING + definitions


Watch this short video and answer the questions  on the handout.


As for the presentations, find materials (video or articles) about counterfeiting of the following products and prepare a 1-minute presentation (summary but oral delivery- notes are allowed) in which you inform us about the MOST  important and interesting facts

Here are the assigned products:

money - Dobrovolná Jana
clothes- Flídrová Iva
toys- Formanová Monika
electronics- Hlavatá Linda
cosmetics- Homolová Lucie
footwear- Kašáková Dominika
bags, wallets, watches- Komárková Silvie
pharmaceuticals- Kravchenko Vitaliy
jewellery- Machková Lucie
media- Rohaľová Dominika
electronic games- Veysov Allen
food, wine- Tilňáková Dominika