6 BUDGET CONSTRAINT (Ch. 2) Chapter 2 name. Budget Constraint Introduction. These workouts are designed to build your skills in describing economic situations with graphs and algebra. Budget sets are a good place to start, because both the algebra and the graphing are very easy. Where there are just two goods, a consumer who consumes x\ units of good 1 and X2 units of good 2 is said to consume the consumption bundle, (xi,X2). Any consumption bundle can be represented by a point on a two-dimensional graph with quantities of good 1 on the horizontal axis and quantities of good 2 on the vertical axis. If the prices are pi for good 1 and pi for good 2, and if the consumer has income m, then she can afford any consumption bundle, (xi,^), such that PiXi+piXi < m. Onagraph, the budget line is just the line segment with equation pixi + P2%2 = m and with x\ and x