Course Contents

Socail Policy + Policy seminars

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Time schedule of presentations:

1/12/21Application of fiscal rules in selected country
Critical assessment of growth policies in selected country
Eric Cudjoe,  Maxence Renier,  Antoine Ruanlt
Alex Caberol Estanguy,  Pablo Domingo Torres,  Irene Gines Cuevas,  Haizea Lopez Hernandez
8/12/21Fiscal policy during/after the pandemic
Fiscal sustainability in selected country
Inequality and its solution in the selected country.
Unconventional monetary policy in selected country

Ekaterina Sevostyan,  Ivan Yaroshevich
Richard Vašíček, Jorge Valle
Anastasiya Beliakova,  Bekirhan Catalkaya,  Mirek Houdek
Andrea Campagnoli,  Younes El Ouafiq
Monetary policy during/after the pandemic
Reforming labour market institutions in selected country
Pimprenelle Duval,  Noemie Laine,  Antoine Ruanlt
Carina Baeumler,  Deko Çaushllari
