Organizational Behavior reviewing, keeping, and sticking to the change Tomáš Ondráček Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University 2020 Introduction Introduction ·ORBE ·2020 2 / 25 Introduction Change Management Indicator Model (SARA32, 2020) ·ORBE ·2020 3 / 25 Introduction COVID What about routines? ·ORBE ·2020 4 / 25 Introduction COVID: Routines (Young, 2020) ·ORBE ·2020 5 / 25 Introduction questions How to implement change? How to review change? How to make change stick? ·ORBE ·2020 6 / 25 Two Main Approaches Two Main Approaches ·ORBE ·2020 7 / 25 Two Main Approaches blueprint changes blueprint changes ·ORBE ·2020 8 / 25 Two Main Approaches blueprint changes blueprint changes a clear action plan ↓ a vision implementation rolling plan monitoring the effect of interventions taking corrective action (learning) the validity: a matter of course ·ORBE ·2020 9 / 25 Two Main Approaches emergent changes emergent changes ·ORBE ·2020 10 / 25 Two Main Approaches emergent changes emergent changes generally defined goals a general direction of change ↓ a vision implementation an open approach adaptations and revisions double-loop learning challenging assumptions to support the change plan ·ORBE ·2020 11 / 25 Monitoring Monitoring ·ORBE ·2020 12 / 25 Monitoring Hypotheses cause and effect (Kaplan, Kaplan, Norton, Norton, & Davenport, 2004) ·ORBE ·2020 13 / 25 Monitoring Hypotheses undestandable clear measurable (Kaplan et al., 2004) ·ORBE ·2020 14 / 25 Monitoring Monitoring: Questions Are interventions being implemented as intended? Are interventions producing the desired effect? Is the change plan still valid? (Hayes, 2014: 452–453) ·ORBE ·2020 15 / 25 Monitoring Problems the braking factors founding deviations and deflections external factors (Van de Ven & Poole, 1995: 520) ·ORBE ·2020 16 / 25 Measuring Measuring ·ORBE ·2020 17 / 25 Measuring performance balance scorecards Financial measures Customer-related measures Internal business process measures: Innovation and learning (Kaplan, Kaplan, Norton, & Norton, 1996) ·ORBE ·2020 18 / 25 Responses Responses ·ORBE ·2020 19 / 25 Responses Change Management Indicator Model (Hayes & Hyde, 2016: 2) ·ORBE ·2020 20 / 25 Sustainability Sustainability ·ORBE ·2020 21 / 25 Sustainability Definitions static dynamic (Van de Ven & Poole, 1995: 520–521, 525) ·ORBE ·2020 22 / 25 Sustainability Issues perception implementation timing, sequencing, and pacing ·ORBE ·2020 23 / 25 Sustainability Problems Those who initiated the change move on Accountability for development becomes diffused Knowledge and experience of new practices is lost through turnover Old habits are imported with recruits from less dynamic organizations The issues and pressures that triggered the change initiative are no longer visible New managers want to drive their own agenda Powerful stakeholders are using counter-implementation tactics to block progress Pump-priming funds run out Other priorities come on stream, diverting attention and resources Staff at all levels suffer initiative fatigue and enthusiasm for change falters. ((Buchanan, Fitzgerald, & Ketley, 2007) via (Hayes, 2014: 474)) ·ORBE ·2020 24 / 25 Sources Buchanan, D. A., Fitzgerald, L., & Ketley, D. (2007). Sustaining change and avoiding containment: practice and policy. The Sustainability and Spread of Organizational Change, 249–271. Hayes, J. (2014). The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave MacMillan. Hayes, J., & Hyde, P. (2016). The Change Management Indicator. Retrieved from wp-content/uploads/2013/09/The-Change-Management-Indicator.pdf Kaplan, R. S., Kaplan, R. E., Norton, D. P., Norton, D. P., & Davenport, T. H. (2004). Strategy maps: Converting intangible assets into tangible outcomes. Harvard Business Press. Kaplan, R. S., Kaplan, R. S., Norton, D. P., & Norton, D. P. (1996). The balanced scorecard: translating strategy into action. Harvard Business Press. SARA32. (2020). Animals funny - stick with me... change is happen... Retrieved from animals-funny-stick-with-me-change-is-happening Van de Ven, A. H., & Poole, M. S. (1995). Explaining development and change in organizations. Academy of management review, 20(3). doi: 10.5465/amr.1995.9508080329 Young, A. (2020, Mar). People are sharing their ’quarantine routines’ i’ve gotta ask, is everyone doing okay? Retrieved from