Finance (Basic) Ludek Benada Department of Finance Office 533 Other Financial Institutions Financial institutions ... Institutions have to operate within established regulatory guidelines. FIs provide financial services for clients (intermediaries...). q Types of OFIs qDeposit-accepting institutions qNon-bank financial companies qPension funds qInvestment funds qHedge funds qInsurance companies qBrokers, Underwriters q Deposit-accepting Instituions … accept and manage deposits and make loans (including banks, building societies, credit unions, trust companies, mortgage loan companies) Banking license! Non-bank Financial Companies NBFCs belong to FI are offering to clients banking services with the exception of taking deposits è lower regulation. q Categories of NBFCs qDevelopment finance institutions qLeasing companies qInvestment companies qHouse finance companies qVenture capital companies qDiscount and guarantee houses qCorporate development companies q Pension Funds … provide public specific protection (income payments on retirement). Pension plan - employers, unions, individuals. Some tax benefits, Investment of long-term securities with lower risk. Collective Investment … is a way of investing money alongside other investors in order to benefit from the advantages of investing as a part of group of investors. Adventatges of CI: qProfessional management qEconomies of scale qDiversification Mutual Funds … are financial intermediaries that pool the financial resources of many small investors by selling shares and using the proceeds to buy securities. qOpen-end Fund q qClosed-end Fund Hedge Funds … special type of mutual fund with estimated assets of more than 500 billion dollars. Not for small investors, minimum investment 100,000.00 and more (USD). The number of investors is limited as well (e.g. no more then 100) Insurance Companies What is an insurance? A protection in the case if an unexpected event occurs (risk will be realized). What is a risk? è Deviation of E(x) Categories of Insurance qLife insurance – protection illness, accident, death. q qProperty and casualty insurance (Non-life insurance) – cover loses as a result of fire, accidents, natural disasters. q q q q Brokerage Firms … FI that facilitates the buying and selling of financial assets between a buyer and a seller. Serve to clients, which trade public stocks or securities. Underwriters … a firm that assumes financial risks on behalf of another. Typically for IPO. If there are not enough investors the underwriter(s) should hold some securities themselves. Globalization of FI Fis expand internationally. Three main reasons: Expansion of multinational corporations encouraged expansion of commercial banks to serve these foreign subsidiaries, There is less restriction in regulation abroad, To create a „global image“. Consolidation of FI Recent years we can observe the trend to consolidate FI. A finance conglomerate may own every type of financial institution. Typically banks offer non-banking services as well (insurance, securities). Thank you for your attention