SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM Markéta Novotná, Ph.D. Department of Regional Economics and Administration BPR_ AENE September 24, 2021 STRUCTURE OF THE LECTURE 2 Course schedule & requirements Interactive syllabus & recommended reading Sustainable development and tourism COURSE SCHEDULE & REQUIREMENTS 3 Written test: • One Answer Choice • 1 point per each question • 60% to pass • Motivation: Extra points to the exam (up to 20%) => attendance list for field trips and external lecturers FIELD TRIP NO 1: INVITATION  Complex Botanic Garden Kejbaly, Vinohrady 100  Lecture no 2: Botanic gardens and their activities in the context of environmental impacts  (pedagogical accompaniment: Ing. Michal Struk, Ph.D.; e-mail:  Kejbaly garden is a place that allows students to see, try and understand how one can influence the environment around at both individual and community level. In Kejbaly garden, you will see that:  Biowaste does not have to be a waste, but rather a resource with wide utilization, if proper technology is available and applied  You do not need a lot of water, if you take advantage of physical features of various materials for its transportation to the plants  Recycling can represent new and less usual processes within the garden 4 Meeting point: bus stop “Univerzitní kampus” in front of NOTINO perfume shop at Campus square, with direct connection from Lipová by trolley #25, which takes around 10–15 min INTERACTIVE SYLLABUS & RECOMMENDED READING 5 or alternatively in: Study materials posted under the course ESF:BPR_AENE WARM-UP ACTIVITY: TELL US SOMETHING ABOUTYOURSELF!!  Your name, nationality, motivation to study this course…  Your hometown like a tourist destination?  Is your town popular with tourists?With domestic or foreign tourists?  If not, why is that?  What is the biggest attraction for tourists in/nearby your town?  If you were a destination manager, what would you promote to attract tourists? 6 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM We will talk about: • tourism and its system in general • negative impacts of tourism on destination environment • concept of sustainable development • responsible/sustainable consumer behaviour 7 Do not forget: it's all about people and their behaviour!! 1.TOURISM IN GENERAL  (nearly) Everyone take part in tourism activities.  (nearly) Everyone has been a tourist from time to time.  Do you know what are the resources for tourism development?  What makes a place a tourist destination?  What do you understand by tourism system? 8 BUT: We need to know the answers to understand tourism industry and its impact on environment RESOURCES FOR TOURISM DEVELOPMENT 9  Primary resources  Natural tourism resources (mountain, lake…)  Anthropogenic tourism resources (castle, church…)  Secondary resources (zoos, slopes, hotels…) Essential part of tourist´s experience Appropriate combination of historical, cultural, environmental and managerial assets Again: about PEOPLE (owners/providers/residents) ? Which resources were originally created for another purpose, not for tourism? ? Which resources were deliberately built to satisfy the needs of tourists? ? Which of them are required for tourism development / tourism growth? 3C TOURISM AS A SYSTEM 10 Haedrich, Kaspar, Klemm, & Kreilkamp (1998:16) DEMAND SUPPLY People also make up the tourism system Tourists/visitors Owners/providers/ inhabitants…. Those people (and therefore also tourism) are not isolated from the superior system -> it determines further development / tourism put pressure on it exogenous/external inputs endogenous/internal inputs TOURISM AND ITS IMPACTS  tourism activities can lead to economic, social (socio-cultural) and environmental impacts  positive  negative 11 Tourism puts pressure on 3 pillars of sustainability Sustainability principles refer to the environmental, economic and socio-cultural aspects of tourism development, and a suitable balance must be established between these three dimensions. Tourism can have positive and lasting effects on our cultural and natural heritage, on creativity and cultural diversity, and on the balance of societies. BUT: So, what is the subject of the study? Internal or external outputs? Superior system Tourism system INTEXT TOURISM AND ITS IMPACTS  tourism activities can lead to economic, social (socio-cultural) and environmental impacts  positive  negative 12 Tourism puts pressure on 3 pillars of sustainability Sustainability principles refer to the environmental, economic and socio-cultural aspects of tourism development, and a suitable balance must be established between these three dimensions. Tourism can have positive and lasting effects on our cultural and natural heritage, on creativity and cultural diversity, and on the balance of societies. BUT: So, what is the subject of the study? Internal or external outputs? Superior system Toursim system INTEXT TOURISM AND ITS IMPACTS 13 Impacts Economic impacts Social-cultural impacts Environmental impacts POSITIVE - Jobs - GDP - Investments - Export - Social opportunities - Preservation & promotion of local culture and heritage - Education - Positive exchanges & interaction between local residents and tourists - Restoration - Conservation - Protection awareness on environmental protection NEGATIVE - Leakage of revenue Who gains? Who loses? - Seasonality (fluctuation) - Price increase of goods / sevices; higher cost of living - Over-reliance on tourism - Touristification - Loss of authenticity misrepresent local culture cultural invasion - Commercializing visual spectacles to attract tourist - Invade privacy - Criminality street prostitution, gambling - Erosion - Pollution air pollution, carbon footprint increased tourist transportation visual and noise pollution - Wasting resources 14 EKONOMICKÝ PILÍŘ – PŘÍKLADY Let´s think about it!Which pillar is affected and why? What problems are hidden here? Overcrowding / congestion Mass production, commodification vs. local products Price level? Daily necessities? 