Environmental Economy and Sustainable Development

02_Field_trip_Botanic gardens and their activities in the context of environmental impacts

Sustainable, educational and full of experience – Kejbaly garden at PedF MUNI 

(BPR_AENE field trip on October 1, 2021 at 14:00, meeting point is bus stop “Univerzitní kampus” in front of NOTINO perfume shop at Campus square, with direct connection from Lipová by trolley #25, which takes around 10–15 min)  

Changes in one’s mindset are not initiated by knowledge, but by experience. Kejbaly garden is a place that allows students to see, try and understand how one can influence the environment around at both individual and community level. In Kejbaly garden, you will see that:

  • Biowaste does not have to be a waste, but rather a resource with wide utilization, if proper technology is available and applied
  • You do not need a lot of water, if you take advantage of physical features of various materials for it’s transportation to the plants 
  • Recycling can represent new and less usual processes within the garden 

Photos from the field trip:

Botanical garden
How to keep water in the garden
Botanical garden
Preparation of biochar
Botanical garden
Creating biochar