Adobe Systems Sylva Žáková Talpová, Jan Žák 1 Projektový management Adobe Systems Sylva Žáková Talpová, Jan Žák 2 Realizace a ukončení projektu Adobe Systems Sylva Žáková Talpová, Jan Žák 3 Adobe Systems Realizace projektu ̶Plán projektu schválen ̶Rozpočet, harmonogram, WBS – baseline ̶Plány – rizika, zainteresované strany ̶Kick-off meeting “If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough.” (M. Addretti, winner of the 1978 Formula One World Championship) Adobe Systems Realizace projektu ̶Reportování ̶Srovnávání skutečnosti s plánem ̶ ̶Procenta dokončenosti ̶Project status/stage ̶Milestones trend analysis ̶Earned Value Management (EVM) Adobe Systems Earned Value Management - EVM ̶A way to measure and evaluate the project performance ̶Compares the amount of work planned with what is actually accomplished to determine whether the project is on the track ̶Appropriate for projects with more or less stable scope (investment property construction etc.) Adobe Systems EVM: Planned Value Planned value (PV) ̶the planned cost of work scheduled to be done in a given time period Adobe Systems EVM: Planned value EXAMPLE According to the plan, 3 employees should work on the task for 12 days. Control time: after 6 days Planned value (at a control time) is _____ mandays. Adobe Systems EVM: Earned Value Earned value (EV) ̶the planned cost of work actually performed in a given time period ̶the amount of EV is determined by totaling the cost estimates for the activities that were actually completed in the time period. EXAMPLE: According to the plan, 3 employees should work on the task for 12 days. 75% of the task is ready on the control day 6. ̶Earned value is _____ mandays. ̶ Adobe Systems EVM: Actual cost Actual cost (AC) ̶determined by totaling the expenditures for the work performed in a given time period EXAMPLE According to the plan, 3 employees should work on the task for 12 days. ̶Report from the responsible employee (on a control day 6): “We worked on the task according to the plan, but one colleague fell ill the third day. So from the fourth day there are only two of us working on the task.” ̶Actual cost is ______ mandays. Adobe Systems PV, EV, AC USEFUL TEMPLATE: Adobe Systems VARIANCES Schedule variance (SV) the difference between the planned and the actual work completed ̶SV=EV-PV ̶Ahead/behind the schedule? ̶ Cost variance (CV) ̶the difference between the planned cost and the actual cost of work completed ̶CV=EV-AC ̶Under/over the budget? ̶ Adobe Systems INDEXES SPI – schedule performance index ̶a ratio of work performed to work scheduled ̶this ratio is a measure of efficiency in the schedule SPI=EV/PV ̶SPI<1 ….. a project is behind the schedule ̶SPI>1 ….. a project ahead of schedule ̶ Adobe Systems INDEXES CPI – cost performance index ̶a ratio of budgeted costs to actual costs ̶this ratio is a measure of cost efficiency ̶ CPI=EV/AC ̶CPI<1…..the work is costing more than planned ̶CPI>1…..the work is being produced for less than planned ̶ Adobe Systems INDEXES ̶Provide a quick snapshot of the project´s efficiencies at a given point in time ̶More valuable when used periodically ̶Used for forecasting: ̶ ̶Budget at completion (BAC) - from WBS ̶Estimate to complete (ETC)=(BAC-EV)/CPI ̶Estimate at completion (EAC)=AC+ETC ̶To complete performance index (TCPI)=(BAC-EV)/(BAC-AC) Adobe Systems EVM Exercise ̶The Project was scheduled to cost €1,500 and was originally scheduled to be completed today. As of today, however, the project has spent €1,350, and it is estimated that only two-thirds of the work has been completed. Calculate the schedule and cost variances and the schedule and cost indices. SV= CV= CPI= SPI= Adobe Systems Sylva Žáková Talpová, Jan Žák 17 Limitations ̶Quantification of project plan is required (x SW, research) ̶Project accounting is a necessary prerequisity ̶90-90 rule ̶Discretization error ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems Sylva Žáková Talpová, Jan Žák 18 Ukončení projektu ̶Akceptace ̶Předání výsledku projektu ̶Benefity – měření – později (po projektu) ̶Hodnocení průběhu projektu + lessons learned ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems Sylva Žáková Talpová, Jan Žák 19 Příklady projektů ̶Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant ̶BER Airport ̶New Coke ̶Elbphilharmonie Hamburg ̶Hoover-dam ̶ Adobe Systems Sylva Žáková Talpová, Jan Žák 20 Děkujeme! Máte otázky? Sylva Žáková Talpová Jan Žák