15 EKONOMICKÝ PILÍŘ – PŘÍKLADY More information related to economic environment Overcrowding / congestion Process of touristification: the process in which a place becomes only an object of tourist consumption. Overcrowding, souvenirs… It refers to the impact of mass tourism on the commercial and social fabric of neighbourhoods, causing services, facilities, and shops to be oriented towards tourist rather than the resident. 16 „Tourismphobia“ Let´s think about it!Which pillar is affected and why? What problems are hidden here? Bad conditions for daily life Disneyfication of the town (dis)Harmony between traditional and foreign cultures Be aware of local codes of ethics Sharing economy? 17 Let´s think about it!Which pillar is affected and why? What problems are hidden here? Visual pollutionDisruption of the biosystem Littering the nature => species killed by plastic bags. DESTINATON LIFE CYCLE 18 Butler (1980) This model can be applied to many tourist destinations. - theoretical concept of carrying capacity which involves social and environmental limits - 5+ stages which destinations go through as they become tourist destinations BUT the specificity of the destination: rural, urban, mountain, coastal, etc. DESTINATON LIFE CYCLE –YOUR ACTIVITY 19 Butler (1980) See the interactive syllabus b) Few tourist facilities only a small number of adventurous travellers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Individual phases and their characteristics – connect them together! d) Local people start to provide facilities for tourists a) Area recognised as a destination, more tourists, new tourist facilities built g) Promotion in new markets, change of strategies, making changes through innovation,investment e)Tourist number peaks, environmental damage, less fashionable destination,obsolete equipment c)Tourist number decline as they seek new, extraordinary destinations f) Large number of tourists, facilities owned by large companies, initial conflicts DESTINATON LIFE CYCLE – DIDYOU GET IT RIGHT? 20 Butler (1980) b) Few tourist facilities only a small number of adventurous travellers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 d) Local people start to provide facilities for tourists a) Area recognised as a destination, more tourists, new tourist facilities built g) Promotion in new markets, change of strategies, making changes through innovation,investment e)Tourist number peaks, environmental damage, less fashionable destination, obsolete equipment c)Tourist number decline as they seek new, extraordinary destinations f) Large number of tourists, facilities owned by large companies, initial conflicts TIME TO SUSTAINABILITY  Sustainable tourism  meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future (UNWTO)  tourism development which respects the environment, ensures long-term conservation of historical and cultural resources, and is socially and economically acceptable and equitable  NOT ONLY about protecting the environment, it is also concerned with long-term economic viability and social justice  Related sustainable concepts  Eco-tourism – promoting and protecting natural values  Community-based tourism – increasing the involvement of the host community  Pro-poor tourism – generates net benefits for the poor 21 22 WHATTO DO?  Sustainability: great idea & great philosophical concept  But how to achieve it?  Any suggestions?  What should we change? How?  What tools should we use? 23 Demand vs Supply? Incentives vs Restrictions? Motivation or Threats? What tools do you know? WHERE TO START?  In consumer behaviour area – promote responsible behaviour and implement a sustainability agenda 24 sustainability (theory, seen as a concept) responsibility (practice, understood as an appropriate action) DIFFERENCES: What could help us to change our behaviour? SUSTAINABILITY & TOURISM – WHAT IS IT ABOUT? 25 CANYOU INTERPRETTHEVIDEO AND ITS MESSAGE?  The first week of holidays?What did the „hero“ enjoy?What did he do?  What kind of souvenir did he bring?  How did the „hero“ change his behaviour and how did he spend his next holidays?  What helped him change his behaviour? 26 A NOTE: The video was created on the occasion of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development which was declared by the United Nations in 2015. The history of sustainable tourism began to be written earlier – you probably heard about Rio Summit where the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development took part in June 1992 CANYOU INTERPRETTHEVIDEO AND ITS MESSAGE? 27 EXPERIENCE EDUCATION EMPATHY 3E: And what is your approach to responsibility and sustainability? 28 Thank you for your attention! Ing. Markéta Novotná, Ph.D. Department of Regional Economics and Administration Institute of Tourism Faculty of Economics and Administration Masaryk University E-mail: