csi_logo_mit_uni_hd | ‹#› 1 1 Social Entrepreneurship Introduction Masarykova Univerzita, Brno October 6th, 2017 Martin Hölz, M.A. (modified by V. Hyánek) Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› •Introducing • •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shbcHtvqHus Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› http://www.gartenbista.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Fisch-Onkelchen-Fotoliaid14231759.jpg •A new fish in the water? Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› •.what is social entrepreneurship all about? Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› •Working on and solving social problems… • •… with innovative ideas. So is social entrepreneurship the research and development department of society? • •… with entreprenuerial, often market-based approaches: So does social entrepreneurship overcome market failure? • •… in many thematic fields: education, social services, care taking, environment, green energy, economic development on a regional scale, fairtrade etc. So does one size fit all? • • • Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› The European Union´s point of view: •...an operator in the social economy whose main objective is to have a social impact rather than make a profit for their owners or shareholders. It operates by providing goods and services for the market in an entrepreneurial and innovative fashion and uses its profits primarily to achieve social objectives. It is managed in an open and responsible manner and, in particular, involves employees, consumers and stakeholders affected by its commercial activities. • •https://ec.europa.eu/growth/sectors/social-economy_en •https://ec.europa.eu/growth/sectors/social-economy/enterprises_en • Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› The Commission uses the term 'social enterprise' to cover the following types of business: •Those for who the social or societal objective of the common good is the reason for the commercial activity, often in the form of a high level of social innovation •Those whose profits are mainly reinvested to achieve this social objective •Those where the method of organisation or the ownership system reflects the enterprise's mission, using democratic or participatory principles or focusing on social justice •There is no single legal form for social enterprises. Many social enterprises operate in the form of social cooperatives, some registered as private companies limited by guarantee, some are mutual, and a lot of them are non-profit-distributing organisations like provident societies, associations, voluntary organisations, charities or foundations. • Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Social enterprises mainly operate in 4 fields: •Work integration - training and integration of people with disabilities and unemployed people •Personal social services - health, well-being and medical care, professional training, education, health services, childcare services, services for elderly people, or aid for disadvantaged people •Local development of disadvantaged areas - social enterprises in remote rural areas, neighbourhood development/rehabilitation schemes in urban areas, development aid and development cooperation with third countries •Other - including recycling, environmental protection, sports, arts, culture or historical preservation, science, research and innovation, consumer protection and amateur sports • Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› The European Union´s point of view: •What is Social Enterprise? •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PKBL4C4TJQ • • • Thus to SE belong: · businesses providing social services and/or goods and services to vulnerable persons (access to housing, health care, assistance for elderly or disabled persons, inclusion of vulnerable groups, child care, access to employment and training, dependency management, etc.); and/or · businesses with a method of production of goods or services with a social objective (social and professional integration via access to employment for people disadvantaged in particular by insufficient qualifications or social or professional problems leading to exclusion and marginalisation) but whose activity may be outside the realm of the provision of social goods or services. Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Market? State? Civil Society? Market Family/ Community NGO’s NPO’s Informal networks CIVIL SOCIETY State Social Entrepreneur Organization (social economy) •Social Entrepreneurs as hybrids that combine several institutional logics Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Market? State? Civil Society? (Quelle: Alter 2004) Civil Society Market Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Stability… tability •…the social economy has emerged from the economic and financial crisis largely unscathed. Today, the sector provides paid employment to 6.3% of the working population in the EU-28, compared to 6.5% in 2012… • http://www.ciriec.ulg.ac.be/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/RecentEvolutionsSEinEU_Study2017.pdf • Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› a …& broader context much broader context •…activities undertaken by Social Economy entities have a much broader context, namely the building of both participatory democracy and social capital. This applies in a special way to the Member States, which have joined the EU since 2004. Most of them were until 1989/1990 socialist countries under the domination of the Soviet Union with non-existing or very limited activities by civil society. •…while the paid employment rate in the social economy is 6.3% in the EU as a whole, the same rate in the "new" Member States amounts to an average of 2.5% • •http://www.ciriec.ulg.ac.be/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/RecentEvolutionsSEinEU_Study2017.pdf Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› .overlapping semantics •Social entrepreneur • Social entrepreneurship • Social entrepreneurship organization • • Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Social Entrepreneurs – some examples •A list to distinguished social entrepreneurs: •Germany: http://germany.ashoka.org/fellows •International: https://www.ashoka.org/fellows ; http://www.schwabfound.org/entrepreneurs •15 Social Entrepreneurs and Their Crazy Ideas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlXKcpgPP6M • • Muhammad Yunus Quelle: moralheroes.org Muhammad Yunus Grameen Andreas Heinecke_color-copyright maxlautenschlaeger Quelle: entrepreneurship.de Anderas Heinecke Dialog im Dunkeln Katja Urbatsch Quelle: arbeiterkind.de Katja Urbatsch Arbeiterkind.de Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› … and some „unknown“ examples: AWO-Logo Bild in Originalgröße anzeigen Diakonie Deutschland •Entrepreneurial ideas and incentives in the social service sector, by municipalities, by cooperatives: •à Bias in the media: only few social entrepreneurs with a high „glamour“ are in the focus Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› An elite phenomena? (Quelle: MEFOSE Studie (Jansen et al. 2013), Grafik erschienen in Enorm, Wirtschaft für den Menschen) Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› versteinerter Fisch, Dastilbe elongatus •.new or fossils? • Quelle: www.fossilien.de Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Robert Owen, 1771-1858; entrepreneur and co-founder of cooperative system Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen 1818 - 1888; official, micro credit, cooperative bank system Florence Nightingale, 1820 - 1910; nurse, founder of modern nursing Maria Montessori, 1870 - 1952; physician, founder of Montessori educational institutions Social Entrepreneurs are not a new phenomenon • • Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› •How does it work? • http://images.mtvnn.com/527e9476006efc2d0bff58447547522b/622x350%3E © national geopgrahic Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Verbavoice (München) Direct SE approach of value creation VerbaVoice Field of activity: services for hearing-impaired people Approach: providing mobile, ICT-based interpreters services that allows hearing-impaired to participate in society (education, events, public authorities, media) Income structure: service fees via public social service systems; growth capital from impact investment fund Legal form: limited liability company (GmbH) Bildungskongress in Wien mit Live-Text Studentin mit VerbaVoice App Case Studies Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Case Studies Home Dialogue in the Dark / Dialogue Social Enterprise Direct-indirect SE approach of value creation Field of activity: Work integration for visually-impaired people; awareness enhancement Approach: Visually impaired people serve as guides or coaches in public exhibitions and team building and leadership workshops in the dark; international franchise system Income structure: service fees, consultancy fees for franchisees, license payments, donations Legal form: limited liability company, association http://www.dialog-im-dunkeln.de/NEW2011/wp-content/startpics/50.jpg Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Case Studies Regionalwert AG Indirect SE approach of value creation Field of activity: Regional agricultural / economic development Approach: Local shareholders invest in fund; fund facilitates local value chains by buying and leasing farms and related businesses and emphasize social and ecological production conditions Income structure: Rents, equity interest Legal form: public company / stock corporation Logo Regionalwert AG Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Resources •à Hybrid financing (revenues, grants, subsidies, etc.) •à Varies over time Volunteering and volunteers are often mobilized ß Only seldom SE resolves market failure (Quelle: MEFOSE Studie (Jansen et al. 2013), Grafik erschienen in Enorm, Wirtschaft für den Menschen) Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Resources •Optional: •5 Keys to Success For Social Entrepreneurs: Lluis Pareras at TEDxBarcelonaChange •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl8c5ooHfWs • Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› http://www.klassewasser.de/content/language1/img_636/wasserwissen-biologie-oekosysteme-visual-koral lenriff.jpg •…and the environment Quelle: www.klassewasser.de Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Eco system - promotion agencies ASHOKA.png Schwab Logo.png Schwab.jpg SKOLL II.jpg Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Eco system – social spaces •Networking and support: hubs, labs, moocs, etc. • http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/social_business/docs/conference/agenda.jpg Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Eco system – financial support •Financing: Social Investemt Funds, Foundations, Fellowship Programmes • - adapted to specific needs (e.g. duration until break even, due to innovation costs, etc. ) • • Startseite Logo Regionalwert AG Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Eco system – education and research •Education: universities, private or non-profit institutes (from student to executive level) Social Entrepreneurship Akademie Soziales Unternehmertum Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Eco system – politics and policies •Policy: • •EU Level: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/social_business/index_de.htm • Single Market Act – Social Business Initiative • •National Level: http://www.bmwi.de/DE/Mediathek/publikationen,did=714908.html • Engagement Strategy of National German Government • • •à The potential of social entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurship as model of solving problems is recognized [over-estimated?] Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› http://www.simfisch.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/vmc-haken.jpg •…where is the catch? Quelle: www.simfisch.de Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Problems •What does „social“ mean? à is subject to societal negotiation processes • •Impact and scaling: How influential are social entrepreneurship organizations in huge social service markets? How is it possible for good approaches to be spread? • •Trade offs between social and economic goals: where do they emerge / how are they tackled and solved? Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Selection of problems (financing, surroundings, organizational development) •High local rooting with complex stakeholder structures: How is it possible to replicate / transfer this into different contexts? •Lack of qualified staff and professionals: specific demands for and in social entrepreneurship organizations, low salaries, entrepreneurial risk •Status Quo preference and competitive thinking: established actors in administration and welfare state organizations might be reluctant towards / avoid change •Organizational development and quality cntrol: Are good innovators / social entrepreneurs good managers, too? •A question of scaling: Yes? No? If yes, who is responsible? • Kurze verbale Ausführungen zu den einzelnen Punkten inc Beispiele – ggfs auch unterscheidung zwischen SE und SI Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Problems of financing •Structural barriers of connectivity to public funding and social security systems, as social entrepreneurs act across sector boundaries and often support preventive work •Limited offers on the free capital market barrier for non-profit organizations •Lack of broad share or competition among impact investors •Buereaucratic barriers regarding applications, reporting and monitoring •„Fear of contact“ between social and economic sector Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› Symbolbild: Fischschwarm, bald eine Seltenheit? . further readings Quelle: www.stohl.de Textové pole: CSI_klein | ‹#› •Alter, K. (2004). Social enterprise typology. Virtue Venures (Vol. 2004). Virtue Ventures LLC. http://rinovations.edublogs.org/files/2008/07/setypology.pdf •Achleiter, A.K. & Spiess-Knafl, W. (2010). Social Entrepreneurship. Eine Einführung für Studenten. TU München, http://socent.e-learning.imb-uni-augsburg.de/files/Social%20Entrepreneurship.%20Eine%20Einf%C3%BChr ung.pdf •Hackenberg, Helga, Empter, Stefan (Hrsg.). (2011). Social Entrepreneurship - Social Business: Für die Gesellschaft unternehmen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS •Jansen, Stephan A, Heinze, Rolf G., Beckmann, Markus (Hrsg.) (2013). Sozialunternehmen in Deutschland - Analysen, Trends und Handlungsempfehlungen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS •Kopf, Hartmut, Müller, Susan, Rüede, Dmonik, Lurtz, Kathrin, Russo, Peter (2015). Soziale Innovationen in Deutschland. Wiesbaden: Springer VS •Nicholls, A., & Murdock, A. (2011). Social Innovation: Blurring Boundaries to Reconfigure Markets. (A. Nicholls & A. Murdock, Eds.). Hampshire, UK & New York: Macmillan. •Mair, J., Robinson, J., & Hockerts, K. (2006). Social Entrepreneurship. (J. Mair, J. Robinson, & K. Hockerts, Eds.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. • •